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41. Hobie Cat Fleet 61, Denver CO Fleet 61 promotes recreational sailing and regatta racing activities in the Colorado area and surrounding states. Members and families come from diverse walks of life to enjoy the wind and water. http://members.aol.com/rumline/fleet61 | |
42. Recreational Escapes, The Lakeside Association, Lakeside, Ohio, 43440, The Chaut sailing and Swimming, Our sailing staff is located at the Pavilion beacharea. 266 hourly rates. sailing lessons are offered on a weekly basis. http://www.lakesideohio.com/escapes/sailing.aspx | |
43. Welcome To The Cotswold Water Park! Sport and leisure park. recreational activities include water and jet ski, cycling, fishing, wind surfing, sailing and riding. Details are given of courses in the park. http://www.waterpark.org/ | |
44. Pelican Lake Yach Club:Racing News The region's sailing and recreational boating centre. Offers club information, location, membership, events and club news. http://www.pyc.mb.ca/clubnews.html | |
45. DSC Daysailing McHenry to the Key Bridge. Open sailing. Wednesday night open sailingis our most popular recreational sailing opportunity. Skipper http://www.downtownsailing.org/daysailing.htm | |
46. United States Naval Sailing Association Promotes sailing as part of Navy training and recreational programs and administers Navy and DoD sailing standards and qualification system. http://www.navysailing.org/ |
47. The Atlas Of Canada - Canoeing, Kayaking And Sailing Data Services. Home » Explore Maps » Freshwater » recreational Uses » Canoeing,Kayaking and sailing. Canoeing, Kayaking and sailing. View this map. Abstract. http://atlas.gc.ca/site/english/maps/freshwater/recreational/kayaking/1 | |
48. Www.hudsonyachtclub.com Provides cameraderie, sailing lessons, competition, facilities for recreational boating and social events. http://www.hudsonyachtclub.com/ |
49. Cybernautics Information about specialist designers of catamaran commuter ferries including the Urbo, Metro and Sea Beetle series. Also designers of luxury motor yachts and recreational sailing catamarans. http://www.cybernautics.com.au | |
50. OSUSC Press Release 2 recreational sailing with OSUSC. recreational practices will start on May1st. Just stop by the sailing House if you need a ride to the lake. http://www.ohiostatesailing.org/rec_sailing.htm | |
51. Texas A M Sailing Team The team existed at A M for 20 years as part of the sailing club, and in 1990 separated to become part of the recreational Sports Program. http://recsports.tamu.edu/sailing/index.html |
52. Virtual Library Of Sport - Sailing Zealand New ZealandÂs national body for competitive and recreational sailing; latestnews, briefings, events, racing rules, safety, highperformance sailing http://sportsvl.com/water/sailing.htm | |
53. Guck Inc. Performance Small Sailboat Repair Shop, Bristol, Rhode Island Championship sailboat builders and boat repair for one design classes, performance catamarans, recreational sailboats, and Olympic sailing classes. Located in Bristol, Rhode Island. http://www.guckinc.com | |
54. Westwood Sailing Club, Toronto - Learn To Sail Westwood is an adult recreational sailing club, a sailing school, aplace to meet new friends, and a fun place to spend the summer. http://www.westwood.on.ca/ | |
55. DrexelDragons.com - Recreational Sports General Information. Visitors Information. Staff Directory. Tickets. RecreationalSports. Drexel Athletic Club. Marketing/Promotions. Special Events. sailing. http://www.drexeldragons.com/recreation/club/sports/sailing.asp | |
56. Wisconsin Hoofers Outdoor Recreation recreational clubs including sailing, horseback riding, skiing and snowboarding, mountaineering, scuba, and gliding at the University of WisconsinMadison. http://www.hoofers.org/ | |
57. Recreational Boating At Battleship Cove. BCCB is a nonprofit public access sailing facility. Our goal is to enrich the surroundingcommunity through recreational and educational programs that take http://www.battleshipcove.com/boating.htm | |
58. Navy Yacht Club Channel Islands Assists the Navy in organizing and maintaining a training and recreational sailing program. Events calendar, photo gallery, articles, and contact details. http://www.nycci.org/ | |
59. Recreational Boating At Battleship Cove. Follow this link to learn how you, your company, or your foundationcan support this blossoming youth sailing program! Aspiring http://www.battleshipcove.com/boating-scholarship.htm | |
60. Lake Hartwell, - Hart County, Georgia Offers fishing, camping, sailing and other recreational activities, located near Hartwell, Georgia. http://www.nega.net/lakehartwellco/index.htm | |
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