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21. Khanty Overview article from RAIPON (russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North). http://www.raipon.org/Web_Database/khant.html | |
22. Russian Federation Assoc Of Indigenous Peoples Of The North, Siberia These issues have long been discussed among indigenous peoples and many now believe that the only way to Government of the russian Federation and indigenous peoples of the north as http://arcticcircle.uconn.edu/SEEJ/russia_indig.html | |
23. Mansi Overview article from RAIPON (russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North). http://www.raipon.org/Web_Database/mansi.html | |
24. The ·Indigenous Peoples· Category In Russian Legislation The indigenous peoples Category in russian Legislation. SERGEI SOKOLOVSKI russian Legislation. Definitions of indigenous peoples in russian legal discourse, apart from quoting http://www.aaanet.org/press/an/0312dia-comm1.htm | |
25. Discrimination Against Indigenous People Of The North In The freedom, housing, food and education, demand the start of a negotiation process betweenthe Government of the russian Federation and indigenous peoples of the http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/sovereign/sover/emerg/2003/0806russia.htm | |
26. Emerging States And Unrepresented Peoples - Global Policy Forum Federation (March 4, 1996) Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the representationof indigenous people in the russian government has almost disappeared. http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/sovereign/sover/emerg.htm | |
27. Global Forum On Indigenous Peoples And Info Society - GFIPIS I Español I russian. 1 October 2003. Global Forum on indigenous peoples and the Information other players including indigenous peoples and nonindigenous, who are self-funded http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/pfii/wsis_gfipis.htm | |
28. Protecting Indigenous Peoples' Privacy From "Eyes In The Sky" Protecting indigenous peoples' Privacy. from "Eyes in the Sky" Wayne Madsen. Lead Scientist. Computer Sciences Corporation. Integrated Systems Division. Falls Church, Virginia. Abstract The neonationalist russian government has spoken of disestablishing ethnic republics originally set up during the time http://www.spatial.maine.edu/tempe/madsen.html | |
29. The "Indigenous Peoples" Category In Russian Legislation russian Legislation Definitions of indigenous peoples in russian legal discourse,apart from quoting stereotyped perceptions, contain such disputable notions http://home.wlu.edu/~goluboffs/260/indigenous.html | |
30. General Information About The Tribes Of Siberia Survival supports russian indigenous organisations such as the russian Associationof indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON), backing their demands that http://www.survival-international.org/siberia.htm | |
31. Russian Federation - Grants Facility For Indigenous Peoples Grants Facility for indigenous peoples. THE WORLD BANK GRANTS FACILITY FOR indigenouspeoples October 2003 ABOUT THE GRANTS FACILITY FOR indigenous peoples The http://www.worldbank.org.ru/ECA/Russia.nsf/0/94747B9D1C618A17C3256DDD0032AA8D | |
32. Northern Indigenous Peoples Of Russia Northern indigenous peoples of Russia. Many of these peoples live in Siberia, andtheir names here are transliterations from russian, rather than self http://www.fact-index.com/n/no/northern_indigenous_peoples_of_russia.html | |
33. Meeting Of Frontiers: For More Items -- Indigenous Peoples Of Alaska The summary for this russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://frontiers.loc.gov/intldl/mtfhtml/mfak/fmiaindig.html | |
34. Ethnolinguistic Minorities In The Russian Far East Objects from the Jesup North Pacific Expedition; Itelmen RussianAssociation of the indigenous peoples of the North; indigenous http://www.slavweb.com/eng/Russia/minority/fe-e.html | |
35. Ethnolinguistic Minorities In Siberia Baraba Tatars RB; Chulym Tatars RB. Khanty NUPI,RB,UP,UR, ELKhanty russian Association of the indigenous peoples of the North; http://www.slavweb.com/eng/Russia/minority/sib-e.html | |
36. Historical Background indigenous peoples of the russian North. The official russian policy towardsthe indigenous peoples in the 19th century was not always bad. http://npolar.no/ansipra/english/items/Russ_north.html | |
37. Aboriginal Planet - Indigenous Peoples Of The Russian North indigenous peoples of the russian North. One hundred and twenty aboriginalyouth from Russia, Canada, and around the Arctic region http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/aboriginalplanet/750/archives/july2002/art6_intro-e | |
38. Canada And The Circumpolar World - Le Canada Et L'univers Circumpolaire russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North Round Table.On March 14, 2003, the russian Association of indigenous peoples http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/circumpolar/russian_association-en.asp | |
39. Location Of Arctic Indigenous Peoples Rural and urban populations of the Arctic area of the russian Federation accordingto the 1989 indigenous PEOPLE Aucune autre carte n est associée à ce théme http://carto.eu.org/article2431.html | |
40. NATIVE-L (December 1995): Re: Siberian Indigenous Peoples It shouldn t be supposed, then, that things and people would be amazinglydifferent and new in russian indigenous matters all of a sudden. http://bioc09.uthscsa.edu/natnet/archive/nl/9512/0131.html | |
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