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81. The Saudi Arabia-Yemen Dispute, South West Arabia, ARCHIVE EDITIONS Volume 6 reviews the twentiethcentury history of non-British Western contacts Title arabian Geopolitics 1 South-west arabia - The saudi-Yemen Border. http://www.archiveeditions.co.uk/Leafcopy/480-9.htm | |
82. WENR, Nov./Dec. 2001: Education In Saudi Arabia amount constitutes 3.6 percent of the total budget for saudi arabia, and 34 Curriculum Arabic, art education, geography, history, home economics (for girls http://www.wes.org/ewenr/01nov/practical.htm | |
83. Saudi Institute - Religious Apartheid In The Kingdom Of Saudi now is the main center of Ismaili Muslims in saudi arabia. The history of Shiasm in Najran is 1400 years old with the arrival of Mishael Ben Saud the governor http://www.saudiinstitute.org/najran.htm |
84. AllRefer Reference - Saudi Arabia - Regional Security In Saudi Arabia | Saudi Ar saudi arabia. regional Security. saudi leaders historically regarded both aggression and externally supported subversion as potential http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/saudi-arabia/saudi-arabia95.ht | |
85. UN Programme On Space Applications Space Technology And Disaster This workshop was originally planned for 2003 but had to be postponed for 2004 United Nations/saudi arabia regional Workshop on the Use of Space Technology http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/stdm/ |
86. Weather Underground: Yenbo, Saudi Arabia Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 600 AM AST on May 17, 2004 Observed at Yenbo, saudi arabia (history). 78 °F / 26 °C Clear. Humidity 88%. http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/40439.html | |
87. Weather Underground: Sharurah, Saudi Arabia Forecast Current Conditions. Updated 300 AM AST on May 17, 2004 Observed at Sharurah, saudi arabia (history). 78 °F / 26 °C Clear. Humidity 27%. http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/41136.html | |
88. Documentation Of Internet Filtering In Saudi Arabia Research documenting some of the specific sites blocked in saudi arabia. Includes a listing of 1000+ specific web pages found to be blocked. i font face="Arial, Helvetica, sansserif" size="-1" http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filtering/saudiarabia | |
89. Asian Studies WWW VL ELists Register regional, country and subject-orientated mailing lists, E Chinese and Japanese Art history symposia, conferences, grants and other Chinese and http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-AsianStudies.html | |
90. Saudi Arabia - Countrywatch.com saudi arabia, saudi arabia Flag. Map of saudi arabia Click on map for larger image 5 of 4878 articles for saudi arabia. News Archive/Search Engine. Largest Cities. http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vcountry=150 |
91. Saudi Arabia - Countrywatch.com saudi arabia, saudi arabia Flag. Map of saudi arabia Click on map for larger image 5 of 4829 articles for saudi arabia. News Archive/Search Engine. Largest Cities. http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vCOUNTRY=150 |
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