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1. WASH Home Page WOMEN IN ALBERTA AND saskatchewan history. Women s History Month 1995. Greetingsfrom the Regina branch of WASH (Women in Alberta and saskatchewan history). http://tdi.uregina.ca/~maguirec/ | |
2. Canoe Saskatchewan History You have entered the Canoe Saskatchewan suite. History of Saskatchewan Waterways Saskatchewan Waterways Life on the River Conclusion Saskatchewan River History. Introduction http://www.lights.com/waterways/history.htm | |
3. CultureCanada.gc.ca: History - Saskatchewan Exploring saskatchewan history through the Decades The Story of theMissouri Coteau Region Source Canada s Digital Collections. http://culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.13.9.htm | |
4. Welcome To The Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society Since 1957 the saskatchewan history Folklore Society, Inc. Join theactive world of saskatchewan history Folklore Society, Inc. http://www.shfs.ca/ | |
5. Saskatchewan History Web Ring - Home Page The home page of the saskatchewan history Ring, the purpose of this web ring is to promote and publicize Saskatchewan's long and colorful history. a href="YOURPAGE.html saskhist" saskatchewan history Web Ring /a It will look like this on your menu saskatchewan history Web Ring http://www.maccastuff.com/rings/saskhist/index.php | |
6. Saskatchewan History Markers THE STORY IN CAST METAL The saskatchewan history Folklore Society will provideboth administrative and financial assistance to communitybased projects aimed http://www.shfs.ca/markers.htm | |
7. Journal Listing SASKATCHEWAN HISTORY FIRST NATIONS PERIODICAL INDEX. saskatchewan history SaskatchewanHistory Saskatchewan Archives Board University of Saskatchewan http://www.lights.com/sifc/skhistor.htm | |
8. Exploring Saskatchewan History Through The Decades - The Story Of The Missouri C Exploring saskatchewan history Through the Decades Story of the Missouri CoteauRegion goes over homesteading on the prairies, the area s aboriginal and http://collections.ic.gc.ca/exploring/ | |
9. Index - Plains Indians (clothing, Tipi, Bison (buffalo), Tools, Food, Transporta saskatchewan history THE FIRST PEOPLES THE PLAINS INDIANS. briefhistory of the first peoples INTRODUCTION. words and meanings http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/firstnations/ | |
10. Saskatchewan History - The First Peoples saskatchewan history. The First Peoples. Some believe that the firstpeople to live in Saskatchewan arrived about 30,000 to 40,000 http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/firstnations/first.html | |
11. Saskatchewan History With each passing day, grain elevators, once the symbol of prairieprosperity, vanish from the Saskatchewan landscape. And so too http://www.ghosttownpix.com/sask/history/index.shtml | |
12. Canadian Genealogy And History Links - Alberta preserve our enduring culture and heritage. Women. Women in Alberta andsaskatchewan history Timeline, quiz, and selective bibliography. http://www.islandnet.com/~jveinot/cghl/alberta.html | |
13. Saskatoon Heritage Society - SASKATCHEWAN HISTORY FOLKLORE saskatchewan history FOLKLORE SOCIETY. saskatchewan history FolkloreSociety 1860 Lorne Street, Regina, SK S4P 2L7. The Saskatchewan http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/arts/heritage/other/shfs.html |
14. Saskatchewan History Web Ring - Home Page The home page of the saskatchewan history Ring, the purpose of this web ringis to promote and publicize Saskatchewan s long and colorful history. http://maccastuff.com/rings/saskhist/ | |
15. Government Of Saskatchewan - History Saskatchewan Archives Board saskatchewan history Table of Contents 2, p. 29 . Saskatchewan Archives Board saskatchewan history Table of Contents http://www.gov.sk.ca/topics/keyword/keyword?topic=arts-culture-recreation&keywor |
16. Government Of Saskatchewan - Folklore folk culture Saskatchewan Archives Board saskatchewan history Tableof Contents saskatchewan history AND FOLKLORE SOCIETY http://www.gov.sk.ca/topics/keyword/keyword?topic=arts-culture-recreation&keywor |
17. Saskatchewan Gen Web Project - SGW - Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots saskatchewan history and Ethnic Roots. Saskatchewan Ethnic Cultural Network. http://www.rootsweb.com/~cansk/Saskatchewan/history.html | |
18. Saskatchewan Gen Web Project - SGW - Historical Saskatchewan Genealogy Roots Rocanville Centennial Celebration Sask05.ca Saskatchewan Homecoming SaskatchewanCentennial Project 2005 Biggar Heritage Album saskatchewan history Conference. http://www.rootsweb.com/~cansk/Saskatchewan/historical-saskatchewan.html | |
19. NEUDORF SASKATCHEWAN History And Genealogy Page THE HISTORY AND GENEALOGY WEB PAGE OF NEUDORF SASKATCHEWAN AREA MAIN Baber.Neudorf,Saskatchewan Neudorf History Book Executive, 1980. http://members.tripod.com/~DRGent/neudorf.html | |
20. Saskatchewan History History Of Water Polo In Saskatchewan. For the first time in history, a Saskatchewanteam was represented in the Canadian Water Polo National Championships. http://nonprofits.accesscomm.ca/skwaterpolo/saskatch.htm | |
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