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Sailing Recreational: more books (16) | |||
21. Welcome To Denver Sailing Club Norfolk UK's Home Page Information about dinghy sailing, training and recreational facilities provided on the River Great Ouse at Denver, Downham Market, Norfolk, United Kingdom. http://homepages.rya-online.net/denversc/ | |
22. Sail Chicago, Providing Sailing Instruction, Recreational Sailing & Racing On La Sail Chicago provides sailing instruction, recreational sailing, racing and socialevents for club members; owning and operating our own fleet of sailboats on http://www.sailchicago.org/ | |
23. Waltenbaugh, Joseph K. Professional photography, sailing and recreational information, politics, news, and weather. http://pages.prodigy.net/jkwaltenbaugh/ | |
24. Sailing Guide - Boatbuilding - Maritime History - Boat Plans recreational sailing clipart - Clip Art DirectoryClip Art Directory - Sports, recreational, sailing previews. SuggestionCorrection DIR search Sports recreational sailing, page 1. http://sailing.about.com/recreation/sailing/ | |
25. Shake-A-Leg Miami, Inc. (305) 858-5550 Group recreational sailing Specialized Group recreational sailing programs aredesigned to meet the needs and interests of individual and corporate groups. http://www.shakealegmiami.org/recreation_sailing.shtml | |
26. Banana Republican Joseph K. Waltenbaugh's site, featuring professional photography, sailing and recreational information, and political commentary. http://www.bananarepublican.info/ | |
27. Willow Bay Boats - The Shilling Recreational Day Sailing Baot an outboard well can be fitted internally. There is ample room for4 or 5 on board for day sailing. If open boat cruising is your http://www.willowbayboats.co.uk/shilling.htm | |
28. Willow Bay Boats - Suppliers Of Recreational Day Sailing Boats Willow Bay Boats builds recreational dayboats, developed from traditional designs tocreate beautiful craft, offering low maintenance and great sailing pleasure http://www.willowbayboats.co.uk/ | |
29. Navy Patuxent Sailing Club Offers sailing instruction, racing, and recreational boating. List of club officers, events calendar, news, photo gallery, message board, classified ads, and details about their programs. http://www.navypaxsail.com/ | |
30. Blue-Bay Real Estate Chile For sale 58 hectares of land inside of an ecological reserve in southern Chile. Situated on shores of Lake Llanquihue, just steps from skiing, mountaineering, fly fishing, sailing and other recreational opportunities. http://www.blue-bay.org | |
31. Sailing Club At The University Of Minnesota SCUM members also enjoy recreational sailing on Lake Harriet. When do we sail? recreationalsailing commences in early May and continues through early October. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~scum/ | |
32. Interphase: Home Manufacturer of scanning sonar fish finders and depth sounder products for the commercial and recreational boating, fishing, sailing, and marine research markets. http://www.interphase-tech.com/ | |
33. Small Business Notes - All Other Amusement And Recreation Industries Accommodations. 713990, Pack Trains (ie, Trail Riding), recreational.713990, Para sailing, recreational. 713990, Picnic Grounds. 713990, http://www.smallbusinessnotes.com/businesses/naics/arts/713990.html | |
34. International Contender Association Contender Class sailboat racing, and recreational sailing are featured, with news about racing, and links to national associations from around the world. http://www.sailingsource.com/contender/ | |
35. Sudbury Ontario Recreational Sports: Sailing Information, Listings And Links Background Equipment Where Background of the Sport Sailinguses the wind to power the boat s motion. It s not as much by http://www.foundlocally.com/Sudbury/Sports/Spo-SailingWindsurfing.htm | |
36. FYC.on.ca :: Fanshawe Yacht Club And Sailing School :: London Ontario Canada sailing club on Fanshawe Lake, recreational sailing , informal racing, regattas. Membership applications, school info, club history, photos, maps, notice board and links. http://www.fyc.on.ca/ | |
37. CA Outdoors.com - California Events, Recreational, And Travel Information! Save the Castaic Lake recreational Area. JWORLD PERFORMANCE sailing SCHOOL Welcometo JWorld, The Performance sailing School, recently voted the best sailing http://www.caoutdoors.com/ | |
38. Carolina Sailing Club Raleigh A family sailing club providing racing and recreational training in all phases of sailing, esp in Flying Scott, Isotope, Lightning, Tanzer, and Thistle classes. http://www.ipass.net/~csc |
39. Windycrest Sailing Club Private organization created to encourage the pursuit of sailing as a recreational activity, and as a competitive sport. Located on Lake Keystone. http://www.windycrest.com/ | |
40. Welcome To US Sailing Center Martin County sailing. The sailing Center offers recreational, competitive, and learnto-sailopportunities for children and adults. Come visit us! http://www.usscmc.org/ | |
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