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21. Africa's Bushmen May Get Rich From Diet-Drug Secret to adding value to South africa s biodiversity and lawyer who took up the san s case, said for Global Legal Studies In essence, indigenous peoples claim that http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/04/0416_030416_san1.html | |
22. 2003 DITSHWANELO Mini-Human Rights Film Festival three main religions in South africa. 6.52 Â 7.00pm. Short Break. 7.00 Â 7.28pm. indigenous peoples. 2. A Spiral of Silence How do the Basarwa / san relate to http://www.ditshwanelo.org.bw/index/Other/Film/2003 Film Festival Programme.htm | |
23. The Kimberley Declaration The Kimberley Declaration International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development Khoisan Territory Kimberley, South africa, 20-23 August 2002 We http://www.quechuanetwork.org/yachaywasi/The_Kimberley_Declaration.htm | |
24. Indigenous Environmental Network Statementat The WSSD Full Plenary the International indigenous peoples Summit on Sustainable Development held within the Khoisan first tribal peoples territories in Kimberley, South africa, 20 http://www.tebtebba.org/tebtebba_files/wssd/plenaryint.html | |
25. First Peoples Worldwide by our partner, the Working Group of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa (WIMSA the land rights and democratic aspirations of the san people of Botswana http://www.firstnations.org/Main/1stpepww.htm | |
26. South Africa's Indigenous People Condemn Bushman Evictions Cape consisting of the san, Nama, Korana Motivation Community Development, another indigenous organisation, added Sotho and other african peoples of South africa http://www.survival-international.org/bushman_040119.htm | |
27. FPP Kigali Conference Sept 01 English. Français. South africa. indigenous peoples and Conservation Workshop presentation by the ÂKhomani san of South africa. http://forestpeoples.gn.apc.org/Briefings/Africa/fpproj_kigali_conf_sept01_base. | |
28. Indigenous Peoples' Rights & Advocacy Organizations Action Network 450 sansome Street san Francisco, CA of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa (WIMSA) PO World Council of indigenous peoples (WCIP) Suite C http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm | |
29. Human Rights Bibliography: Indigenous Peoples And International Human Rights: A Hitchcock, Robert K. (2002b) Human Rights and indigenous peoples in africa and Asia. of african HunterGatherer Societies A Study of the san in Botswana. http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/bib_hitchcock_indg.htm | |
30. Indigenous Peoples International Summit On Sustainable Summit is being organized by the indigenous peoples Coordinating Committee for the WSSD (IPCC-WSSD) and the National Khoi-san Consultative Conference (NKOK) africa. http://www.nciv.net/Frans/wssd/inheems.htm | |
31. Biowatch SA - CSIR-San Agreement of living and wellbeing of the san peoples of southern Khomani, !Xun and Khwe, other san stakeholders in africa, the Working Group of indigenous Minorities in http://www.biowatch.org.za/csir-san.htm | |
32. 1 Peoples Of South Africa the fact that by the time of the arrival of whites, the san and Khoikhoi remained Nonindigenous peoples in South africa White EuropeansÂancestors of http://husky1.stmarys.ca/~wmills/course322/1Peoples_of_SA.html | |
33. Aboriginal Planet - Around The Planet - Africa & The Middle East desert Amazigh (Berbers) of the north to the Forest peoples (Pygmies) of central africa and the southern san (Bushmen), african indigenous peoples recognize a http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/foreign_policy/aboriginal/750/around/africa/arafric | |
34. Untitled Document indigenous peoples of africa like the huntergatherer san of Southern africa, the Pygmies of Central africa and pastoralists like the Maasai and Samburu have http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/projects/rsdg/lucy.htm | |
35. Pre-Colonial Cultures In South Africa: San And Khoikhoi Of all the peoples of South africa, only the san are truly indigenous  and they have been displaced and victimised by each successive wave of immigrants. http://africanhistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa-SAColonists1.htm | |
36. Facts And Figures - Water And Indigenous Peoples: International Year Of Freshwat Videos. Australian cattle ranchers indigenous knowledge of the Aborigines. Kalahari bushmen The ancient san people of the Kalahari Desert in southern africa. http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php@URL_ID=5550&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=2 | |
37. Facts And Figures - Water And Indigenous Peoples: International Year Of Freshwat Because they live in fragile or lush ecosystems, indigenous people have often been Intensive farming Southern africa Centuries ago, the san, or Bushmen http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=5550&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_SECTI | |
38. African Indigenous Peoples Workshop On Traditional Knowledge, Identity And Liv of the discussions in South africa and reflections after the Report on the african indigenous peoples workshop. Author Affiliation, South african san Institute. http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=17186&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_ | |
39. Austral Ed Children's Books - The san of africa. the rainforests but this title concentrates on the indigenous peoples who live Traditional stories from the orginal forest peoples of South http://www.australed.iinet.net.au/indigenous_peoples.html | |
40. THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DECLARATION TO THE WORLD PARKS CONGRESS, DURBAN SOUTH AF Parks Congress, held 6 to 7 September 2003, would especially like to thank our indigenous hosts, the Khoi and the san peoples of South africa for welcoming us http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_211812142.htm | |
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