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Sailing Olympic History: more detail | ||||
41. Olympic Games The Radio sailing Division and IFDS Disabled sailing Web sites are and activitiessuch as publications including the Journal of olympic history and collections http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/22f755b3511d9c8ed88683b22183ba7c.page3.html | |
42. History Of The Olympic The two ships had been sailing on parallel courses off the Isle of Wightwhen the Hawke was suddenly sucked into the olympic s side. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/stoker/39/olympic.html | |
43. The History Of Tenby Sailing Club. Museum for their help in researching this history, and John and an olympic Fireflyafter the olympic Games in designed by Uffa Fox for Looe sailing Club in http://www.tenbysailingclub.org.uk/history.htm | |
44. EdGate Summer Games The Europe is the only singlehanded womenÂs olympic boat and is Competition Eachsailing event is a series of races, called a News, history, and Fast Facts. http://www2.edgate.com/summergames/spotlight_sport/sailing.php | |
45. Olympic Village Newspaper Online first time olympic sailing events are being held in a working port and only thesecond time in recent olympic history, after Barcelona, that sailing has been http://journalism.uts.edu.au/archive/ov/sailing.html | |
46. Olympiad Aegean Odyssey Yacht Cruises 2004 Olympic Games Athens is that you will enjoy your stay and have a Olympiad sailing Experience. Records ofolympic history show that the ancient olympic Games were held in Greece as http://www.sailingparadise.com/olympiad.html | |
47. CSA History Lasers during the fiveday event. This sailing event drew over 4,000spectators, the largest crowd in US olympic Festival history. http://www.csa-sailing.org/clubinfo/history.html | |
48. NZ Summer Olympic History NZ Summer olympic history. Mark Todd retired from olympic competition with a bronzemedal in the Sydney harbour didn t help New Zealand s chances in sailing. http://www.olympic.org.nz/Article.aspx?ID=343 |
49. Sailing & Yachting For Athens 2004 Olympics (Yacht & Catamaran Charter Of Endles history As in the daytime there is no star in and other contributors, the firstModern olympic Games were 42 Bahia 46 and enjoy your sailing experience with http://www.endless-blue.com/athens-olympics.php | |
50. Australia: The Games And The New Millennium sailing VENUE Sydney Harbour, Rushcutters Bay, Sydney Opera House DATES September17 to 30, 2000 For the first time in the olympic history, sailing comes to http://www.rochedalss.qld.edu.au/olympics/sports.htm | |
51. SPORTS FACTS - Sailing - Olympic Champions Tony Hinchliffe s Sports Facts history sailing olympic Champions.HOME DIARY history LINKS Message Board sailing ON THIS PAGE. http://sportsfacts.net/history/sailing/olympics/olympic_sailing_champions.html | |
52. Harken History HARKEN history, Peter and to insure they devote their time to sailing and not 1968Lowell North and Buddy Friedrichs win olympic Gold with blocks business http://www.harken.com/company/history.php | |
53. Press Release Every day is part of history. He is a true champion Meanwhile, TeamGB s sailing squad are also guaranteed an olympic medal. http://www.olympics.org.uk/press/pressdetail.asp?boa_press_id=27 |
54. Club History Club history. The Fireflies produced SidmouthÂs olympic sailor. Patrick Pym startedhis sailing at Sidmouth with his father but by the 1960s he had moved to http://sidmouthsailing.users.btopenworld.com/History.htm | |
55. Saprelim-2 sailing Championship. history. Olympians are shown in bold. Others on the currentISAF olympic Class ranking lists are shown in italics. For the Optimist history http://www.optiworld.org/ioda-worldhistory.html | |
56. History Of The Tornado : International Tornado Association International Tornado Class. A Brief Tornado history. In 2004, on the Saronikos Gulfin Greece, the Tornado will be sailing in its seventh olympic Games. http://www.tornado.org/html/history.asp | |
57. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Sailing : History Of Sport Sailing, Sport (Sports) - Enc Games since 1900; at present olympic sailors compete sailing, traditionally a sportof the wealthy, has article Introduction; Racing Classes; history of Sport http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/S/sailing-history-of-sport-sailing.ht | |
58. Yacht Charters Whitsundays Sailing Holidays Whitsunday Islands Bareboat Charter The biggest stadium in olympic history seating 110,000 Bay site of the Sydney olympicsin 2000 Yacht Charters Whitsundays sailing Holidays Whitsunday Islands http://www.holidaymagic.com.au/local_knowledge.htm | |
59. Sailing In ancient times, sailing was linked with the history and activities of many peoplesand nations. sailing became an olympic sport at the 1900 olympic Games http://www.ana.gr/olympics/English/pages/OlympicSports/Sailing.html | |
60. Maritime History main parts of the Danish Naval history from 1801 historic sailing This site is aboutreenactment events A 1984 olympic Yachting Retrospective Produced by Ted http://www.apparent-wind.com/maritime-history.html | |
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