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101. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Extensive academic directories to English literature resources. http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=3 |
102. Bigfoot Directories - The Right Place To Find And Be Found Interactive search of email directory listings. http://search.bigfoot.com | |
103. Education World ® : World School Directory : North America : USA World school Directory Home World school Directory North America USA. USA. CLICK FOR LARGER FLAG North America Countries Canada. http://www.educationworld.com/regional/north_america/k12_schools/usa/ | |
104. NLS/BPH: Reference Directories Index Page A list of directories provided by the U.S. Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. http://www.loc.gov/nls/reference/directories/ | |
105. Research Services: Schools Directory Research Services. Kern County Superintendent of schools Office. schools Directory. The California school Directory. Find schools by Name, Zipcode or CDS. http://kcsos.kern.org/research/schools | |
106. MavenSearch - The Leading Jewish Web Directory And Search Engine - Genealogy Jewish and Israeli directory with thousands of directories and links. http://www.maven.co.il/subjects.asp?S=296 |
107. SpaceWatch.UK Homepage Resource providing a comprehensive collection on multimedia, directories, science, space weather and other material on space and astronomy. http://website.lineone.net/~tony.eckerman/homepage.html | |
108. Florida Department Of Education The Florida Department of Education directories Page web address has changed. The new address is http//www.fldoe.org/Index_Pages/directories.asp. http://www.firn.edu/doe/menu/doedirect.htm | |
109. Business Gateway - Links, Directories And More. . . Portal for small and mediumsized businesses in New Zealand, with searchable directories of business-to-business products, services and resources. http://www.businessgateway.co.nz/ | |
110. Far East: Asian Search Engines & Directories List of search engines for East and Southeast Asia. http://globaltelecom.org/fareast.htm | |
111. South America: Search Engines & Directories Index of South American search engines and directories. http://globaltelecom.org/samerica.htm | |
112. Journalism - World Press, Media Directories Journalism and media headlines and links to journalism resources, world press guides and media directories. http://www.netweed.com/journalism | |
113. Ohio City Directories Online Search List of older Ohio city directories for genealogy research. http://www.citydirectoryrecords.com/Ohio/CityDirectories.html | |
114. Aleph Search: The WWW Directory Of Directories A directory of directories. Links to selected information rich web resources, both unspecialised and specialised, with a strong emphasis on United Kingdom based sites. http://www.alephsearch.co.uk/ | |
115. Synchronize Files And Directories Between Computers, Notebooks, FTP Folders Or L Free utility to compare and synchronize directories and files between remote computers. http://www.vu-software.spb.ru/eng/index.htm | |
116. Notebook Directories A hierarchical list of arts resources and links sorted by field and subject. http://www.noteaccess.com/DIRECTORIES/index.htm | |
117. Archdiocese Of Hartford Connecticut. Information, news, directories, calendar and information on fund raising programs. http://www.archdiocese-hartford.org/ |
118. WorldBidFashion Trade Leads B2b B2g International Import Export Business to business marketplace for textile raw materials and sewn products. Online bidding and auctions. Categorised company and resources directories. Trade leads and news. Registration required. http://www.worldbidfashion.com/ | |
119. Polyfit Sign Systems Manufactures and distributes aluminum signage components, modular directories, directional and panel signs. http://www.polyfit.com/ | |
120. International Telephone Directories, Yellow And White Pages, Paginas Amarillas, Links to international yellow and white pages. http://www.callbackservice.com/phonedir | |
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