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1. Endangered Species Program City of Portlands endangered species Program web site a threatened species under the endangered species Act (ESA). One year later, NOAA Fisheries added Chinook salmon in the http://www.fish.ci.portland.or.us/ | |
2. Factsheets And News Releases On Threatened And Endangered Species currently on the FWS threatened and endangered list because species recovery, or maybe threatened in a Minnow, Rio Grande Silvery (NWRS); salmon, Pacific; salmon http://eelink.net/EndSpp.old.bak/factsheet.html | |
3. Pierce County ESA Response Report The response by Pierce County in Washington State to the listing of wild salmon as threatened under the endangered species act. http://www.salmoninfo.org/tricounty/piercesummary.htm | |
4. Endangered Species On EE-Link: Species Highlights - Main Page of species recovery, or may be threatened in a footed(FWS)Recovery update at Endangeredspecies Update. Minnow, Rio Grande Silvery (NWRS); salmon, Pacific; salmon http://eelink.net/EndSpp/specieshighlights-mainpage.html | |
5. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Species; Threatened Status For endangered and threatened species; threatened Status for Two Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) in California Federal Register document http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/1999/September/Day-16/e24051.htm | |
6. Pacific Salmon (Endangered Species), Wildlife Species Information: U.S. Fish And Many salmon stocks are seriously threatened by what are called the severely reducedthat they have been listed as endangered or threatened species under the http://species.fws.gov/species_accounts/bio_salm.html | |
7. Endangered Species Act - Salmon & Bull Trout - The Issue listed seven Washington salmon populations as "endangered" or "threatened" under the endangered species Act brought the total of endangered salmon and steelhead listings by NMFS http://www.mrsc.org/environment/esa/esa-intr.htm | |
8. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Species; Take Of Anadromous Fis the following eight threatened and two endangered salmonid ESUs threatened SouthernOregon northern California Coasts coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/2002/August/Day-23/e21590.htm | |
9. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Species; Take Of Anadromous Fis the following one endangered and three threatened salmonid ESUs endangered SacramentoRiver Winterrun Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/2002/September/Day-09/e22835.htm | |
10. NOAA Fisheries - International Interests Listed species. threatened and endangered. species Information. Sea Turtles seals and sea lions) Atlantic salmon. Pacific salmon http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/endangered.htm | |
11. WDFW -- Species Of Concern: State Endangered Species species of Concern SE State endangered ST State State threatened species Currentthrough February, 2004 CHUM salmon (HOOD CANAL SU), ONCORHYNCHUS KETA, Fish, FT. http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/threaten.htm | |
12. WDFW -- Species Of Concern (Threatened & Endangered Species) State species of Concern. State endangered species. State threatened species. StateSensitive species. State Candidate species. Recovery Activities salmon Recovery. http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/concern.htm | |
13. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Species; West Coast Pink Salmon and Regulations. **** endangered and threatened species; West Coast Pink salmon at the present time, neither of these ESUs warrant listing as a threatened or endangered species http://www.epa.gov/docs/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/1995/October/Day-04/pr-437.html | |
14. Endangered Species Act - Salmon & Bull Trout - The Issue of 1999 the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) listed seven Washington salmonpopulations as endangered or threatened under the endangered species Act http://www.mrsc.org/Subjects/Environment/esa/esa-intr.aspx | |
15. Fish And Wildlife Species For more information on endangered or threatened species, enter a common or scientific name here HTML , PDF. 1998. salmon, Pacific (Oncorhynchus spp.) HTML , PDF http://species.fws.gov/ | |
16. MBNMS Ecosystems Observations 1999 - ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES The winterrun Chinook salmon is ranked as extirpated (destroyed or exterminated)in California. All other threatened or endangered species listed here are http://www.mbnms.nos.noaa.gov/educate/newsletters/2000Eco/Pages/endangered.html | |
17. The Endangered Species Act: Answers To FAQs From DDES Customers existing basin plans for additional measures to protect salmon and their goals, focuson protection and restoration of threatened and endangered species. http://www.metrokc.gov/ddes/esa/ | |
18. Extinct, Endangered And Threatened Species There are 1,072 endangered and threatened species in the 126 species of fish, suchas coho salmon; 115 species of reptiles, such as the green sea turtle. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0906937.html | |
19. Endangered Or Threatened Species List 1998 Snake River Spring Summer Chinook, threatened, Apr 1992. Umpqua River CutthroatTrout, endangered, Aug 1996. Central California Coho salmon, threatened, Oct 1996. http://www.wcei.org/1998threat.html | |
20. Endangered Species Program National Marine Fisheries Service. 4d Rule endangered and threatened species;Final Rule Governing Take of 14 threatened salmon and Steelhead Evolutionarily http://www.fish.ci.portland.or.us/links.htm | |
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