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1. ERIC Digest 94 - School Violence Prevention Clearinghouse on Educational Management. College of Education · University of Oregon. Previous (Digest 093) Spanish Version. Next (Digest 095) ERIC Digest 94 March 1995. school violence prevention . http://eric.uoregon.edu/publications/digests/digest094.html | |
2. True FBI is moving into the area of school violence prevention (Jacobson 1999). Two reports currently being prepared attention to the issue of school violence prevention. A team from the http://eric.uoregon.edu/trends_issues/safety | |
3. School Violence Prevention Resources Links to sites dealing with all aspects of school violence prevention. http://www.nmt.edu/~hkozushk/ | |
4. School Violence Prevention: School Violence Prevention Links Center For The Prevention of School Violence http//www.ncdjjdp.org/cpsv/ Serves as a primary resource for dealing with the problem of school violence. http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/schoolviolence/links.asp | |
5. School Violence Prevention: School Violence Prevention Links Center For The Prevention of School Violence. http//www.ncdjjdp.org/cpsv a primary resource for dealing with the problem of school violence. The Center's focus is on ensuring that http://www.mentalhealth.org/schoolviolence/links.asp | |
6. School Violence Prevention: Strategies To Keep Schools Safe 234. school violence prevention Strategies to Keep Schools Safe (Unabridged). The ideal violenceprevention policy will likely be different for each school. http://www.rppi.org/ps234.html | |
7. ED379786 1995-03-00 School Violence Prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. Tactics to deal with growing violence in schools have usually relied on removal of the offender by suspension or placement outside of the mainstream classroom. However, educators and psychologists http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed379786.html | |
8. Policy Study Read all about Reason Public Policy Institute s recent and very comprehensive school violence study, school violence prevention Strategies To Keep Schools http://www.rppi.org/ps234central.html | |
9. School Violence Prevention School districts are using the funds to help communities design and promote healthy childhood development, foster resilience, and prevent youth violence. http://www.mentalhealth.org/safeschools/default.asp | |
10. Safe Schools Program, Mental Health Information Center Current grant information and programs for school violence designed to develop knowledge about what works best to reduce school violence. http://www.mentalhealth.org/schoolviolence/ | |
11. Violence Prevention Page school violence prevention AND INTERVENTION. Welcome Panel. Other Federal Resources CMHS resources on school violence prevention http://www.air.org/cecp/school_violence.htm | |
12. School Violence, School Safety, Security Consultants & Columbine Shootings Case. School violence, school safety issues, security consultants Columbine shootings. School crisis management, safe schools threat assessment. A school violence prevention training consulting http://www.schoolprotectiveservices.com/ | |
13. SafeYouth.org - Elements Of Effective School Violence Prevention Plans Elements of Effective school violence prevention Plans. The report indicates that an effective school violence prevention plan must include three tiers http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/faq/schoolplan.asp | |
14. ED417244 1998-02-00 Improving School Violence Prevention Programs Through Meanin New York NY. Improving school violence prevention Programs through Meaningful Evaluation. ERIC/CUE Digest Number 132. THIS DIGEST http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed417244.html | |
15. ED379786 1995-03-00 School Violence Prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. OR. school violence prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. THIS reproduced. Title school violence prevention. ERIC Digest, Number 94. Document http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed379786.html | |
16. Safe Schools Against Violence In Education Workshop (SAVE) back to Obtaining Your Certificate Certification Requirements Additional Requirements school violence prevention and Intervention Workshop. http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/save.htm | |
17. KSS: Safety And School Violence Prevention All schools need to be safe and secure for everyone. We are here to help . Your school violence prevention, Safety and Security Resource. http://www.keepschoolssafe.org/ | |
18. School Violence Prevention And Safety Tips For Parents school violence prevention and safety information for parents. Tips on gangs, making schools safe for children, disasters, internet safety and more. http://www.keepschoolssafe.org/parents/ | |
19. SAVE - Students Against Violence Everywhere - Violence Prevention Program - Scho SAVE Students Against Violence Everywhere devoted to community and school violence prevention programs including conflict management, crime prevention http://www.nationalsave.org/ | |
20. School Violence Prevention Check List school violence prevention Check List. Many Here is a school violence prevention checklist from the Department of Education. What http://www.familyeducation.com/article/0,1120,1-6471,00.html | |
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