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41. Children On The Farm Through National Farm Safety Week, the Canada Safety Council has highlightedthe importance of diligence and safety on the farm for over 25 years. http://www.safety-council.org/info/OSH/farmchild.htm | |
42. Farming Life - Northern Ireland's Agricultural Website Researchers Look At safety on the farm. Saturday 1st May 2004. It will enablefarm safety policy to target areas of greatest concern to farmers. http://www.farminglife.com/story/2048 | |
43. Children's Safety On The Farm - Links Children s safety on the farm. Children and Farm Safety Over thepast decade, 55 children under 16 died in Ontario farm accidents. http://www.safekid.org/indexfarm.htm | |
44. Agricultural Safety Break Gas and Electric safety on the farm and Ranch What You Should Know (Summary ofSafety Breakfast Meeting held Wednesday, May 12, 1999) ELECTRICITY AND GAS http://cati.csufresno.edu/cab/good/stories/safebr/safe-break-may99.html | |
45. DodgeGlobe.com:ATV Safety On The Farm 05/08/04 Story last updated at 937 am Saturday, May 8, 2004 ATV safety on the farm MANHATTANÂ All terrain vehicles have become indispensable for some farmers. http://www.dodgeglobe.com/stories/050804/ag_0508040072.shtml | |
46. Atlantic Canada Farm Health And Safety Web Site For those working in farm safety, including managers, parents and teachers. Information on newsletters, safety officers, health, pesticides, children, resources and contacts. http://www.peifa.ca/farmsafety/ | |
47. Farm Safety Government department responsible for farm safety in the province. http://www.labour.gov.sk.ca/farmsafety/ | |
48. Farm Safety 4 Just Kids Includes safety tips, coloring pages, printand-color brochures, and interactive quiz. http://www.fs4jk.org/ |
49. EUROPA - Food Safety: From The Farm To The Fork - Home Page food safety aims to assure a high level of food safety, animal health, animal welfareand plant health within the European Union through coherent farmto-table http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/index_en.htm | |
50. Horse Fence, Pasture Fence, Non Climb Fence: Equi-Tee Farm And Fence Manufacture and distributor of high quality products to add safety and security to horse fencing. http://www.fencingsolutions.com | |
51. Percell's Potbelly Pigs Small family run farm in Sonoma county, CA. Tips on hoof care, tusk maintenance, shots and worming, breeding, behavior and safety, potty training, feeding guidelines, introduction to the home, and initial questions and preparations. http://www.svn.net/kpercell/pigs/index.htm |
52. Farm Alarm: Coping With Stress In addition to an informative brochure, farm Alarm consists of a theaterbased workshop that explores various stressors that have an impact on the safety, health and quality of life of farm families throughout the Midwest. http://safety.coafes.umn.edu/farmalarm/ | |
53. EUROPA - Food Safety Your browser does not support script. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer and a copyright notice. The EU integrated approach to food safety aims to assure a of food safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health within the European Union through coherent farmto-table http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/index_en.html |
54. NFU Little Red Tractor: Home Page Information on the British symbol of food safety, animal welfare, and care for the environment. http://www.littleredtractor.org.uk/ | |
55. The Farm Midwives and Synergistic Marriage Spiritual Enlightenment and Sexual Ideology on The farm (Tennessee) by LOUIS J donation to the farm Midwives. The safety of Home Birth The farm Study http://www.thefarm.org/charities/mid.html | |
56. Foothills Farm Located in northern Ontario, we offer summer riding camps with swimming and other recreational activities. All activities are fully supervised and safety is stressed. http://www.foothillsfarm.on.ca/ | |
57. On Farm Food Safety On farm Food safety preventing illness, production issues, and theOntario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers On-farm Food safety Program. http://www.foodsafetynetwork.ca/onfarm.htm | |
58. Georgia Farm Bureau Safety: Hypothermia When you hear about hypothermia, you usually envision someone stranded in a terrible winter storm. However, hypothermia can occur when it's wet, windy and up to 50 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This condition is most common in cold weather, but infants and the elderly can develop hypothermia at temperatures greater than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. http://www.gfb.org/safety/winter.htm | |
59. Food Safety Network Food safety Network at the University of Guelph provides research, commentary, policyevaluation and public information on food safety issues from farmto-fork http://www.foodsafetynetwork.ca/ | |
60. It's In Your Hands Education on home, outdoor and workplace electrical safety in areas such as fire, farm, contractor, public safety and child proofing. http://www.itsinyourhands.on.ca | |
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