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81. Crime And Pulp - The New Russian Literature: More Elmore Leonard Than Leo Tolsto Crime and Pulp The new russian literature more Elmore Leonard than Leo Tolstoy. By Vijai Maheshwari Posted Monday, Nov. 3, 2003, at 913 AM PT. http://slate.msn.com/id/2090622/ | |
82. Russian 271: 19th Century Russian Literature Masterpeices of 19th Century russian literature. A sample list of Library of Congress subject headings for topics related to russian literature is given below. http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/humanities/langlit/Russ271/Russ271index.ht | |
83. Yale University Press - Publisher Of Fine Books A HISTORY OF russian literature Victor Terras 1994 666 pp. This book will replace the few other histories of russian literature. http://www.yale.edu/yup/books/059345.htm | |
84. WU Libraries: Russian Literature, Language, & Culture russian literature, Language Culture. Subject librarian Bill Wibbing Office hours Mon. Fri., 9-4, Email wibbing@library.wustl http://library.wustl.edu/subjects/russianlit/ | |
85. Bucknell Russian Studies Department The Bucknell russian Studies website contains an online interactive grammar of russian, a chronology of russian history, and copies of all russian constitutions. Additionally, it has pages of Study russian now. No nation has a more colorful history about every other aspect of the russian life and societyits politics, news, art, music, literature, and business http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/russian |
86. Russian Gay Culture Information on literature, history, journals, films, links, and a russian Out list. http://www.middlebury.edu/~moss/RGC.html | |
87. Literature Go to Nabla Kvadrat page. MIP Company invites you to visit their page where they present what they publish russian controversial literature. http://www.ibiblio.org/sergei/Literature/Literature.html | |
88. Russian Gay Culture Includes links and bibliographic references on a variety of topics including literature, art, film, and history. http://community.middlebury.edu/~moss/RGC.html | |
89. Carleton University Library. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In addition to contemporary materials, several special collections are maintained, including scholarly facsimiles of major medieval manuscripts in religion, paleography and art history; 17th and 18th century British history; 17th and 18th century russian travel and description; French Revolutionary history; 19th century Canadian history; early Canadian literature; the Batchinsky Collection of over half a million items dealing with 19th and 20th century Ukrainian history and politics; and the Novosti Collection of materials dealing with Soviet society from 19171991. Research affiliation Center for Research Libraries. http://www.library.carleton.ca/ | |
90. Russian Renaissance Sells traditional crafts such as birch bark boxes, barrettes, finift jewelry, matrioshka dolls, and icon eggs. Conducts cultural programs in art, literature and music. http://www.russianart.com/ |
91. Russian Gothic Page An underground project dedicated to promotion of gothic subculture in Russia. With art, music, literature, film, pictures, reviews, and links. http://www.gothic.ru/ |
92. F&P Russian Proverbs And Sayings Supplied from A Book of English and russian Proverbs and Sayings by M. Dubrovin (in English, with explanations). http://www.friends-partners.org/friends/culture/literature/russian-proverbs.html | |
93. Top_e A catalog of books in the Karelian language held by national and academic libraries in the Republic of Karelia and by the russian National Library. http://library.karelia.ru/eng/kareng.shtml | |
94. H-EarlySlavic Discussion Network HNet discussion group dedicated to Slavic history, literature, and culture before 1725. Features subject overview, archive and subscription information. Belorussian, English, French, German, russian, and Ukrainian. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~ess/ | |
95. St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary Approximately 35,000 volumes and 200 current periodicals concentrating on Orthodox Eastern Christianity, with emphasis on the fields of Church History, Patristics and Hagiography. Also 12,000 monograph and periodicals with strong representation of East European and pre1917 russian theological works and devotional literature. http://www.stots.edu/library.htm | |
96. Russian Cultural Club Follows a variety of cultural interests aimed at promoting an awareness and understanding of Russia and its people. Interests include history, art, music, dance, literature, science and language. Programme of events, photogallery and quiz. http://russianclub.users.btopenworld.com/ | |
97. Ãà éäà Ã÷èê çì³Ãèâ à äðåñó UkrainianBelarussian-russian-English dictionary with explanations, grammar, literature and documentation on the Ukrainian language. http://vesna.sammit.kiev.ua/ | |
98. THE BERDICHEV REVIVAL Photographs, history, genealogy, holocaust, maps, literature and Berdychiv today (Berdichev in russian / Berdyczow in Polish). http://www.berdichev.org/ | |
99. Online Russian Library Online Library of russian classical literature offers works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Fet, Krylov, Esenin, Akhmatova, Chekhov, Tsvetaeva, Vysotsky in original and http://www.learningrussian.com/library/ | |
100. Welcome To Rhema Distribution of Christian literature for free primarily in the russian language mainly to the countries of the former USSR. Stream magazine, New Testament with commentary, faith, and books. http://www.rhemainc.org/ | |
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