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41. NATIVE-L Mailing List: Sakhalin: Oil And Indigenous Peoples of Sakhalin in the Far East of the russian Federation development L auravetl an indigenousInformation Center explains why local indigenous people oppose the http://bioc09.uthscsa.edu/natnet/archive/nl/9704/0103.html | |
42. Indigenous Peoples that would facilitate the indigenous peoples responsibility for the positive developmentof their communities. The Action Plan highlights the russian parts of http://www.beac.st/default.asp?id=344 |
43. Northern Indigenous Peoples Of Russia - Encyclopedia Article About Northern Indi . Click the link for more information. (old russian name Lopars, ie, Lapp. TheSaami are one of the largest groups of indigenous peoples in Europe. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Northern indigenous peoples of Russia | |
44. Indigenous People People, and of the meetings on indigenous People in Geneva. It is also the storyof peoples who actively Missions of Canada and of the russian Federation in http://www.unog.ch/library/events/inuit/inuit.htm | |
45. Choike : Indigenous Peoples . russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North RAIPON The vast expanseof the russian Federation, from the Kola Peninsula in the northwest to the http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/4/34/info_util6.html | |
46. Cultural Anthropology mammal hunters; The Koryaks, Kamchatka Peninsula; russian Associationof indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON); Database of indigenous http://www.cyberpursuits.com/anthro/cultural.asp | |
47. NGO NARRATIVE REPORT OF THE GLOBAL FORUM OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND THE INFORMATI indigenous peoples Center for Documentation, Research and Information. Centrode Documentación, Investigación e Información de los Pueblos IndÃgenas. http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/pfii/PFII3/documents/gfipis/NGO NARRATIVE REPORT OF | |
48. THE SAAMI COUNCIL: Indigenous Peoples: Land Environment And Sustainable Developm three other States encompassing the Saami, where the Saami are the only indigenouspeople, within the russian borders there are many other indigenous peoples. http://www.suri.ee/doc/saamide.html | |
49. The Second Indigenous Circumpolar Youth Conference of the peoples inhabiting the territory concerned. Article 69 The russian Federationguarantees the rights of its indigenous and small peoples in accordance http://www.suri.ee/doc/saami/lujavr.html | |
50. Native International Links Draft Declaration Rights of indigenous peoples The developing text of the UN WorkingGroup on indigenous peoples, First Americans (in russian) For those of http://www.abo-peoples.org/NativeLinks/InternationalLinks.html | |
51. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous Peoples russian Association of indigenous People of the North (RAIPON) Obtain details onprojects, news, and the people from this non government organization that http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us65566/us266590/us4267836/?&s |
52. VlassovaSulyandziga Goals and Principles of Environmental and Sustainable Development TrainingCourse for the indigenous peoples of the russian North (IPRN). http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/conferences/CUA/WebAbstracts/Vlassova,Sulyandziga. | |
53. Sacred Earth Network -- East-West Indigenous Peoples - Project Plan April 2003 T any crossroads, it is a place of cultural diversity, where russian Orthodoxy meetsMuslim and ancient indigenous belief systems. indigenous peoples there are http://www.sacredearthnetwork.org/ewip/ewip03.cfm | |
54. Indigenous Links. The Red Book of the peoples of the russian Empire. with New Nets Maori Internet InformationResources and Implications of the Internet for indigenous peoples. http://www.itv.se/boreale/aelmetjh.htm | |
55. Northern Indigenous Peoples http//www.nativeweb.org/resources/law_legal_issues/; RAIPON - russian Associationof indigenous peoples of the North - Non-government organization protecting http://www.nebulasearch.com/encyclopedia/article/Northern_Indigenous_peoples.htm | |
56. WWF - Japan Holding Indigenous People Hostage, WWF Condems subsistence whaling where it is carried out by aboriginal, indigenous or native peopleswith long only, as is the case with the US and russian native peoples http://www.wwf.fi/kvtiedotteet/japan_holding.html | |
57. Arctic Council - Indigenous Peoples Involvement the theory for redefining indigenous peoplesstate relations. 31 In the ArcticCouncil declaration, ICC, the Sami Council and the russian Association will be http://arcticcircle.uconn.edu/NatResources/Policy/tennberg.html | |
58. Support For Siberian Indigenous Peoples Rights Report activities foe Children Eduvcational Space for October, 2003 (in russian). October18, 2003 The External Olimpiade in the indigenous peoples Languages. http://www.nsu.ru/ip/block.php?sid=4&lng=en |
59. Support For Siberian Indigenous Peoples Rights russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON) is a nongovernmentorganisation formed on territorial and territorial-ethnic principles and http://www.nsu.ru/ip/partners.php?lng=en |
60. Putin's Oil Politics Threaten Siberia & Sakhalin's Indigenous Peoples. Drillbits Oil and Gas Development Destroys Environment and indigenous peoples in Siberiaand the russian Far East, Siberian Forests Protection Project PERC News, http://www.moles.org/ProjectUnderground/drillbits/5_16/1.html | |
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