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Science Technology Acronyms: more books (48) | |||||||
61. CDR Lingo To CDR Home Glossary of acronyms ONR Office of Naval Research The ONR coordinates,executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the http://www-cdr.stanford.edu/CDR/acronyms.html | |
62. Wauu.DE: Science: Technology: Television television broadcasting and reception Definition of abbreviations, acronyms and TLAs Sitefeatures excellent papers covering current technology throughout the http://www.wauu.de/Science/Technology/Television/ | |
63. Online_dictionary and meanings. It covers common acronyms, computers, science, technology,government, telecommunications, and military acronyms. http://www.onlinedictionary.com/social/acronyms.htm | |
64. House Of Lords - Science And Technology - Seventh Report APPENDIX 9 acronyms. ABPI, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.ACNFP, Surveillance. OST, UK Office of science and technology. OSTP, http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld199798/ldselect/ldsctech/ | |
65. House Of Lords - Science And Technology - Second Report acronyms. BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. CBI Confederationof British Industry. CRAFT Cooperative Research Action for technology. http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld199697/ldselect/ldsctech/ | |
66. National Report - Glossary Of Acronyms CST, Council on science and technology. CTI, Computers in Teaching Initiative. OST,Office of science and technology. OU, Open University. PEP, Personal Equity Plan. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/ncihe/nr_407.htm | |
67. HEFCE : About Us : Glossary And Acronyms : Abbreviations / Acronyms HEFCE logo, Abbreviations / acronyms. ACFHE, Association of Colleges of Further Higher Education. ACOST, Advisory Council on science technology. http://www.hefce.ac.uk/glossary/acronyms.htm | |
68. Earth Sciences Sector Business Plan - List Of Acronyms ANNEX C List of acronyms. 3R Sector Recruitment, Rejuvenation and RetentionStrategy. CSTA Committee of science and technology Advisors. http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/ess/business/bp/businessplan-2001/annex-c_e.htm | |
69. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Glossaries scienceRelated acronyms searchable and browsable acronyms related to relating tobiology, chemistry, medicine, science or technology, CancerWeb OneLook http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/glossary.htm | |
70. Glossary - Acronyms acronyms (pdf file). Education and Public Outreach group at the Spitzer science Center,located on the campus of the California Institute of technology and part http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/Media/glossaryacronyms.shtml | |
71. ING Annual Report 1999 - Appendix J. Acronyms And Abbreviations Appendix J. acronyms and Abbreviations AAO, AngloAustralian Observatory. ICS, InstrumentControl System. ICSTM, Imperial College of science, technology and Medicine. http://www.ing.iac.es/PR/AR1999/appj99.html | |
72. Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary For Computer And Internet Terms And Defini An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and techincal support. Small Business. Windows technology. Wireless Internet. xSP need for computer and Internet technology definitions. Computer Industry Companies. Computer science. Data. Graphics. Hardware http://www.webopedia.com/ | |
73. Space Mission Acronym List And Hyperlink Guide Instrument and Sensing technology. Space Mission Acronym List and Hyperlink Guide. missions,and represents the bias towards robotic science missions imposed by http://ranier.oact.hq.nasa.gov/Sensors_page/MissionLinks.html | |
74. EPSCI Home Page The Ames Laboratory s Environmental Protection Sciences Program is for many ofour technology projects. geology. Guide to Government acronyms; Glossary of http://www.epsci.ameslab.gov/ |
75. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Technology/QualityEngineering Top science technology Quality Engineering (148 links). A portal site with Qualityrelatedacronyms, a glossary Institute of Standards and technology (NIST). http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Technology/QualityEngineering |
76. Science.gov Topic Communication For User Category All Categories wireless elements National science Foundation (NSF DoD and Information TechnologyAcronym List Listing of abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms http://www.science.gov/browse/w_117B.htm | |
77. Related SitesDepartment Of Defense (DoD) Related Websites Department of Defense (DoD) Related WebsitesAcronyms, Dictionaries, Glossaries Oregon Graduate Institute of science technology; Technical Reports FTP http://www.dacs.dtic.mil/databases/url/key.hts?keycode=6:48:230:234&islowerlevel |
78. SEL Resources: Science, Technology, And Society Research Guide science, technology, and Society Research Guide. Subject LibrarianCarol Hunter, I d like to schedule a Research Tutorial. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/science/guides/s-tcc.htm | |
79. Guide To Computer Science Internet Resources [Internet Resources] UCSTRI provides searchable browsable access to computer science technical reportsfrom A glossary of computer oriented abbreviations acronyms that is http://www.library.ucsb.edu/istl/97-summer/internet2.html | |
80. Encyclopedia Of Imaging Science And Technology Aanwezig TU/e, 2002 electronic version. Type, Naslagwerk, Encyclopedie.Onderwerpen, multidisciplinair. Inhoud, Bevat alle acronymen, symbolen http://www.tue.nl/bib/bestand/wstasa.html | |
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