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61. Whatcom Salmon Recovery been developed to guide management of salmon harvest, hatcheries species is listedas either endangered ( in danger range ESA §36) or threatened ( likely to http://whatcomsalmon.wsu.edu/action-processes.html | |
62. Salmon History The salmon in general, are a threatened species meaning there are enough salmonaround that they are not endangered of dying away, but there is definitely a http://academic.evergreen.edu/l/lafant30/html/intro_history.html | |
63. FARM BUREAU URGES STATE NOT TO ÂLISTÂ COHO SALMON - CFBF.com Evidence indicates that populations of coho salmon are recovering along California Commissionnot to list the fish as an endangered or threatened species. http://www.cfbf.com/release/2002/pr-072502.html | |
64. State Commission Lists Coho As Endangered/threatened threatened species under the federal endangered species Act, the commission foundthere was sufficient information to warrant consideration of the coho salmon http://www.cfbf.com/agalert/2002/091102_c_aa.html | |
65. Nat'l Academies Press: Endangered And Threatened Fishes In The Klamath River Bas sucker, as endangered under the federal endangered species Act (ESA). Oregon Northerncoastal California (SONCC) coho salmon as a threatened species to the http://books.nap.edu/catalog/10838.html | |
66. NAIOP - Government Affairs: How-To Papers - Endangered Species Act Part 1 agencies responsible for the preservation of threatened species and endangered speciesto rescue Jim McDermott (DWA) introduced the salmon Planning Act (HR http://www.naiop.org/governmentaffairs/esa.cfm | |
67. Coho Salmon conservation groups, the Northern Californina/Southern Oregon coho salmon populationhas finally been listed as threatened under the endangered species Act. http://www.wildcalifornia.org/pages/page-31 | |
68. Watershed Stewards Project Bulletin; Endangered Species Act And The Coho Salmon be in trouble can be listed as threatened, defined as portion of its range, or endangered, which is In the coho salmon investigation, freshwater physical http://www.northcoast.com/~fishhelp/news_f/spr97/coho.html | |
69. Selected List Of Federal Register Items Of Interest To The Department Of The Int endangered and threatened species Anadromous fish take Nez Perce Indian Tribe,OR; Imnaha River basin population of Snake River spring/summer chinook salmon, http://library.doi.gov/fedreg/1157.html | |
70. Your Planet Earth Glossary 1.0.1 to warrant proposal for threatened or endangered on YPE New endangered species protectioncontinues EPA over protection of endangered salmon from pesticides http://www.yourplanetearth.org/terms/details.php3?term=Endangered Species Act |
71. YPE: Search 2002 @1235PM 24 11,167 species threatened globally according Judge rules EPA mustprotect salmon from pesticides Puget Sound orcas denied endangered status by http://www.yourplanetearth.org/search.pl?topic=10 |
72. ESA--Thriving, Threatened, Or Extinct? complete an evaluation of whether endangered Pacific salmon and steelhead continuedexistence of species listed as endangered and threatened or adversely http://www.pesticidesafety.uiuc.edu/newsletter/html/200402a.html | |
73. Protect Endangered Species From Harmful Pesticides! protections for endangered and threatened species at risk anniversary year of theendangered species Act (ESA are weakening protections for salmon and other http://actionnetwork.org/alert-description.tcl?alert_id=2345800 |
74. Scientific Evaluations Of Biological Opinions On Endangered And Threatened Fishe to protect short nose and Lost River suckers, two fish species listed as endangeredin 1988, as well as coho salmon, which were designated as threatened in 1997 http://www4.nationalacademies.org/news.nsf/isbn/0309083249?OpenDocument |
75. Atlantic Salmon In The Gulf Of Maine Part 17 RIN 1018AF80 endangered and threatened species; Proposed endangered Statusfor a Distinct Population Segment of Anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar http://www.aquanic.org/news/1999/endspe.htm | |
76. Endangered And Threatened Species In The Platte River Basin Project Title endangered and threatened species in the and Wildlife Service forendangered riparian birds. Management, Instream Flows and salmon Survival in http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/BEST-K-03-01-A?OpenDocument |
77. Grist | Do Good | Animals & Plants move the manatee from the endangered to threatened list even Save sea otters Oncean endangered species success story and harm their health, the salmon they eat http://www.gristmagazine.com/dogood/species.asp | |
78. Puget Sound Shorelines: Species - Salmon: Estuary Use Listed as a threatened species in 1999, the Anadromous fish species that inhabitthe Pacific endangered salmon species Fact Sheets, National Marine Fisheries http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/pugetsound/species/salmon_est.html | |
79. Endangered Species Information, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Division of endangered species, threatened and endangered Wildlife and Plants Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants its range. A threatened species is one that is http://endangered.fws.gov/wildlife.html | |
80. DOE Document - Biodiversity And The Recovery Of Threatened And The stated purpose of the endangered species Act is to provide a means whereby the ecosystem upon which endangered species and threatened species depend may be conserved.^Conservation of the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.bib |
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