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41. Public Citizen | Auto Safety Group | Auto Safety - Rollover Prevention And Survi Rollover prevention and Survivability. safety belts and seat structures are not madeto keep NHTSA must develop a dynamic test and consumer information program http://www.citizen.org/autosafety/rollover/articles.cfm?ID=7979&e=42 |
42. IAQ Publications - Protect Your Family And Yourself From CO Centers for Disease Control and prevention Checklist for prevention of Carbon MonoxidePoisoning exiting epa. US consumer Product safety Commission, Office of http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/coftsht.html&e=42 |
43. KDHE - Kansas Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program - KCLPPP KCLPPP Website Disclaimer. KCLPPP Home. KDHE consumer Health - Childhood LeadPoisoning prevention. consumer Product safety Commission Lead Related Recalls. http://www.unleadedks.com/cpsc_recalls.html&e=42 |
44. Press Release - Personal Safety, Fraud Prevention At People S Bank Press Room. August 12, 2002 Personal safety, Fraud prevention At People sBank Hispanic consumer University. Attorney General Blumenthal http://www.peoples.com/im/cda/press_room/1,6832,12526,00.html&e=42 |
45. 404 Not Found - The Home Improvement Web Directory According to a report published by the consumer Product safety to educating thepublic about the prevention of chimney and venting safety hazards. http://www.the-home-improvement-web.com/information/carbon-monoxide.htm&e=42 | |
46. ICC Online Consumer Safety Building safety and fire prevention officials work with citizens toaddress building safety and fire prevention concerns everyday. http://www.iccsafe.org/safety/BSW2004KS.html&e=42 |
47. Pennsylvania Office Of Attorney General Seniors, Civil Rights, Telemarketing, Charities, Child safety, Kids Teens,Drug prevention, Drug Demand Reduction Unit, consumer Protection, Brochures http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/&e=42 |
48. Results For Injury Prevention - Govt.nz - Connecting You To New with the Energy safety Service of the Ministry of consumer Affairs. Appliancesinclude Find information on injury prevention (Accident Compensation http://www.govt.nz/en/search/topics/ssc:Health+&+safety/ssc:Incident+prevention/ |
49. Welcome To The Consumer Product Safety Website regulations that are enforced by Product safety Officers in the CPS is actively involvedin injury prevention through promoting consumer awareness of http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hecs-sesc/cps/&e=42 |
50. Injury Prevention Web Links Consumer Prouduct Safety SafetyLit Logo. Internet Injury prevention Resources. consumer ProductSafety. A link may appear in more than one category. Inclusion http://www.injuryprevention.org/links/links-proud.htm&e=42 |
51. Health, Federal Resources For Educational Excellence (FREE) (Centers For Disease Control and prevention). 11. consumer Information offers productrecall notices, consumer safety publications, a guide to public information http://www.ed.gov/free/s-health.html&e=42 |
52. Healthfinder® - Fire Prevention prevention. Publications address children s sleepwear, fire detectors, chimneys,clothes dryers, curling irons, and fire details US consumer Product safety http://www.healthfinder.gov/Scripts/SearchContext.asp?topic=316&e=42 |
53. Encompass Insurance - Safety And Prevention safety and prevention safety Tips and Helpful Hints, Avoiding Deer / Car Collisions.Cell Phones and Driving. Teenagers Safe Cars. Hints for Defensive Driving. http://www.encompassinsurance.com/consumer/cc/plan_and_learn/safety_and_preventi |
54. Encompass Insurance - Safety And Prevention Request a Quote. Â Agency Profiles. Enter Zip Code. safety and PreventionIn Case of a Flood Protecting you and your family. Warnings / Watches. http://www.encompassinsurance.com/consumer/cc/plan_and_learn/safety_and_preventi |
55. Seniors Safety Crime Prevention Safety Handbook the month and direct deposits are a good crime prevention technique stocks, bonds,jewelry and other valuables in a safety deposit box Top of Page consumer Fraud. http://www.city.richmond.bc.ca/emergency/police/cpbook/cp26.htm&e=42 |
56. EUROPA - Public Health - Funded Projects - Injury Prevention DEVELOPMENT OF A BALANCED SCORECARD OF NATIONAL KEY INDICATORS ON CHILDHOOD INJURIESAND RELATED prevention MEASURES. EUROPEAN consumer safety ASSOCIATION (THE http://europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph_projects/injury_project_full_listing_en.htm& |
57. HSLS Safety Poison Control Guides / consumer Health Information / prevention and Wellness / safety PoisonControl. Web Sites Books Databases Highlights, MedlinePlus® Child safety. http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/guides/chi/prevention/safety&e=42 |
58. CYFERNet Children S Health And Safety Directory Product safety Commission. Child Drowning prevention Publications fromthe consumer Product safety Commission. Children and Lead Poisoning http://www.nncc.org/cyfernet/health.page.html&e=42 |
59. Welcome To The Safety Net Regional Center Staff Prevention And Developing prevention Strategies. to take when it is suspected that a consumer ismissing It is important to consider provisions for ensuring the safety of other http://www.ddssafety.net/regionalstaff/missingPersons.htm&e=42 |
60. Federal Trade Commission with the Telemarketing Sales Rule TEXT PDF; Donating to Public safety FundRaisersTEXT Telemarketing and consumer Fraud and Abuse prevention Act TEXT http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/menu-tmark.htm&e=42 |
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