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121. Teenagers And Mental Health Informative articles and links regarding depression, suicide, suicide prevention, youth violence, substance abuse. http://www.athealth.com/Practitioner/Newsletter/FPN_4_15.html | |
122. Family Violence Prevention Fund Focuses on domestic violence education, prevention, and public policy reform. http://www.fvpf.org/ | |
123. Sexual Assault Recovery And Prevention Center (SARP) Of San Luis Obispo, Califor SARP, a nonprofit sexual assault recovery and prevention center in San Luis Obispo, California, offers information and referral, advocacy, accompaniment, crisis counseling, and education services on issues of sexual violence. http://www.sarpslo.org/index.html | |
124. Home Equips professionals with practical knowledge and useful tools to address violence and related issues. Offers handbooks, articles, and workshops. http://nvpp.org | |
125. EveryWoman's Self Defense And Sun Dragon Martial Arts (Austin, Texas) and schedule included. Based in Austin, Texas.......Nonprofit organization provides self-defense training and violence prevention workshops for primarily women. http://www.everywomans-selfdefense.org/ | |
126. All Walks Of Life - Home Of STOP The Violence To People With Disabilities. prevention, response and research news on violence towards people with disabilities. http://www.awol-texas.org/index.html | |
127. National Domestic Violence Prevention, Intervention, And Advocacy Collaboration helps promote the understanding that Islam does not condone Family violence/Spousal Abuse. http://alnisaa1.hypermart.net | |
128. New Web A final project for course 427 Women and violence at University of Washington. Provides background, risk, protective factors, intervention strategies, and initial steps to implement intervention. http://www.sweb.cz/womenandviolence/ | |
129. Men Can Stop Rape - Home Empowers male youth and the institutions that serve them to work as allies with women in preventing rape and other forms of men's violence. http://www.mencanstoprape.org/ | |
130. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Facts, theories, treatment and prevention options on youth violence and suicide by the CDC. http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/youth/facts.htm |
131. Violence Against Women US Department of Health and Human Services women abuse and domestic violence education and prevention center. http://www.4woman.gov/violence/ | |
132. Crisis Prevention Intervention & Positive Behavior Support Training. Crisis intervention, aggression prevention and violence restraint. A comprehensive and sensible approach to reducing violence. Targets health care and educational environments. http://www.therops.com/ | |
133. Department For Community Development - Family And Domestic Violence Unit Coordinates the implementation of government strategies for the prevention of family and domestic violence. http://familyanddomesticviolence.communitydevelopment.wa.gov.au/ |
134. Domestic Violence Prevention Month Contains information on building and strengthening domestic violence prevention partnerships between military and civilian communities. Describes U.S. Department of Defense and service initiatives and research, and provides links to related resources. http://www.mfrc-dodqol.org/domestic_violence/ | |
135. Violence Prevention Johns Hopkins Center for the prevention of Youth violence. http://ww3.jhsph.edu/PreventYouthViolence |
136. Family Violence Prevention Information Halifax, Novia Scotia. http://www.gov.ns.ca/coms/files/fvpi.asp | |
137. American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry above suggestions will solve the problem of school violence. ultimately lead to safer schools and a I m Sad Recognizing, Treating and Preventing Childhood and http://www.aacap.org/whatsnew/10point.htm | |
138. Violence In The Workplace National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health publication discussing Risk Factors and prevention Strategies of workplace violence. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/violcont.html | |
139. Home Page Excerpts from a bimonthly newsletter about public safety, crime awareness, violence prevention and personal security. http://www.TheCrimeBeatGazette.com |
140. Agenda For Children Home Page Seeks to make government work better for children in Louisiana. Child care resources, health insurance initiatives, violence prevention programs, and media notes. http://www.agendaforchildren.org/ | |
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