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41. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Paradigmatic history of sanspeaking peoples and current attempts at revision In Barnard, A. Kenrick, J. (eds) africa s indigenous peoples First peoples or http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.0268-540X.2004.00256.x/enha | |
42. Dialogue Between Nations -- Kimberley Introduction National Khoisan Consultative Conference (NKOK) and the The indigenous peoples Summit was organized by an seven regions - Asia, africa, Circumpolar, Russia http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/IR/english/KariOcaKimberley/KimberleyIntro | |
43. Dialogue Between Nations -- Kimberley Declaration THE KIMBERLEY DECLARATION International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development Khoisan Territory Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002 http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/IR/english/KariOcaKimberley/KimberleyDecla | |
44. Indigenous People - Encyclopedia Article About Indigenous People. Free Access, N on October 24, 1945 in san Francisco, California most ethnically diverse countries in africa, and has Lumping indigenous peoples into one group ignores the vast http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Indigenous people | |
45. Minorities At Risk (MAR) ethnoclass. NAMIBIA. san. 49. 0.0300. indigenous peoples. 3979. 0.0360. indigenous peoples. NIGERIA. OGONI. 553. 0.1200. communal contender. SOUTH africa. ASIANS. 1114. 0.0260. http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/africatbl.htm | |
46. South Africa: Indigenous Group Wins Rights To Its Healing Herbs The san peoples of southern africa angrily complained The South african san Council, set up in November Back in 1996, indigenous knowledge was an obscure issue http://forums.transnationale.org/viewtopic.php?t=2584 |
47. International Indigenous Peoples Summit On Sustainable Development, Khoi-San Ter Translate this page International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development, Khoi-san Territory Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002. http://www.klimabuendnis.org/aktuell/152a.htm | |
48. Conference Of Non-Governmental Organizations In Consultative Status With The Uni of the Chainoqua pronounce Rhainokwa indigenous peoples Organisation (whichis affiliated to the National Khoisan Consultative Conference of South africa). http://www.ngocongo.org/ngonew/indigenous26.htm | |
49. Kimberley Declaration YACHAY WASI. From the International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development Khoisan Territory Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002. http://www.yachaywasi-ngo.org/kimberley.htm | |
50. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)¨Ã¬wÂì¦Ã¥òÃô interested and/or are in the vicinity of South africa at the Warm Khoisan Greetings Priscilla de Wetpdewet-fox@uwc.ac.za Asia indigenous peoples Pact (AIPP http://aipp.womenweb.org.tw/Activity_Show.asp?Activity_ID=1114 |
51. History like small pox, to which the indigenous people had very Today the san community is about 5000 strong and the Schapera in his book The Khoisan peoples of South http://www.rondebosch.co.za/history.htm | |
52. Saami Council The Kimberley Declaration. International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development Khoisan Territory Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002. http://www.saamicouncil.net/?deptid=1436 |
53. BBC NEWS | World | Africa | S African Bushmen Hail Drug Deal South africa s indigenous san peoples sign an agreement ensuring they will profit from the creation of a diet drug using their traditional knowledge. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2883087.stm | |
54. AllAfrica.com: South Africa: SITHENGI Highlights Indigenous Peoples movies from developing countries and those highlighting indigenous peoples. held in 1996 in san Francisco, Resfest http://allafrica.com/stories/200210240005.html | |
55. The Remarkable Khoi And San People Of The Past THE KHOI san. Khoisan is the name by which the lighter skinned indigenous peoples of southern africa,the Khoi (Hottentots) and the san (Bushmen) are known. http://www.encounter.co.za/article/49.html | |
56. Africa: Impacts Of Protected Areas On Indigenous Peoples conservation areas on the lives of indigenous peoples from seven In africa FPP supported local groups to prepare Forest Complex in Kenya, Khomani san from the http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/73/Africa.html | |
57. Lifeonline See examples of san Bushman rock paintings. on Human Rights has a programme on indigenous peoples. An earlier Life programme on South africa described the http://www.tve.org/lifeonline/index.cfm?aid=1237 |
58. San Feature-December in every corner of South africa for hundreds the G/wi and G//ana san, who have a vociferous international campaign by indigenous peoples organisations around http://www.outthere.co.za/98/0112/feat3dec.html | |
59. - Global Policy Forum - Globalization First peoples Worldwide. International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development. Khoisan Territory. Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002. http://www.globalpolicy.org/globaliz/cultural/2002/0919kim.htm | |
60. Afrol News - World Bank Support For Controversial Batswana Diamond Project While Botswana is the country in Southern africa with the longest a deeply rooted tradition of racist attitudes towards the indigenous peoples san and Khoi http://www.afrol.com/News2003/bot002_diamond_project.htm | |
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