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1. Russian Indigenous Leaders To Tour Pacific Northwest of the exchange is to provide russian indigenous peoples' a chance to build a strong, international challenges faced by the russian indigenous peoples are similar to those faced http://www.pacificenvironment.org/press/indigenous.htm | |
2. World Information Transfer of the strong, balanced connection between russian indigenous peoples and the environment. Even today, many russian indigenous peoples are still practicing traditional, sustainable http://www.worldinfo.org/html/conf2001-3-4.htm | |
3. Institution Building For Northern Russian Indigenous Peoples (INRIPP-2) Another busy year in the life of the Institution Building for Northern Russian IndigenousPeoples Project has resulted in many great strides being made toward http://www.inuitcircumpolar.com/index.php?ID=213&Lang=En |
4. Pacific Environment While most US tribes have signed government treaties that have gained them sovereignnationhood and land ownership, russian indigenous peoples have no such http://www.pacificenvironment.org/articles/landrights.htm | |
5. SnowChange.Org : Proceedings : RAIPON Perspectives On Climate Changes Observatio Back to Table of Contents. russian indigenous peoples of the North, Siberiaand the Far East RAIPON Perspectives On Climate Changes Observations. http://www.snowchange.org/proceedings/tatiana_vlassova.html | |
6. Indigenous Institutions russian indigenous peoples Training Center (RITC). Rodion VasilevichSulyandziga, Director of RITC, email udege@online.ru. The http://npolar.no/ansipra/english/items/RITC.html | |
7. Indigenous Media Network The russian indigenous peoples are proud to have her and work closelywith her for their advancement in their territories. There http://www.indigenousmedia.org/expert-profile.php?nav=expertprofile&member=zinai |
8. Organisations for the Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Arctic (ANSIPRA) is acommunication network linking russian indigenous peoples Organisations (IPOs http://www.iwgia.org/sw325.asp | |
9. About The Author Patty A. Gray All across the Russian North, from the border with Finland to the Bering Strait,live several different groups of nonrussian indigenous peoples. http://www.chukotka-ethnography.org/patty.htm |
10. Archaeology/Anthropology the Chukchi Sea. russian indigenous peoples http//www.indigenous.ru/english/english.htmrussian indigenous peoples. http//www.geocities http://www.uark.edu/misc/jcdixon/Historic_Whaling/Links/Arch_Anth_links.htm | |
11. UNEP/GRID-Arendal: News Page this week. GRIDArendal has worked with RAIPON, the organisation ofthe russian indigenous peoples in the North, for several years. http://www.grida.no/inf/news/news99/news97.htm | |
12. "Environmental Problems Affecting The Traditional Lifestyles Of Indigenous Peopl standard Stateof-the-Environment Reporting methodologies, and final recommendationson how to continue to support russian indigenous peoples groups will be http://www.grida.no/news/index.cfm?requestedMonth=10&requestedYear=1998 |
13. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Russian Federation - Indigenous Law Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North RAIPON Search Contains databases,legislation and links related on Northern russian indigenous peoples; http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/51435.html | |
14. The World Sustainability Hearing: Rodion Sulyandziga Biography the Primorsky Krai Government 1998present RAIPON Coordinator of joint ICC/RAIPON Institution Building for Northern russian indigenous peoples Project and http://www.earthisland.org/wosh/Rodion_Sulyandziga_bio.html | |
15. Main Page Website RAIPON. Nongovernment organization protecting the interests of Russia's northern minority peoples (in russian and English). http://www.raipon.net/ | |
16. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar historical archive of the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the full expression of self BCCA USA) russian East European Studies WWW VL http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
17. Indigenous Peoples Of Northern Russia - ExploreNorth Links to information sources on the North's original peoples. indigenous peoples Northern Russia. The Center for the Study of the Eurasian Nomads who works for the russian Association of the http://www.explorenorth.com/native-ru.html | |
18. Siberian Native Peoples from the museum of the Siberian Branch of the russian Academy of Sciences NortheastSiberian Tribes NativeL Siberian indigenous peoples Minority Languages of http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/8226/sibnative.html | |
19. Russian Association Of Indigenous Peoples Of The North (RAIPON) 354 545 9900 Fax. + 354 562 2373. russian Association of indigenouspeoples of the North (RAIPON). The Association of indigenous http://www.arctic-council.org/raipon.html | |
20. L'auravetl'an Indigenous Information Center Center for and by the indigenous peoples of the russian Federation, with online information bulletins (in russian, English and German). http://www.indigenous.ru/english/english.htm |
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