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121. Rockingham, W.A. - Salvation Army The salvation army Church in the City of Rockingham addresses, service times and contact numbers. salvation army. Address Corner http://www.annabella.net/salvation.html | |
122. The Salvation Army Eastleigh - Home Page Eastleigh in Hampshire, on the south coast of the United Kingdom, is where the Eastleigh Corps is situated half way between Southampton and Winchester. A warm and friendly welcome awaits. http://www.sallyarmy.org.uk | |
123. ++ The Salvation Army - Edmonton Temple ++ The salvation army Edmonton Temple. Welcome. We are a community of believers who worship at The salvation army Edmonton Temple. http://members.shaw.ca/edmtemple/ |
124. Burton-upon-Trent Corps Local corps. Includes history, prayer topics, upcoming events, FAQ, and photo gallery. http://www.burton-citadel.fsnet.co.uk/ | |
125. The Salvation Army Alberta & Northern Territories Division The salvation army Canada and Bermuda Website Network, Contact Us. Urgent Need Community Access Volunteer The salvation army Centre of Hope (420 9th Ave. http://www.ab.salvationarmy.ca/ | |
126. The Salvation Army - Daytona Beach The salvation army of Volusia County has been serving the community since 1924, and in keeping with our record of generosity, we would like you have a free http://volusia.com/salvation-army/ | |
127. Home Features contact details, a message board and a description of the building used by the group. http://www.arnoldarmy.org/ | |
128. Home The local corps of the national body, offering information about weekly events, news, activities and links. http://www.btinternet.com/~oakengates.sa/ | |
129. SALVATION ARMY - Santa Clara County THE salvation army. Administrative Each community is different, and The salvation army is located in neighborhoods all across America. CURRENT http://www.volunteerinfo.org/salvarmy.htm | |
130. Default The site of The salvation army Grimsby Citadel. Information about the corps and events that are happening at the citadel. http://www.grimsbycitadel.org.uk | |
131. The Salvation Army Woodstock, Home Page Our Address. The salvation army Community Church. 769 Juliana Drive. Woodstock, Ontario. N4V 1E9. Phone (519)539-9345. Fax (519)-539-4079. http://www.execulink.com/~sawdstk/ | |
132. Welcome To The Luton Salvation Army Home Page International Organisation that is both a Christian Church and a Registered Charity. Describes the Army's work in Luton. http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/lutonsa/index.htm | |
133. The Salvation Army Alaska Division Website Has Moved To Www. The salvation army Alaska Division website has moved to www.salvationarmy.org/alaska http://www.sarmy.ak.org/ | |
134. Salvation Army Omaha salvation army, Omaha, Nebraska, services and programs http://www.salvationarmyomaha.org | |
135. Redshield . Ca The official web site for donors, supporters and friends of The salvation army Canada. salvation army charitable number 107951618 RR0001. http://www.redshield.ca/ |
136. Return Of The Salvation Army Return of the salvation army. by Christopher Hitchens. There was a time, though, when the salvation army was an international mass movement. http://www.secularhumanism.org/library/fi/hitchens_21_1.html | |
137. Berkshire Website Offering programs to meet today's needs, including youth and teen events, men's and women's groups, music and fellowship times of worship and learning. Community based programs include visitition to hospitals, nursing homes and correctional institutions. Located in North Calgary, Alberta, Canada. http://www.berkshirecitadel.com | |
138. Official Creed Of The Salvation Army The salvation army. The Doctrines. The salvation army Articles of Faith are called the Doctrines and follow the main outline of http://www.bible.ca/cr-Salv-Army.htm | |
139. WarMuseum.ca - The Salvation Army: A Presentation The salvation army. It would be easier to forget one s name than fail to remember the times without number when the salvation army was, in truth, our comforter http://www.civilization.ca/cwm/salvationarmy/index_e.html | |
140. ForMinistry.com Mount Greenwood (near Chicago),IL. The worship and service center of The salvation army on the southwest side of Chicago. http://www.forministry.com/60655cmgsa | |
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