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1. Guide To The History Of Russian Science Virtual Guide to the History of russian science and technology. Archives. Bibliography. Institutions. Journals. People. News. Courses. Societies. russian Studies. http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/ | |
2. Informnauka News articles and features about sciencerelated events and research progress in Russia including science, technology and medicine. From a science news agency in Russia. English, russian http://www.informnauka.ru/eng/ | |
3. CeBIT America - Russian Science & Technology Opportunities For U.S. Business http://www.cebit-america.com/2445 |
4. History Of Science Society -- Newsletter Article russian Soviet science and technology. by Loren R The history of science and technology in russian and the Soviet Union is a field of study that is underdeveloped in the http://depts.washington.edu/hssexec/newsletter/1997/graham.html | |
5. Institutions science Program; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute science and technology Studies; russian State University for the Humanities; Stanford http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/inst.htm | |
6. Language Interface A USbased company with specialization in English-russian and russian-English translation support of technical and business communications for science and technology. Major subject areas include oil and gas industry, civil and construction, advanced R D, aerospace, and telecommunications. http://www.langint.com/ | |
7. Bibliography News. Courses. Societies. russian Studies. science Studies Organization of science and technology. Scientific and engineering education. science, technology, and political ideology http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/Biblio/bibl.htm | |
8. CeBIT America - Russian Science & Technology Opportunities For U.S. Business russian science technology Opportunities for US Business. The MidAtlantic - Russia Business Council and the US Department of State http://www.cebit-america.com/top-2445.html | |
9. CNN.com - Science And Space MORE NEWS . russian craft bound for space station TIME 100 recognizes the world's elite in business, politics, technology and science http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space | |
10. ISTC Homepage INTERNATIONAL science technology CENTER. User Unauthorized / Language ENG RUS JPN markets with the exceptional pool of scientific talent available in russian and CIS institutes. http://www.istc.ru/ | |
11. Russian Science & Technology Opportunities russian science technology Opportunities. for U.S. Business. Announcing The PRBC U.S. State Department Seminar Series. LEHIGH VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA - The Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council and http://www.interfax-news.com/Links-Events/RussianScience.html | |
12. Russian Science News russian science News. Section. science. technology. Medicine. The project of popularscience magazine Chemistry and life - XXI century http://www.informnauka.ru/eng/tec_e.shtml | |
13. October 16, 2002 - Rochelle Park, New Jersey New Jersey Commission on science and technology, New Jersey Business and Industry Coalition and Baker McKenzie. Present. russian science technology Opportunities for U.S. Business http://www.gbrt.org/russiansciencestechnologyopportunitiesforusbusiness | |
14. STATISTICAL DATA BOOKS, DIRECTORIES russian science AND technology AT A GLANCE 2000. Data Book/CSRS. Moscow, 2001. The data book, being the continuation of the Centre http://www.csrs.minstp.ru/English/Public/Stat/2000/S-Russ-2000.htm | |
15. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Satisrun (metapage of science, technology, and society resources) (Martyn Overy, North Chadderton School, Oldham Panchenko (Institute of History, russian Academy of sciences, St http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2731 |
16. STATISTICAL DATA BOOKS, DIRECTORIES russian science and technology at a Glance 2002. Data Book. Moscow CSRS, 2003. The data book, being the continuation of the http://www.csrs.minstp.ru/English/Public/Stat/2003/Science2002.htm | |
17. Science & Technology - Science News The terms 'science and technology' are often confused, particularly by nontechnical public. This confusion arises because so much of contemporary technology is based on sciences, science technology. science news, technology news, articles and links. The terms 'science and technology Kill Kyoto Treaty. Leading russian scientists told President Vladimir Putin http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/science-and-technology.asp | |
18. 2. Notes On The Russian Scientists' Presentations And Discussion two state programs are funded by the Ministry of science and technology each year There was a general discussion regarding the funding of russian researchers http://www.wtec.org/loyola/nano/Russia/01_02.htm | |
19. Www.mnts.msk.su/ ? 2002 The ministry of the industry, science and technology of the russian Federation. All right resirved. Developed by ITGroup . http://www.mnts.msk.su/ |
20. Russian Science And Technology Lomonosov formulates the laws of conservation of mass and energy, fundamental tenets of natural science. 1898 The russiandesigned ERMAK is the first icebreaker http://www.sandia.gov/ASCI/russia/science_timeline.html | |
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