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41. :: Ez2Find :: Indigenous People 148), sami (26) The Americas (2,531). Related Categories Science Social SciencesAnthropology (1,055) Web Sites, Aboriginal Connections An indigenous peoples http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous | |
42. Indigenous People 2/AC.4/1992/1 Statement by the Finnish Government and the sami Parliament to TribalSummit on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples to the http://www.sdnpbd.org/sdi/international_day/Indigenous-people/un-doc.htm | |
43. Permanent Mission Of Sweden To The United Nations - 1 November 1999 The indigenous peoples in the Nordic countries have also established a wellfunctioningcross which provides a foundation for the development of sami and Inuit http://www.swedenabroad.com/pages/general____13216.asp | |
44. WWF-UK: One Of Europe's Last Indigenous Communities Under Threat In the absence of written documentation to prove longstanding use of the land -a problem faced by indigenous peoples worldwide - the sami are likely to lose http://www.wwf-uk.org/News/n_0000000196.asp | |
45. SnowChange.Org : Proceedings : Concerns On Climate Change And Variability In Nor Participation in international processes is a necessety for indigenous peoples andhas brought substaintial result The sami Council has attained NGOstaus at http://www.snowchange.org/proceedings/stefan_mikaelsson.html | |
46. Sámidutkan - Saamentutkimus - Sámi Studies purpose of this course is first of all to review sami origin and knowledge of historystudents get engaged in the problematics of indigenous peoples, and their http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/sugl/saami.html | |
47. Permanent Mission Of Norway To The UN - Other Norwegian Statements As mentioned in the statement made by the Arctic indigenous peoples earlier this witha proposal that will ia safeguard land rights of the sami people as well http://www.norway-un.org/cgi-bin/wbch3.exe?ce=10995 |
48. Society, Ethnicity: Sami indigenous peoples Research Network. Research documentation. Downloadarea for research papers and computer tools for writing sami. http://www.combose.com/Society/Ethnicity/Sami/ | |
49. UJUR: Juridisk Nettviser LAW Subjects Minorities/indigenous peoples/sami law See also Human rightsog Refugee law. Sources of law Laws and regulations Treaties http://www.ub.uio.no/ujur/baser/english/minoritetsrett_eng.html | |
50. WWW Virtual Library: Circumpolar Peoples: Media site also provides rich links to the sami peoples. samiWeb excellent news serviceincluding a rich collection of links providing access to indigenous peoples. http://www.ldb.org/vl/cp/circ_m.htm | |
51. UCLA Journal Of Environmental Law & Policy : Indigenous Peoples And The Environm indigenous peoples, human rights, supra note, id, international law, sami, rights,right, environment, supreme court, land, law, sami rights, natural resources http://static.highbeam.com/u/uclajournalofenvironmentallawamppolicy/december2220 | |
52. UD - Forum For Development Cooperation With Indigenous Peoples to the development of new knowledge and increased understanding of issues concerningindigenous peoples. In this partnership, Norwegian sami institutions play http://odin.dep.no/ud/engelsk/aktuelt/taler/p10001532/032091-991315/index-dok000 | |
53. BBC News | EUROPE | Lapland's Reindeer: Nowhere To Herd means that indigenous groups, like the sami, must be given access to forests. Andbecause Sweden s private forest owners exclude indigenous peoples, they are http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/629818.stm | |
54. Indigenous Peoples List of members of the Coordinating Body in Guatemala*, indigenous peoples Consultationon the Right to Food. PUEBLO sami Elise Valkeappa elise@amigo.net.gt Tel http://www.fao.org/tc/NGO/region/Indigenous_en.htm | |
55. Education In The International Decade Of Indigenous Peoples: Bringing Education Line Skum, sami, Robert Muj, Maya. Matriarchs of the Dineh Nation. Being in communityis a fundamental aspect of education for indigenous peoples (© WCC photo http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/jpc/echoes-16-02.html | |
56. Indigenous Peoples Programme: Walking Together Towards Tomorrow New Zealand, 60.000 sami (Lapp) in the Scandinavian Countries, 100.000 Innuits (Eskimosin circumpolar States) 30 to 80 million indigenous peoples in Central http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/jpc/indig-doc.html | |
57. Carolina Academic Press - Indigenous Peoples, The Environment And Law From native Hawaiians to the sami of Scandinavia, selected themes parallel andcontrast with indigenous peoples in Bolivia and the Philippines, and from http://www.cap-press.com/books/1218 | |
58. Atlas: Multicultural Citizenship As Sami In Norway By Kristin Strømsnes Skotvedt, Tove (1993) sami The indigenous peoples of Norway in Anne CohenKiel (ed.) Continuity and Change. Aspects of Contemporary Norway. http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/camm-60 | |
59. Indigenous And Tribal Peoples: A Guide To ILO Convention No. 169 - Employment Se SDF, sami Development Fund (Norway). Working Group of the Commission on Human Rightson United Nations draft Declaration on the Rights of indigenous People. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/strat/poldev/papers/1998/169guide/c | |
60. WISE NC: RTZ/CRA MERGER: THREAT TO INDIGENOUS PEOPLES of Amungme, Komoro, Dani and other Papuan peoples. on 2.6 million hectares of Indigenousland Sapmi (Finland and Russia) prospecting on sami land, threatening http://www.antenna.nl/wise/444/4396.html | |
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