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1. The Sather Language: Efficient, Interactive, Object-Oriented Programming It also has a big effect on the feel of sather programming. pSather.Sather is also being extended to support parallel programming. http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~sather/Publications/article.html | |
2. Brad Appleton's Programming Languages Links The Obliq Programming Language. Obliq is a lexicallyscoped untyped interpreted language that supports home page - parallel Sather. The sather programming Language. Sather is an object http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/links/prog-langs.html | |
3. Sather Programming Language - Encyclopedia Article About Sather Programming Lang encyclopedia article about sather programming language. sather programminglanguage in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Sather programming language | |
4. Software Inventory: Sather (languages): Sather- The Sather Programming LanguagE Software Inventory sather (languages) sather the sather programming languagE. 1.1 This package runs on the following OS and Platform combinations Next Software Inventory sc (math/engineering) http://www.nmt.edu/tcc/swinv/pack151.html | |
5. LookSmart - Directory - Sather Programming Resources sather programming Resources Browse Sather resources, including compilers,software downloads, tutorials, and manuals. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317831/us317876/us53906/us65714/us101 | |
6. The Sather Programming Language survey. The sather programming language. Source, Dr. Dobb s Journalarchive Volume 18 , Issue 11 (October 1993) table of contents. Pages http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=178305&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
7. Slashdot | Programming Ruby Programming Ruby article related to Programming. line, chapters include CGI programming, Ruby GUI programming with Tk, and automating Windows version of the "iters" introduced in the sather programming language from Berkeley http://slashdot.org/developers/01/03/25/1624239.shtml | |
8. Component Software Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, 2nd Edition Component Software Beyond ObjectOriented Programming, 2nd Edition in Professor Jerome Feldmans group on the sather programming language and extensions to it for parallel http://cseng.aw.com/catalog/product.asp?product_id={F4F13CF4-0BD8-4C90-A339-D952 |
9. Programming: Languages: Sather Programming Languages Sather. Hello, World program Details and Reviews. Sather VisitSite (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It Review It. pSather Details and Reviews. http://www.devlib.org/Programming/Languages/Sather/index.php | |
10. Universal High Performance Computing - We Have Just Begun 1993 18 The sather programming Language (context) Omohundro - 1993 18 an Object-OrientedApplication Framework in C (context) - Weinand, Gamma et al. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/feldman94universal.html |
11. The Role Of Programming Languages In The Life-Cycle Of Safe 1992 20 Type substitution for objectoriented programming - Palsberg, Schwartzbach- 1990 18 The sather programming language (context) - Omohundro - 1993 17 http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/szyperski96role.html |
12. DDJ The sather programming Language. Sather programs can be compiled intoportable C code and can efficiently link with C object files. http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=1009/ddj9415c/ |
13. Steve Omohundro's Publications 208227. Stephen M. Omohundro, The sather programming Language ,Dr. Dobb s Journal, Volume 18, Issue 11, October 1993, p. 42. http://home.att.net/~om3/pubs.html | |
14. Programming With Linux - Languages development; Python language; REBOL Technologies; Resource for PHP builders;Ruby language; sather programming; Scheme Shell; Schemers homepage; http://kalamazoolinux.org/links/programminglang.html | |
15. References Omo93 Stephen M. Omohundro. The sather programming language. Dr. Dobb sJournal, 18(11)4248, October 1993. S+86 C. Schaffert et al. http://www.pmg.lcs.mit.edu/papers/popl97/node29.html | |
16. DDJ machines. The sather programming Language Stephen M. Omohundro Satheris a language that s simple, interactive, and nonproprietary. http://www.webreview.com/articles/1994/9415/ | |
17. DDJ The sather programming Language Stephen M. Omohundro Sather, a language that ssimple, interactive, and nonproprietary, has parameterized classes, object http://www.webreview.com/articles/1993/9310/ | |
18. Term-Papers.us - Sather 1.1 Sather programs consist of classes and abstract class specifications. 6 S. Omohundro. The sather programming language. Dr. Dobb s Journal, 18 (11) pp. http://www.term-papers.us/ts/bc/cot246.shtml |
19. Ao.htm Kelly), Sep98, 70. Omohundro, Stephen M. The sather programming Language,Oct93, 42; PL94, 18. Oney, Walter Examining the Windows http://www.cstone.net/~bachs/ddj/ao.htm | |
20. RPM Search Bruce Guenter < Bruce_guenter_qcc_sk_ca> Other. redir, 2.01, TCP Port redirector (for firewalls etc), RedHatOther. Sather, 1.2-0, sather programming language, Other. syncdir,1.0 http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/15/pakman/283/com/Bruce Guenter | |
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