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21. Saudi Arabia Introduction - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Re BACK TO history CONTENTS After the Persian Gulf War, however, saudi arabia s concern over and early 1993, the kingdom s concern for regional security caused http://www.workmall.com/wfb2001/saudi_arabia/saudi_arabia_history_introduction.h | |
22. Brown-KFS: Web Resources On Saudi Arabia saudi arabia, regional resources. 14.) http...... culture resources. 13.) http//www.albany.edu/history/ middleeast/saudi.htm http://www.brown.edu/Departments/IESE/KFS/resource/saudi_links.html | |
23. Asian American Net: Saudi Arabia Governments on the WWW saudi arabia. National, regional institutions, representations in foreign countries, additional information. saudi arabia history. http://www.asianamerican.net/saudi_main.html | |
24. Saudi Arabia  History, Government a major turning point in the history of the Since then, the Kingdom of saudi arabia has played a vital message of Islam and has both regional and international http://www.alnokhba.com/saudi-arabia/country-information-history.htm | |
25. Saudi Arabia Energy Oil Information The regional Organization for the Protection of the recorded oil spill in world history, with approximately barrels of oil from saudi arabia s shoreline, the http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/saudenv.html | |
26. Table Of Contents Page 7. VII. The Contemporary Period, 1945-2000. 2001. The Enc The Encyclopedia of World history. 2001. Table of Contents. 1. Overview. a. Cultural Developments. b. regional Diplomacy. j. saudi arabia. k. North and South Yemen. http://www.bartleby.com/67/toc7.html | |
27. SAUDI ARABIA AND THE UNITED STATES of 19 Arabs loyal to Usama bin Ladin, including 15 saudis, rearranged regional politics and 956; and Alexei Vassiliev, The history of saudi arabia (New York http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal/2002/issue3/jv6n3a7.html | |
28. Saudi American Relations has consistently played an outsized role in regional and world that at no other time in recent history has the need of a friend, such as saudi arabia has been http://www.saudi-us-relations.org/newsletter2004/saudi-relations-interest-02-19. | |
29. Saudi Arabia- US Relations Newsletter - Middle East Policy From The history of the saudiUS Relationship. and promote peaceful settlement of regional disputes before Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, saudi arabia, and the http://www.saudi-us-relations.org/newsletter2004/saudi-relations-51.html | |
30. Saudi Arabia Theology Shia Islamism in saudi arabia Pilgrimage EDUCATION LABOR OIL INDUSTRY Brief history Oil Industry in MEDIA FOREIGN POLICY regional Security Relations http://countrystudies.us/saudi-arabia/ | |
31. Nasser And Arab Unity A Brief Introduction To The Egyptian President Qatar history regional history to the rise of Qatar as Qatar history Dynasty al Thani features a family saudi arabia Monuments of the Kingdom of saudi arabia http://www.arab.de/arab/Society_Culture/History/more5.html | |
32. Regional Genealogy And Local History Research Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, saudi arabia, Somalia, Sudan regional Genealogy and Local history Research Copyright http://www.academic-genealogy.com/geneal.htm | |
33. The History Of Sauid Arabia Modern history In the early 18th century, Sheikh Lebanese parliamentarians met in Taif, saudi arabia, in 1989 as a moderator and arbitrator in regional politics http://www.saudiembassy.net/Country/History.asp | |
34. Household Furniture In Saudi Arabia - A Strategic Entry Report arabia (again, benchmarked against regional and global a historical context; history, alas, often final chapters summarize saudi arabia s economic, political http://www.furniture-info.com/1622.htm | |
35. >> Royal Embassy Of Saudi Arabia London - Profile Of Saudi Arabia - History - Mo Modern history thescenes diplomacy, Lebanese parliamentarians met in Taif, saudi arabia, in 1989 position as a moderator and arbitrator in regional politics. http://www.saudiembassy.org.uk/profile-of-saudia-arabia/history/modern-history.h | |
36. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - History Of Saudi Arabia history. the price of oil rose substantially, dramatically increasing saudi arabia s wealth and kingdom assumed a more influential role in regional politics and http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/CountryHistory.asp?CountryID=169&RegionID=3 |
37. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - Overview Of Saudi Arabia com saudiaOnLine.com contains information about saudi arabia s geography, history, economy, government saudi arabia saudi arabia Stock Exchange. regional PAGE. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/CountryIntro.asp?CountryID=169&RegionID=3 |
38. Saudi Arabia Attractions | Lonely Planet World Guide to have built around, rather than over, its history. the most interesting and friendly of saudi arabia s big cities. The Jeddah Museum, the regional museum of http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/middle_east/saudi_arabia/attractions.ht | |
39. Foreign Affairs - Book Review - A History Of Saudi Arabia - Madawi Al-Rasheed A history of saudi of leadership used by him and his successors while paying attention to the regional distinctions within saudi arabia and the http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20030101fabook10275/madawi-al-rasheed/a-history-of | |
40. Foreign Affairs - The Saudi Paradox - Michael Scott Doran notion of Islamic community and history, they tend to say, since other sects and other regional identities would for Sunni reformers in saudi arabia to form http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20040101faessay83105/michael-scott-doran/the-saudi |
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