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1. SciTech Daily Review - Science, Technology, Future Developments, Innovations, Im Adventure Plagiocephaly Information Web ProposalNet Psyche Matters PubMed ReefBaseScience and Sustainability Scientific and Technical acronyms, Symbols, and http://www.scitechdaily.com/resources.htm | |
2. HobbySpace - Space Education, Science & Technology StarBits abbreviations, acronyms, contractions, symbols, and so on about 200,000entries. . ESA - Rosetta science technology Rosetta. Galileo (JPL http://www.hobbyspace.com/Links/spaceEdSciTech.html | |
3. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. 2D Two Dimensional (length/width) 21 CLW 21st Century Land Warrior 3-D Defense Office BST Biomedical science and technology B/T Boost and Orbit http://www.tecnet.jcte.jcs.mil/htdocs/dodinfo/acronyms/acronyms.html | |
4. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. Command and Control System ATD Advanced technology DemonstrationATP Missile Defense Office BST Biomedical science and technology B http://jcs.mil/htdocs/dodinfo/acronyms/acronyms.html | |
5. Buy International Encyclopedia Of Abbreviations And Acronyms In International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and acronyms in science and technology by KG Saur in Hardcover. ISBN 3598229976. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
6. ACRO.IT: Science & Technology Acronyms 6/9/2003 90157 PM. http://www.acro.it/Class-3F504B3D31323637.html | |
7. Science & Technology science technology. Abkürzungen chemischer Verbindungen Maritime Environmental Protection (NATO) Soils Glossary. acronyms US Dept. of Energy http://www.trans-link.com/science.html | |
8. ACRO.IT: Science & Technology Acronyms May 14 2004 074000. http://www.acro.it/dyn/class.php?PK=1267 |
9. Acronym Finder: Find Out What Over 351,000 Acronyms & Abbreviations Stand For Acronym Finder the web's largest searchable dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations over 348 000 definitions in the database! Covers common acronyms, computers, science, technology, acronyms Abbreviations (most common first web's most comprehensive dictionary. of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms http://www.acronymfinder.com/ | |
10. Science & Technology Encyclopedias & Dictionaries Guides Bibliographies. science technology Encyclopedias Dictionaries. Library Guide Series Dictionary of Engineering acronyms and Abbreviations. T 11 .K43 1994 http://www.uta.edu/library/guides/seency.html | |
11. Acronyms For Information Technology And Computer Science AITCS (acronyms for Information technology and Comptuer science).I decided to start a list of acronyms since there are a million http://faculty.juniata.edu/fusco/pgaitcs.html | |
12. Blue Ridge AHEC: Commonly Used Acronyms COMMONLY USED acronyms. Georgia Association of Career and technology Education GC StaffDevelopment Consortium GYSTC Â Georgia Youth science and technology http://blueridgeahec.rome.ga.us/acronyms.php | |
13. Technology Proposals Acronyms technology Proposals acronyms. Here are a few acronyms commonly used in funding opportunity ESTO. Earth science technology Office. HEDS. Human Exploration and Development of Space http://isd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Technology/TechAcronyms.htm | |
14. Computer Science Student Resource Site Computing and Information technology Interactive Digital Educational Links for ComputerScience Researchers An Computer Related acronyms An online list of http://williamstallings.com/StudentSupport.html | |
15. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Technology/Television The Forensic science of CSI by Katherine M subjects for the broadcast industry; TVTechnology The on Abbreviations, acronyms and TLAs often used in television http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Technology/Television | |
16. Home > Biological Sciences > Dictionaries Symbols, and Abbreviations is a reference work featuring over 200,000 entries coveringthe abbreviations, symbols and acronyms used in science and technology. http://bioresearch.ac.uk/nb/c6f2b6d5fdd1a9946804251009b809c4.html | |
17. Forensic Science Services Acronyms . NFSTC, National Forensic science technology Center.......acronyms and Abbreviations used by Forensic science Services. Acronym, http://www.sheriff-forensics.ocgov.com/Acronyms.htm | |
18. Ocean-related Acronyms results. Acronym, Meaning, Source. A/R, Accounts Receivable module, COAST. NODC.CODATA, Committee on Data for science and technology, CODE, http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/General/mhdj_acronyms3.html | |
19. Legend To Acronyms And Abbreviations PPPL Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory S T science and technology - SLAC Stanford InstrumentationMethods (original source of acronym) NMIS Nuclear http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/nps/abreviations.html | |
20. Science.gov Topic Chemical Engineering For User Category All Categories science Foundation (NSF), science and technology D DoD and Information technologyAcronym List Listing of abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms http://www.science.gov/browse/w_113N.htm | |
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