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61. The Hamilton Fish Institute On School & Community Violence Conference of the Hamilton Fish Institute on school and Community violence October 27 Promising Practices for schoolBased Gang prevention and Intervention http://www.hamfish.org/ | |
62. CDC Media Relations: Facts About Violence Among Youth And Violence In Schools CDC s school Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) provides information about school health policies, including violence prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/fact/violence.htm | |
63. Federal Activities Addressing Violence In Schools - Redirect Bullies; Grant Helps S. Beloit school Hire Police 2 Years; Detroit Turns to Prayer to End violence. Teen Section; Journal Focuses on Injury prevention for Children http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dash/violence/ | |
64. School-Based Violence Prevention Programs Translate this page school-Based violence prevention Programs A Resource Manual. English Français. http://www.ucalgary.ca/resolve/violenceprevention/ | |
65. Youth Violence Project - Home Page Effective methods for youth violence prevention and school safety. More. Congress could do much more to prevent youth violence and maintain school safety. http://youthviolence.edschool.virginia.edu/ | |
66. OJJDP - School Violence Resources the Study and prevention of violence. Community Oriented Policing Services, US Department of Justice. Hamilton Fish National Institute on school and Community http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/resources/school.html | |
67. The Center: Safe School Resources links to both crisis response and violence prevention resources for parents, educators and communities. These resources are designed to help schools cope with http://www.naspcenter.org/safe_schools/safeschools.htm | |
68. Blueprints For Violence Prevention Overview Includes juvenile, adolescent, teen violence prevention research, community, school safety, preventing violent behavior, evaluation of preventative programs http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/blueprints/ | |
69. CSPV Research: Violence In Amercian Schools Book through the schools J. David Hawkins, David P. Farrington, Richard F. Catalano 8. Evaluation of schoolBased violence prevention Programs Faith Samples http://www.colorado.edu/cspv/research/violenceschools.html | |
70. Table Of Contents Services Program (SBYSP); school Attendance Program (SAP); school Main; Second Step A violence prevention Curriculum; STANDUP FOR http://www.nal.usda.gov/pavnet/ye/youthed.html | |
71. Welcome To Win-Win Associates violence prevention and safe school training and kits for students and staff. http://www.winwinassoc.com/ | |
72. U Of MN--Center For Violence Prevention & Control CENTER for violence prevention and CONTROL school of Public Health University of Minnesota About People involved with CVPC Research http://www.umn.edu/cvpc/ | |
73. Preventviolence.org - Youth Violence Prevention Programs School Shootings shootings and juvenile crimes. ENTER. youth violence prevention programs school shootings santee laurie kappe little hoover commission. http://www.preventviolence.org/ | |
74. USSS - National Threat Assessment Center United States Secret Service As part of its mission to provide leadership and guidance in the prevention of instances of targeted violence, the National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) initiated a data-based research project to examine the incidents of school-based attacks. http://www.treas.gov/usss/ntac.htm | |
75. Visionary - Violence Prevention In School VISIONARY is an International collaborative project on violence prevention in schools, addressing teachers, pupils, parents and experts. http://www.violence-in-school.info/ |
76. Achieving School Peace: Student Violence Prevention And Quality Of Life Improvem Solutions to school violence. Inoculate schools Against violence Through Reducing Stress and Frustration. school violence continues to afflict American schools. http://www.schoolpeace.org/ | |
77. Virginia Best Practices In School-Based Violence Prevention Virginia Best Practices in schoolbased violence prevention, Log In if you are already registered, New User Click here for registration, http://www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/vabp/ | |
78. Our Apologies. Back to WAFF.com Home . http://www.waff.com/Global/link.asp?L=119610 |
79. Schoolviol.htm Amy R. Dawson. Brendan J. Fitzsimons. Fight Crime Invest in Kids. From America s Front Line Against Crime A school and Youth violence prevention Plan. http://www.fightcrime.org/reports/schoolviol.htm | |
80. Constitutional Rights Foundation--School Violence Center for the prevention of school violence. National school Safety Center A resource for school safety information, training, and violence prevention. http://www.crf-usa.org/violence/links.html | |
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