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21. Welcome To The NESSIE Website! Resource to help locate space science education resources throughout New England, including observatories, planetariums, science museums and amateur astronomy clubs. http://www.mos.org/nessie/ | |
22. Science - MuseumSpot.com MuseumSpot Science. TryScience Search the database of science museums. Franklin Institute Science Museum Learn about current exhibits and IMAX films. http://www.museumspot.com/categories/science.htm | |
23. Florida Science Museums And Planetariums You are here Home Attractions Museums Science. Sponsor this page. This space available. Attractions. Florida science museums and Planetariums. http://www.floridasmart.com/attractions/museums_sci.htm | |
24. Www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/hstm/hstm_mus.htm The Lost Museum of SciencesGeology, Anthropology, Aerospace The Lost Museum of Sciences Established October 31, 1995. Furthermore, these pages are networked together to form a labyrinth of science museums. http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/hstm/hstm_mus.htm |
25. Science Museums And Nature Centers CMSE Online Front Page. North Carolina science museums and Nature Centers. science museums Cape Fear Museum Wilmington. NC Museum of Life and Science Durham. http://www.unc.edu/depts/cmse/museums.html | |
26. Lightmode DESIGN FACTORY 3.0 Offers space design and production of interactive media, exhibits and displays for children's museums, science museums, natural history museums, zoos, aquariums and nature centers. Includes details, photos and contact form. Located in Lebanon, Ohio. http://www.lightmode.com |
27. Paris Pages Cite Des Sciences Et De L'Industrie One of the world s largest and most visited science museums, La Cité des Sciences et de l Industrie is on an impressive modern site in northeastern Paris. http://www.paris.org/Musees/Cite/ | |
28. Austin Museum Partnership Consortium of art and science museums, historic sites, nature habitats and preserves, and other museums. Includes information about Austin Museum Day and a virtual tour of each museum. http://www.austinmuseums.org/ | |
29. Science Museums And Exhibits Information And Links Get your FREE Casino Game CD Click Here. KeyWorlds.com Reference Libraries science museums and Exhibits Links. Museum of Science http://www.keyworlds.com/s/science_museums_and_exhibits.htm | |
30. Slashdot | New Science Museum - Now With Real Science! I have to wonder why we have science museums that are based on anything else and their dna Which science museums FAKE their data? http://science.slashdot.org/science/04/04/28/1539238.shtml | |
31. Museum Online science museums And Exhibits. HandsOn Science Centers Worldwide. Museums Online. A lenghty list of links to science museums. CTC K-12 Museums. http://www.csun.edu/~vceed009/museum.html | |
32. Science Museums And Exhibits science museums and Exhibits. Selected Exhibits. Dance of Chance; The Heart A Virtual Exploration. science museums With OnLine Exhibits http://newton.physics.wwu.edu:8082/jstewart/scied/museum.html | |
33. Science Museums - WebTopic - France & Associates This WebTopic is a collection of web site reviews about science museums. In this WebTopic, we will take you on a tour of the best science museums on the web. http://www.franceandassociates.net/wtscimuseums.html | |
34. Museums In The USA Online science museumsOnline science museums contain many wonderful exhibits, resources for inquirybased explorations, and links to other Internet science resources. http://www.museumca.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/museumca/usa_search.cgi?category=science |
35. IPL Kidspace Visit neat science museums without leaving your chair. Resources in this category Or, explore the museum s Science Learning Network and many other exhibits. http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/browse/mas8000/ | |
36. CORDIS | Science Week | Near You | National Science Museums Site map, Help, National science museums. National science museums. Numerous interactive and handson science centres or museums can be found throughout Europe. http://www.cordis.lu/scienceweek/nearyou01.htm | |
37. Hotlist: Museums museums Hotlist. science Centers and museums. The Junior Museum of Bay County, Florida. The Cradle of Aviation Museum. Historic St. Mary's City. Miami Museum of science. Deutsches Museum in Muenchen . http://sln.fi.edu/tfi/hotlists/museums.html | |
38. Science Learning Network: Visit Our Museums Visit the science Learning Network museums. The Exploratorium's ExploraNet Visit Our museums / © 1998 science Learning Network http://www.sln.org/museums | |
39. ECSITE European Collaborative For Science, Industry & Technology Exhibitions ECSITE European organization representing science centers, museums and institutes in 25 countries. http://www.ecsite.net |
40. Hands-on Science Centers Worldwide Handson science Centers Worldwide. This page contains pointers to public museums with a strong emphasis on interactive science education. Please send me more links!! Build your own balloon-powered http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mwm/sci.html | |
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