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61. Farmworker Justice Fund Information on public policy and legal issues regarding migrant and seasonal farm workers, including labor law, immigration, occupational safety and health, women's issues and access to justice. http://www.fwjustice.org | |
62. Agricultural Safety & Health Information Clearinghouse Information about farm safety and health activities in the U.S. and around the world. http://safety.coafes.umn.edu/ | |
63. Farm Safety Association - Horticultural, Agricultural Safety Promoting safety and safety education to Ontario farmers. http://www.fsai.on.ca/ | |
64. Farm Health & Safety Checklist March. The Federation appreciates the Department s continuing interestin farm safety issues. model. The Importance of farm safety. http://enterprise.newcomm.net/agricult/efpi/check.htm | |
65. Turkey -- From Farm To Freezer From the United States Department of Agriculture, Food safety and Inspection Service. Describes process of bringing turkey from the farm to the home kitchen. Explains the different kinds of labels used, e.g. free range , natural , Kosher . Includes links to other Food Service turkey fact sheets. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/OA/pubs/farmfreeze.htm | |
66. SafetyLine: Online | Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing Family farm safety Kit The Family farm safety Kit will help educate rural childrenabout three of the most common hazards for children on farms tractors http://www.safetyline.wa.gov.au/sub38.htm | |
67. ISU Extension To Agriculture And Natural Resources Home Page Includes information on field specialists, farm business management,gardens, food safety, water quality, valueadded agriculture. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/ag/ | |
68. Farm Safety - Home Page Association dedicated to reducing the number of injuries and accidents on farms and ranches through continuing programs of safety and education. Course information, resources, staff listings, list of services, board of directors, and contact details. http://www.farsha.bc.ca/ | |
69. Child Passenger Safety Insurance company provides safety seat information and research. Seat belt laws by state. http://www.statefarm.com/kidsafety.htm | |
70. MedlinePlus: Farm Safety Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on  farm safety. farm safety (NemoursFoundation) for kids; farm safety (Nemours Foundation) - for parents; http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/farmsafety.html | |
71. Smiths Farm - Mars Hill, Maine Organically grown broccoli, potatoes, wheat, barley and soy beans. A profile of the company, information about crop production, safety, and transportation. http://www.smithsfarm.com/ | |
72. CFA - FCA Information about the CFA, agriculture in Canada, farm safety, news releases, briefs, pest management and available careers within the industry. http://www.cfa-fca.ca// |
73. Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association Offers information to consumers and growers about food safety and quality, food prices, farm labor issues and governmental affairs. http://www.ffva.com/ | |
74. Pocketful Of Ponies Farm Pocketful of Ponies farm is located in Goshen, Massachusetts. Specializes in teaching beginner adults and children on Haflinger horses. safety and fun are emphasized. http://www.pocketfulofponies.com | |
75. Farm Safety - Kid's Safety - Farm Play Safe Program Model safety in Your farm Work. Adults are important role models when it comesto farm safety. Children s safety must be an ongoing concern of farm parents. http://www.peifa.ca/farmsafety/kids/playsafe.html | |
76. Index Of / Sells and services farm equipment for barns and livestock feeding. Includes a company profile, contact information with maps, product lineup, online catalog, parts and service page, farm safety page and related links. http://www.farmstead.ca/ | |
77. Dutch Industries Ltd. : Go Dutch : Go Your Way : Agricultural Products Manufacturer of agricultural equipment including wind powered power generators, water pumps, aeration, farm chemical safety, harvest and cattle handing equipment. http://www.dutchind.com/ | |
78. Fence Masters, Inc. Of Missoula Montana  Fencing For Farm, Ranch, And Home Makers of unique dog kennels designed with animal safety. Commercial, residential and recreational fencing for farm, ranch, and home. http://www.fencemasters.com/ | |
79. Breeding Area Volunteer Fire Department Provides fire safety FAQs, personnel, coverage area map, first aid training, department training, fire Olympics, farm rescue training, events, pictures, equipment, and related links. http://www.duo-county.com/~bavfd/ | |
80. Farm Trak Equine Safety Fence High Impact polymer electric safety fencing systems. http://www.farmtrak.com | |
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