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61. Saskatchewan - Our Future Is Wide Open Heritage is important to preserving and appreciating our past  for our own benefitand as a legacy to future generations in saskatchewan, culture Youth and http://www.wideopenfuture.ca/news-2004-02-11a.html | |
62. Saskatchewan - Our Future Is Wide Open This site is your doorway to explore the wide open opportunities Saskatchewanprovince has to offer in business, culture and tourism. http://www.wideopenfuture.ca/experience-cr.html | |
63. GPFN Culture, Arts And Heritage Society; GPFN saskatchewan Archaeological Society; saskatchewan CulturalExhange Society; GPFN Common Weal Community Plays Inc; The http://www.gpfn.sk.ca/culture/ | |
64. Rainbow Culture Camp, Herschel, Saskatchewan, Canada Rainbow culture/Survival Camp, Herschel, saskatchewan, provides an Aboriginalculture experience in a tipi camp. Experience Aboriginal http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/neufeldd/ | |
65. Rainbow Culture Camp, Herschel, Saskatchewan, Canada - Setting Rainbow culture/Survival Camp, Herschel, saskatchewan, provides an Aboriginalculture experience in a tipi camp. Buffalo Rubbing Stone Coal Mine Ravine. http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/neufeldd/setting.htm | |
66. SFN - Arts, Culture Music Jazz Festival Shakespeare on the saskatchewan Festival Sundog Handcraft Faire ProvincialOrganizations Resource Centre for Sport/culture/Recreation National http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/arts/ |
67. Government Of Saskatchewan - Culture And Recreation Grants ... Repealedby saskatchewan Regulations 27/97 (effective April 23, 1997)....... culture and Recreation Grants Regulations (Repealed). http://www.publications.gov.sk.ca/details.cfm?p=1816&cl=5 |
68. Government Of Saskatchewan - Culture And Recreation Act, 19... An Act respecting culture and Recreation Chapter C51.01of the Statutes of saskatchewan, 1993 (effective June 15, 1993)....... http://www.publications.gov.sk.ca/details.cfm?p=455&cl=5 |
69. Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company saskatchewan Native Theatre Company Inc. (SNTC) is a cultural/arts organization foundedwith the understanding that arts and culture are intertwined and is an http://www.sntc.ca/ | |
70. ► Society And Culture [Saskatchewan] - WorldSearch.com Today. Sunday, May 16, 2004 Happy Birthday Janet Jackson (1966).Home » saskatchewan » Society and culture. http://ca.worldsearch.com/saskatchewan/society_and_culture/ | |
71. Saskatchewan Indian Cultural College children, eg, Indian culture, history and psychology. The whole program wouldoperate in conjunction with the University of saskatchewan, Saskatoon Campus http://collections.ic.gc.ca/Indian/a72seps7.htm | |
72. Saskatchewan Indian Cultural College Federated The ignorance about Indian and Metis culture and traditions is rampantamong people who settled saskatchewan in the past century. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/Indian/a76jun07.htm | |
73. Aboriginal Canada Portal: Saskatchewan - Language, Heritage And Culture advanced search. 1.888.399.0111 Where you are Home Provincial and TerritorialInformation saskatchewan Language, Heritage and culture. saskatchewan. http://www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/abdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdoc/12.13.12. | |
74. Portail Des Autochtones Au Canada : Saskatchewan - Langues, Patrimoine Et Cultur territoriale saskatchewan Langues, patrimoine et culture. saskatchewan. http://www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/abdt/interface/interface2.nsf/frndoc/12.13.12. | |
75. Saskatchewan Libraries - Find A Library-Arts And Culture Resource Centre for Sport, culture and Recreation, Regina, (306) 7809411, (306 SaskatchewanOrganization for Heritage Languages Resource Centre, Regina, (306) 780 http://www.lib.sk.ca/Rex9/culture.cfm | |
76. Saskatchewan Libraries - Saskatchewan Web Sites saskatchewan Web Sites Collection. Metadata Record of http//www.gpfn.sk.ca/culture/arts/sces/.TITLE, saskatchewan Cultural Exchange Society. AUTHOR, http://www.lib.sk.ca/Rex8/Detail.CFM?WorkingCopy3.ID=665 |
77. Culture And Media Use In Saskatchewan Indian Country Canadian Journal of Communication. culture and Media Use in SaskatchewanIndian Country. Joël Demay University of Ottawa. Background. http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwpress/jrls/cjc/BackIssues/16.3/demay.html | |
78. The Benefits Of Saskatchewan Lotteries It is estimated that every year in saskatchewan, sport, culture, and recreationactivities generate over $1 billion worth of economic activity and sustains http://www.lin.ca/resource/html/news.htm | |
79. Saskatchewan Lifestyle Sport culture Sporting events are a strong tradition in rural saskatchewan.The events both bring communities together and highlight friendly rivalries. http://www.mdopportunity.org/old/lifestyle.shtml | |
80. Cannabis Culture Forums: Re: Saskatchewan: Smoke In The Valley Aug. 7th & 8 Cannabis culture Forums, xipperhead. member. Reged Apr 08 2003. Posts134. Loc saskatchewan. Re saskatchewan Smoke In The Valley Aug. http://www.cannabisculture.com/forums/showthreaded.php?&Number=852743 |
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