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41. State Of The Salmon Listing Categories, Canada Special Concern (SC) A species that is particularly sensitive to human activitiesor natural events but is not an endangered or threatened species. http://www.stateofthesalmon.org/assess/page.asp?pID=24 |
42. Threatened And Endangered Species threatenedfederal Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch Plover (Charadrius alexandrinusnivosus), threatened-federal American delisted from endangered-federal 8/25 http://www.nps.gov/redw/threatened.html | |
43. Red Lodge Clearinghouse: Endangered Species Act River in California is endangered, and many other runs of Chinook salmon are threatened,but the Chinook salmon is neither endangered nor threatened in http://www.redlodgeclearinghouse.org/legislation/esa2.html | |
44. CNN.com - Bush Rule May Drop Salmon From Endangered List - May 3, 2004 often feel they are an endangered species, Borck says they were sacrificed to protectthe threatened Northern Spotted on home building near salmon habitat and http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/05/03/environment.salmon.reut/ | |
45. CNN - Feds List Coastal Coho As Endangered, Sparking Heated Debate - Oct. 25, 19 SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) With California s coastal coho salmon population on to protectthe fish as a threatened species under the endangered species Act. http://www.cnn.com/EARTH/9610/25/salmon/ | |
46. California Central Coast Coho Salmon Endangered Species Petitions And Other Docu kisutch ) south of San Francisco as endangered. Central California coast coho salmonevolutionary significant unit (ESU) as a threatened species. http://www.ccfassociation.org/coho.htm | |
47. Department Of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric, OGC-99-38, April 7, 19 The rules are entitled endangered and threatened species; threatened Status forThree Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) in Washington http://www.gao.gov/decisions/majrule/og99038.htm | |
48. Department Of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration: Endange National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration endangered and threatened species;threatened Status for Two Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units http://www.gao.gov/decisions/majrule/og00005.htm | |
49. Welcome To Pacific Legal Foundation Challenge to Bald Eagle Listing; Comments on Federal Listing of threatened andEndangered species; Common Sense salmon Recovery v. National Marine Fisheries http://www.pacificlegal.org/view_MediaKit.asp?iMediaID=13&sTitle=Putting the End |
50. 96 Suit Filed Over Klamath Basin Salmon Endangered Species Listing, Capital Pres three months Oregon coastal coho were off the threatened species list. AssociatedPress Suit Filed over Klamath Basin salmon endangered species Listing Capital http://www.bluefish.org/klamsuit.htm | |
51. Ocean Trust - Briefing Book - SALMON AND MORE SALMON NMFS listed two salmon ESUs, Central Valley Springrun Chinook and California CoastalChinook ESU, as threatened species under the endangered species Act. http://www.oceantrust.org/brief_book/salmon9_99.htm |
52. Conservation Groups Want Endangered Species Act Listing For Wild Salmon Only -Th coastal coho to the threatened species list while petitioned NMFS to drop Endangeredspecies Act protection for 15 different salmon and steelhead http://www.theolympian.com/home/specialsections/Critters/20020426/13365.shtml | |
53. Summary Of Listed Species turtle ; for which only the threatened US population is tallied) . The dual statusUS species that are tallied as endangered are chinook salmon , gray wolf http://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/html/boxscore.html | |
54. FEMA: Region X - Threatened And Endangered Species by the National Marine Fisheries Service as being threatened or endangered in /near salmon, chinook (Snake R. fall run)(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha); salmon http://www.fema.gov/regions/x/env_species.shtm | |
55. Recovery Of Endangered Fish Species endangered species Recovery. Several runs of chinook salmon in the Nooksack Riverhave been listed as threatened under the federal endangered species Act. http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/publicworks/water/recovery.jsp |
56. Status Of Oregon's Pacific Salmon Under The Endagered Species Act A threatened species is any species that is likely to become an endangered specieswithin the means a distinctive group of Pacific salmon has been http://eesc.orst.edu/salmon/background/status.html | |
57. CETOS - Critical Habitat Project New Considerations for Evaluating Pesticide Impacts to endangered/threatened species(.pdf) Report to set up buffer zones in effort to protect salmon on West http://www.cetos.org/criticalhabitat.html | |
58. Spotlight: The Endangered Species Act Oregon coast and in the Columbia River additional runs of salmon are listed as endangered.What happens after a species is listed as threatened or endangered? http://www.cityoflfp.com/news/especies0500.html | |
59. Eugene Salmon Homepage In March of 1999, the spring Chinook salmon in the upper Willamette River basinwas listed as a threatened species under the federal endangered species Act. http://www.ci.eugene.or.us/salmon/ | |
60. Policy And Regulation - Endangered Species Act endangered and threatened species Proposed endangered Status for Two Chinook salmonESUs and Proposed threatened Status for Five Chinook salmon ESUs; Proposed http://www.krisweb.com/policy/esa.htm | |
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