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21. Sonnenfeld Colony: A Piece Of Saskatchewan History Sonnenfeld Colony A Piece of saskatchewan history. By Mottie Feldman of Ottawa. 7published by Souris Valley No. 7 History Club, Box 22, Oungre, Saskatchewan. http://www3.sympatico.ca/lavitt/jewishfarmcolonies/sonnenfeld/feldman2.html | |
22. About Big River, Saskatchewan: History west and north, away from the white settlements and into the area that would eventuallybecome known as Saskatchewan. Big River History Part II Settlement. http://www.brsk.net/bigriver/history.htm | |
23. Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society saskatchewan history Folklore Society. Home Community Services Cultural saskatchewan history Folklore Society. Visit Our Website. http://www.shopinregina.com/Community_Services/Cultural/Saskatchewan_History___F | |
24. Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society saskatchewan history Folklore Society. Home Community Services Associations Clubs saskatchewan history Folklore Society. Visit Our Website. http://www.shopinregina.com/Community_Services/Associations___Clubs/Saskatchewan | |
25. Saskatchewan History NewJour Home NewJour S Search Prev Next saskatchewan history. Subscriptionssaskatchewan history is published twice yearly, in the Spring and Fall. http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/s/msg03014.html | |
26. Saskatchewan History Ring To promote and publicize Saskatchewan s interesting and colorful history.Any site that has historical saskatchewan history Ring. http://alt-webring.com/cgi-bin/list.pl?ringid=saskhist |
27. HJG: Saskatchewan History Publishes articles relating to the history of the province..Editor(s) Publishers Saskatchewan Archives. StartEnd-Date 1948-....... Abbreviation http://www.history-journals.de/journals/hjg-s00489.html | |
28. Review: Discovering Saskatchewan History Canadian Journal for Traditional Music (1984). Review Discovering SaskatchewanHistory. J. Mark Mealing. TAFT, Michael  Discovering http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/12/v12art6.html | |
29. Saskatchewan Social Studies Canoe saskatchewan history Contrary to common present expectations, landlockedSaskatchewan with its North and South Saskatchewan Rivers was once the super http://www.archaeolink.com/saskatchewan_social_studies_geog.htm | |
30. UBC Library - MARION (1 title); saskatchewan history Drama. (1 title); Saskatchewan History- Historical texts. (2 titles); saskatchewan history Poetry. http://dra.library.ubc.ca/MARION/auth?fmt_limit=&lng_limit=&index=S&key=Saskatch |
31. UBC Library - MARION UBC Library Catalogue. Title saskatchewan history. http://dra.library.ubc.ca/MARION/AET-4253 | |
32. Saskatchewan History - Canadian Tourism Commission The history of Saskatchewan is the history of development in the west, andof the enterprises and sacrifices that made that development possible. http://www.travelcanada.ca/tc_redesign/app/en/us/destinations.do?provinceId=13&c |
33. Molleken Could Make Saskatchewan History June 2, 2003 Molleken could make saskatchewan history. By JON COOK SLAM! Sports These are heady days for Dustin Molleken. By this http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamBaseballCanadaDraft/030602_mol-can.html | |
34. Red Deer Press History Along The Highway ISBN 088995-145-4 paper 224 pages 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 42 B W photos 2 maps CDN 16.95US 14.95 UK £8.99. saskatchewan history Along the Highway Bob Weber. http://www.reddeerpress.com/hah.htm | |
35. Canada Facts: Saskatchewan saskatchewan history and People. History. The name Saskatchewan originatedwith the Plains Indians. Their word was kisiskatchewan http://educationcanada.com/facts/index.phtml?sid=sk&a=3&lang=eng |
36. Western Development Museum Gift Shop - Saskatchewan History Along The Highway [M Western Development Museum Gift Shop, Search $CAN 16.95. Quantity saskatchewan history Along The Highway MJ5425455 http://www.clicshop.com/Scripts/Panier/Ajout.asp?Item=16352929&Language=2&b=2233 |
37. Listings Saskatchewan: Canada : Saskatchewan : Historical History CultureCanada.gc.ca Search Where You Are Home Provincial and TerritorialInformation saskatchewan history Saskatchewan Aboriginal Culture and http://listingsca.com/Saskatchewan/Society/Historical/ | |
38. The Genealogical Tree Of R.B. ADAMSON: Genealogy Saskatchewan THE GLOBAL GAZETTE Canada s Genealogy Heritage On-Line Magazine Newspapers(worldwide) Kidon (Canada) saskatchewan history subscription info Sask News http://millennium.fortunecity.com/rover/518/saskatchewan.htm | |
39. LINKS - Saskatchewan, Canada Genealogy, History, Library, Archive, Family museum, heritage group or other non profit organization website that contains helpfulinformation for those interested in saskatchewan history or genealogy. http://globalgenealogy.com/links/canada-sk.htm | |
40. Saskatchewan Pride - Complete Story The saskatchewan history Folklore Society (SHFS) volunteered to administerthe project and provided the balance of the funding through the support of http://www.sasknaturally.com/SkPride.htm | |
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