Kalahari "Hunter-Gatherers" 10-15 Oct 2002 - cf. Namib desert, much drier
- rain widely variable; 239 mm in drought of 1963-64, 600 mm in 1967-68
- Okavango Swamp near center, Okav. Riv, but mainly dry/ephemrl rivers
Peoples of Kalahari - ling, econ, self-ID categories crosscut; geog variation too
- to extent that this disagrees w/Gordon, follow this
NIGER-KARDOFANIAN PHYLUM KHOISAN PHYLUM Bantu lang family Khoe lang family !Kung lang family Herero (PRIMARILY HERDERS) Tswana (PRIMARILY HERDERS, MIXED ECONOMY) Khoekhoe Khoe Bushmen (FORAGERS, MIXED ECONOMY) Bushmen (MIXED ECONOMY: FORAGERS, FISHERS, CATTLE POST WORKERS, HERDERS); various groups including - !Kung people in Angola
- Ju/'oasi in Botswana/Namibia
Bantus - Herero f/western stream of bantu exp, basically pure pastoralist, into cows
Herero women - dress emulates turn-cent German garb; remarkable as Germans exterminated most of them (see related article
- Germans in Namibia. 1904, herero attacked settlers. Germ sent general known for butchery; pushed them into desert, poisoned waterholes, shot many, put rest in labor camps. Pop went from 80k in 1907 to 15k in 1911.
- Herero women forced into sexual slavery so many mixed-race offspring; German studies in teens classify them as genetically inferior. Hitler reads the studies in prison in 1923 and used its notion of subhuman races in Mein Kampf.
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