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1. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar indigenous Resources for africa. indigenous Resources for Asia and the struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the Kung/san peoples. The !Kung of the Kalahari Desert http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
2. Kalahari Peoples Fund san Organizations and Addresses. Working Group of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa. Bibliography of Cultural Resource Conservation and indigenous People. http://www.kalaharipeoples.org/san.htm | |
3. The Working Group Of Indigenous Minorities In Southern Africa of the Working Group of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa. of the Ju/Âhoansi san and Mbukushu and national conferences on indigenous peoples issues http://www.kalaharipeoples.org/documents/Wim-san.htm | |
4. RIGHTS: Reversing Worldwide History Of Exploitation Of Indigenous Peoples the reddish sands of southern africa s Kalahari Desert a worldwide history of exploitation of indigenous peoples. Kalahari, the South african san Council and http://www.ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=17121 |
5. Press Kit: Issues - Racism Against Indigenous Peoples - World Conference Against The san, or Bushmen, of southern africa have in some cases disappeared, or nearly so, as they have Imazighen (Berbers) are the indigenous peoples of northern africa and the Sahel http://www.un.org/WCAR/e-kit/indigenous.htm | |
6. Environment Cvongress Recommends Probe Into Indigenous Peoples' Rights cvongress recommends probe into indigenous peoples' rights. DURBAN, South africa (AFP) Sep 17, 2003 Amazon in South America, the san people from Botswana's Kalahari game reserve http://www.terradaily.com/2003/030917110150.l1ftd051.html | |
7. Wimsa Annual Report a sanowned organisation serving san only, to be able to fulfil this task Elfriede will require assistance from the indigenous peoples of africa Co-ordinating http://www.san.org.za/wimsa/ar2002_3/annualrep14.htm | |
8. Organizations Providing Support For The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples welfare or rights of indigenous peoples, here are a few links benefit of the san (Bushmen, Basarwa) and other rural peoples of the Kalahari desert region of southern africa. http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/research/cep/eldorado/survival.html |
9. IPACC - South Africa's Submission To The Indigenous Caucus - WPC 2003 the rights of the indigenous ÂKhomani san to land in South africa and Rwanda considering formalising policy on indigenous peoples and signing ILO http://www.ipacc.org.za/policy/WPC2003/01_intro.asp | |
10. IPACC - South Africa's Submission To The Indigenous Caucus - WPC 2003 08 Composition of the Interim indigenous peoples and Parks May 2000 Area 37 256Km2 indigenous contract partners/owners ÂKhomani san Official bodies http://www.ipacc.org.za/policy/WPC2003/04_parkssummary.asp | |
11. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : A Cultural Studies indigenous peoples africa. There are 17 entries in this category san Diego State University School of Music and Dance Earn a bachelor of arts in dance, or pursue http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4023 |
12. Indigenous Peoples' International Summit On Sustainable Development, Kimberly, S The National Khoisan Consultative Conference (NKOK participate in the International indigenous peoples Summit on 30 Birbeck Rd., in Kimberly, South africa. http://www.tribalink.org/pressrelease/Indigenous.htm | |
13. RIGHTS: Indigenous Peoples Push For Restitution stripped them of their heritage. The san, or the Bush people of southern africa, the Maasai of Kenya Parks Congress in South africa. The indigenous peoples are lobbying to create http://www.ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=20351 |
14. Researching Indigenous Peoples Rights Under International Law and western Greenland. In africa, the Berbers and the san or Bushmen may be considered as indigenous peoples. Most Asian and african http://intelligent-internet.info/law/ipr2.html | |
15. Southern Africa ProgramDescription limited relationship with the First peoples of the to a strong relationship with many san organizations in with the Working Group of indigenous Minorities in http://www.firstpeoples.org/land_rights/southern-africa/southern_africa_program. | |
16. REDI News Features To date only the South african san Council has been established. to bring about security of land tenure for indigenous peoples in africa; an improvement of http://www.sardc.net/Editorial/Newsfeature/04340404.htm | |
17. Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit - CPSU - Cape Town Programme Legal Advisor, South african san Institute (SASI and Constitutional Status of indigenous peoples in african Countries Uganda, South africa, Cameroon, Tanzania http://www.cpsu.org.uk/projects/CAPE_P2.HTM | |
18. South African Hoodia Gordonii The Miracle Obesity Cure? sands of southern africaÂs Kalahari Desert. In 2002 Hoodia Gordonii reversed a worldwide history of exploitation of indigenous peoples. The san tribe could http://www.rebirth.co.za/hoodia/weight_loss_hoodia_gordonii.htm | |
19. Africa Indigenous People Baule africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples. Mbole Mende Mitsogo Mossi Mumuye Ngbaka Nkanu Nok Nuna Oron Owo Pende Pokot Punu san Senufo Shambaa http://www.archaeolink.com/africa_indigenous_people_baule.htm | |
20. World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related I or Basarwa) are the Southern africa s first peoples or nationsthe hunters and gatherers. Like other indigenous peoples the world over, the san have suffered http://www.hri.ca/racism/Submitted/Theme/san.shtml | |
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