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81. CSPV School Violence Fact Sheets: Safe School Planning The Center for the Study and prevention of violence (CSPV) produced this quick set of facts. http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/publications/factsheets/schoolviolence/FS-SV09.html | |
82. Journal Of School Violence Current research, theory, and practice related to prevention of school violence and to intervention when violence occurs. http://genesislight.com/JSV.html | |
83. National Youth Violence Campaign · National Youth Violence Campaign · Celebration Items Promote violence prevention strategies and inspire classroom, school and community involvement with these and other unique resources* http://www.violencepreventionweek.org/ | |
84. Hurt-Free Schools = Character Education + Harassment & Bullying + Violence Preve CHARACTER EDUCATION + violence prevention + HARASSMENT / BULLYING STRATEGIES. Character Education A Monthly Model for Classroom and schoolwide Learning. http://www.hurt-free-character.com/ | |
85. Youth Violence Project - Home Page Identify effective methods and policies for youth violence prevention and response, especially in school settings; http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/curry/centers/youthvio/ | |
86. Violence Prevention/Reduction Hostage Situation; Mentoring Program; Discipline for violence prevention; Kids; Campus Security and violence Reduction; school Resource Officer; Breaking Up A Fight. http://www.teachersworkshop.com/twshop/vioprev.html | |
87. Violence Prevention children about the consequences of drug use and violence;; Work with Encourage their children to participate in schoolsponsored, after-class Gang prevention. http://www.yesican.gov/drugfree/prevention.html | |
88. Safe At  School - SAfeUSA SafeYouth.org The White House Council on Youth violence and the CDC; school violence Resources Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention; http://safeusa.org/school/safescho.htm | |
89. A School-based Anti-violence Prevention Program (ASAP) A complete resource package to get you and your school started on violence prevention and to support systemwide implementation. http://www.lfcc.on.ca/asap.htm | |
90. Links To School Violence/Bullying Sites, London Family Court Clinic US Sites. National Center for Education Statistics. Center for the prevention of school violence, North Carolina. Youth Crime Watch of America. http://www.lfcc.on.ca/svlinks.html | |
91. USCM | Best Practices Database Search the United States Conference of Mayors site for what mayors have reported about school violence and prevention programs. http://www.usmayors.org/uscm/best_practices/ | |
92. Teacher's Workshop This recent publication contains everything you need to formulate and implement an effective violence prevention program in your school. http://www.teachersworkshop.com/twshop/schviolence.html | |
93. Violence Prevention In School - International Site http://www.vordingbsem.dk/vision/visionary.nsf/NA_fs_main_1024_768?OpenFrameSet |
94. Stop Violence And Prevent Crime; Prevention Of School Violence, School Shootings Center for the prevention of school violence. Center for the Study and prevention of violence school violence project and no bullying project http://www.stopviolence.com/school.htm | |
95. Safe Schools And Violence Prevention Office California Department of Education offering a variety of resources on highrisk students, gangs, and after school programs. http://www.cde.ca.gov/spbranch/safety/ |
96. Learning Exchange - School Violence Resources CENTER FOR THE prevention OF school violence Established in 1993, the Center serves as a primary point of contact for dealing with the problem of school http://www.lalc.k12.ca.us/essay/7_24/schvioldigest.html | |
97. Family Violence Prevention Web > School Violence school violence; Preventing Youth violence in Urban schools An Essay Collection; Safe schools and violence prevention; school violence; http://fcs.tamu.edu/families/violence/school.htm | |
98. Education World ® : School Issues: Bullying Intervention Strategies That Work excerpted from Blueprints for violence prevention, Book Nine Bullying prevention Program, by Olweus, Limber, and Mihalic. Bullying at school What We Know http://www.education-world.com/a_issues/issues103.shtml | |
99. What Happened To ERIC? An essay collection by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Urban Education addressing school violence, gangs, drugs, location of school, and prevention strategies. http://eric-Web.tc.columbia.edu/monographs/uds107_index.html | |
100. Youth Violence Prevention Program The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction provides services to school in the prevention of youth crime and school violence including professional http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dlsea/sspw/yvp.html | |
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