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61. Ingenta: All Issues -- Russian Literature russian literature, ISSN 03043479 Publisher Elsevier Science see publisher s website see journal home page, LATEST NEXT, PREVIOUS EARLIEST. no issues found. http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/els/03043479 | |
62. Russian Literature - Encyclopedia Article About Russian Literature. Free Access, encyclopedia article about russian literature. russian literature in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. russian literature. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Russian literature | |
63. ALEXANDER SERGEIEVICH PUSHKIN: PATRIARCH OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE HISTORY NOTES. Alexander Sergeievich Pushkin. ALEXANDER SERGEIEVICH PUSHKIN PATRIARCH OF russian literature. By RUNOKO RASHIDI. Pushkin was the Russian spring. http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/pushkin.html | |
64. Glbtq >> Literature >> Russian Literature Since the eleventh century, russian literature has included treatments of homosexual themes. Please take glbtq s 5 minute survey. http://www.glbtq.com/literature/russ_lit.html | |
65. Russian Literature Message Board Home Free Study Aids Message Boards. russian literature Message Board You are not logged in! , Do people know about russian literature? http://mb.sparknotes.com/mb.epl?b=60 |
66. Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature NineteenthCentury russian literature. RUSS 250/RAS 741. Hunter College, Spring 1995. Nineteenth-Century russian literature*. Required Texts. Chekhov, Anton. http://mosaic.echonyc.com/~goldfarb/rus250.htm | |
67. Greenwood Publishing Group I1 Studies how russian literature reflects Russia s history of territorial expansion and argues that this expansion is a form of colonization. http://info.greenwood.com/books/0313313/0313313113.html | |
68. Greenwood Publishing Group I1 Women Writers in russian literature Edited by Toby W. Clyman and Diana Greene World Literature, Contributions to the Study of, No. http://info.greenwood.com/books/0313275/0313275211.html | |
69. Oxford University Press - Russian Literature russian literature, New Titles. 0192839268 272 pages pb Oct 2003, The Devil and Other Stories. TOLSTOY, Leo Edited by Richard F. Gustafson http://www.oup.com.au/content/General.asp?ContentID=1172&MasterID=47 |
70. Imperial Knowledge: Russian Literature And Colonialism Imperial Knowledge russian literature and Colonialism. Ewa M. Thompson, Professor of Slavic Studies, Rice University. Publishing Information. Westport, CT. http://www.postcolonialweb.org/poldiscourse/ewt/5.html | |
71. Central Library: Resources For Russian And Slavic Languages And Literature FEBweb -The Fundamental Digital Library of russian literature and folklore; FOLKLORICA / Slavic and East European Folklore Association; http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/russian.html | |
72. Russian Literature And Language Studies russian literature and Language Studies, University Fast Find. russian literature AND LANGUAGE STUDIES, http://www.is.bham.ac.uk/resources/russlit/ | |
73. Elsevier Author Gateway russian literature combines issues devoted to special topics of russian literature with contributions on related subjects in Croatian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=505594&Precis=DESC |
74. Russian Literature. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. russian literature. 1. Early Literature. russian literature was first produced after the introduction of Christianity from Byzantium in the 10th cent. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ru/Russlit.html | |
75. Selected Literatures And Authors Pages - Russian Literature Slavic, East European, and Former USSR Resources. Selected Literatures and Authors Page russian literature. General russian literature Sites. http://learning.lib.vt.edu/slav/lit_authors_russian.html |
76. Resources For Russian Literature russian literature is well indexed, at least for those individuals, subject areas and genres who were not censored for religious or political reasons. http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/spx/class/SubjectResources/SubSourRus/ruslit.htm | |
77. Anastasia You re at Home russian literature. russian literature has won considerable recognition all over the world and become an integral part of its culture. http://anastasia.boxmail.biz/cgi-bin/guide.pl?id_razdel=3080&action=article |
78. Electronic Journals of Slavic Linguistics. (index only); Russian Linguistics. UC Only , 1997-; russian literature. - UC Only (Publisher discontinued http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/Slavic/ejourn.html | |
79. PAPER XII TWENTIETH-CENTURY RUSSIAN LITERATURE - PAPER XII TWENTIETHCENTURY russian literature. REFERENCE SOURCES Neil Cornwell (ed.), A Reference Guide to russian literature (London, 1998). http://www.mod-langs.ox.ac.uk/russian/ppxii.html | |
80. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle OnLine russian literature (Russian On-Line Literary Society). Simon Hawkin s Russian Page (dictionaries, literature, Russian servers, etc.). http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2248 |
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