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41. Russian Scientists .com Reaserch Institute of Materials science and technology. The stateowned unitary enterprise Research Institute of Materials science http://russianscientists.com/institutes/no.php3?id=138 |
42. From Knowledge To Wealth: Transforming Russian Science And Technology For A Mode From Knowledge to Wealth Transforming russian science and technology for a Modern Knowlege EconomyFebruary 14, 2003. Author info http://ideas.repec.org/p/wop/wobapd/2974.html | |
43. Ãversättning Till Och FrÃ¥n Ryska Välkommen till. russian TRANSLATION. russian TRANSLATION. science technology. science technology. Ãversättning till och frÃ¥n http://www.algonet.se/~jakmik/ | |
44. Russian Language Abstract Journals In Science And Technology: Science Reference russian Language Abstract Journals in science and technology science Reference Guides from the Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/SciRefGuides/russian2.html | |
45. U.S. And Russian Scientists Develop Process For Making Pure Titanium Medical Imp US and russian scientists develop process for making pure titanium medical implants. Zhu and Terry C. Lowe of the Materials science and technology Division. http://www.lanl.gov/worldview/news/releases/archive/00-071.shtml | |
46. Los Alamos' Bowles Wins Top Russian Science Prize Support for SAGE comes from the russian Academy of sciences, the Institute for Nuclear Research, the russian Ministry of science and technology, the russian http://www.lanl.gov/worldview/news/releases/archive/03-064.shtml | |
47. C-DAC: Downloads - Growing Contacts of multiprocessor computer technology and the need of developing multipurpose software, the russian Academy and the Department of science and technology of the http://www.cdacindia.com/html/down/riccr.asp | |
48. Russian Federation - From Knowledge To Wealth: Transforming Russian Science And From Knowledge to Wealth Transforming russian science and technology for a Modern Knowledge Economy. Forty years ago, Korea, Israel http://www.worldbank.org.ru/ECA/Russia.nsf/0/D822CE3ECC6BA9C1C3256E27002F2850 | |
49. Governments On The WWW: Russian Federation Duma; Council of Federation; russian Government; Ministry of Agriculture; of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Industry, science and technology State Institute of http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/ru.html | |
50. The Embassy Of The Russian Federation In The Republic Of India COOPERATION. LAST MEETING OF THE russian INDIAN WORKING GROUP ON science technology WAS HELD AT MOSCOW ON NOVEMBER, 2002. COOPERATION http://www.india.mid.ru/india/science.html | |
51. The Embassy Of The Russian Federation In The Republic Of India Government of the Republic of India and russian Academy of sciences for Establishment of Indorussian science and technology Center for Gas Hydrate Studies. http://www.india.mid.ru/india/summits/01d_05.html | |
52. Virtual Museum - Matchbox LabelsCollection - Russian Labels - Science And Techno Virtual museum Matchbox LabelsCollection - russian labels - science and technology. Virtual Matchbox Labels Museum - russian labels - science and technology. http://phillumeny.onego.ru/labels/russian/science.html | |
53. Virtual Museum - Matchbox LabelsCollection - Russian Labels - Science And Techno Virtual museum Matchbox LabelsCollection - russian labels - science and technology - 5 - Forestry technological colleges. Virtual http://phillumeny.onego.ru/labels/russian/science/page5/page5.html | |
54. PhysicsWeb - How To Rebuild Russian Science The uncontrolled decay of russian science may not be fatal for Russia in the short (None of this, of course, relates to the science and technology that is http://physicsweb.org/article/world/12/1/2 | |
55. Welcome To The Ioffe Institute! Office assists russianlanguage authors in submiting their papers to the Institute of Physics Publishing Journals Semiconductor science and technology, http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/ | |
56. Dr. Andrei G. Chakhovskoi A.Chakhovskoi russian science and technology Seminar Dr. Andrei G. Chakhovskoi. russian science, technology and Ecology Seminar. http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~chakhovs/FRS-1.html | |
57. Russian IT Seasons. From Silicon Valley To Silison Alley 11.10.2002, Departure. RUSSOFT delegation is participating in the Seminar russian science and technology Opportunity for US Business. http://www.fort-ross.ru/roadshow/nyprogram.html | |
58. Russian Academy Of Science The russian Academy of Sciences coordinates and supervises the fundamental research on the major problems of natural and social sciences, technology and http://www.intertec.co.at/itc2/partners/RAS/Default.htm | |
59. Wiley::Callaham's Russian-English Dictionary Of Science And Technology, 4th Edit Wiley Reference Language Instruction russian Callaham s russianEnglish Dictionary of science and technology, 4th Edition. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471611395.html | |
60. ERDLine: Russian Science And Research Complex The Ministry of science and technology of the russian Federation is authorized to manage science and technology (S T) activities at the federal level. http://www.erdline.com/research02.shtml | |
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