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101. ARRLWeb ARRL And Salvation Army MOU 6th edition. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING between THE salvation army and THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, INC. with respect to DISASTER SERVICES. http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/mou/salarmy.html |
102. Camp Tecumseh A salvation army camp in Hunterdon County, New Jersey for boys and girls, ages 7 to 12. http://www.camptecumseh.com | |
103. The Salvation Army Center Of Hope The salvation army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. (salvation army Act 1980). http://www.gnofn.org/~army/ | |
104. The Salvation Army http://salvationarmy.or.kr/ |
105. The Salvation Army, Newfoundland East Division The salvation army 21 Adams Avenue St. John s NF Canada A1C 4Z1 Tel (709) 5792022 · Fax (709) 576-7034 Visitor since June 23, 1998. http://www.saeast.nfld.net/ | |
106. Welcome To Camp Puh'tok A rustic, traditional, day and resident coed salvation army camp in Maryland that stresses American heritage skills, including canoeing, Indian lore, and horsemanship. http://www.camppuhtok.com/ | |
107. The Opening Page For The Chelmsford Salvation Army Band Chelmsford Citadel. salvation army. Band. You will automatically be taken to the official website of the Chelmsford salvation army Band in about 10 seconds. http://members.aol.com/ccsaband/opening.htm | |
108. The Salvation Army Corps And Worship Center - Wrangell,AK Wrangell, AK http://netministries.org/see/churches.exe/ch05180 | |
109. The Salvation Army Saskatoon Community Centre - StartPage Heart to God Hand to Man, The salvation army Saskatoon Community Centre. Information for donors and friends of the salvation army. http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/salvarm/ | |
110. The Salvation Army Life-Saving Scouts Scout association of the salvation army church. Affiliated with Scouts Canada. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/9247/page2.html | |
111. The Salvation Army - Woodroffe Temple - Ottawa, ON. Canada The salvation army Woodroffe Temple - Ottawa, ON Canada. Come join us online in our celebration of the Lord. The salvation army. http://www.sawoodroffe.cyberus.ca/ | |
112. Black Arrow - A Fellowship Of Salvation Army Scouts & Guards Information and contacts for salvation army Scouters, Guards, and Adventure Corps to serve youth through units in local Corps and community centers. http://members.tripod.com/~kclocke/blackarrow.html | |
113. Salvation Army Serves Up Soul Food - The Washington Times: Metropolitan The salvation army is playing a bigger role than ever in feeding, clothing and sheltering the District s poor  but those expanding responsibilities haven t http://washingtontimes.com/metro/20040304-103812-9151r.htm | |
114. Birmingham Citadel's WWW Site Social services include a hostel and a dropin centre for homeless. Weekly church events for both adults and youth, history of the Corps and local news. Located in Birmingham, United Kingdom. http://www.birminghamcitadel.org | |
115. Gay News From 365Gay.com salvation army Uses Homeless To Fight Gay Benefits by Doug Windsor 365Gay.com Newscenter New York Bureau. Posted May 24, 2004 1201 am ET. http://www.365gay.com/newscon04/05/052404salArm.htm | |
116. The Salvation Army, Boston Citadel Corps Information on activities and contacts. http://www.bostonsa.org.uk/ | |
117. BBC News | EUROPE | Salvation Army Fights To Stay In Moscow The salvation army says it will fight expulsion from Moscow after a court rules its name and uniforms defined it as a paramilitary organisation . http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1722000/1722624.stm | |
118. Skegness Salvation Army Worship & Community Centr - Skegness,Lincolnshire Information on the centre, weekly schedule and staff. http://netministries.org/see/churches.exe/ch09425 | |
119. ForMinistry.com Lafayette salvation army 1110 Union St. Lafayette, IN. 47904, http://www.forministry.com/47904LSA | |
120. Religious Movements Homepage: Salvation Army This salvation army page is your gateway to accessing Webbased and print resources about the salvation army. V. The salvation army Today-Contemporary Issues http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/salvationarmy.html | |
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