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Russian Economic & Business Statistics: more detail | ||||||
41. Russian Economy - WMD Spinoffs - Johnson's Russia List 7-12-02 - Research & Anal Contrary to common notions concerning russian business, we found that all They were born out of economic necessity, and large number of small business had been http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/6350-1.cfm | |
42. News Agency PRIME-TASS russian macroeconomic indicators. Apr 2004, n/a, up 7.4% on year, economic Development and prices index (CPI), JanApr 2004, +4.6%, Federal State statistics Service. http://www.prime-tass.com/ | |
43. GlobalEDGE (TM) | International Business Resource Desk - Research: Statistical D This site is available in russian and English. EUROPE European economic Information Europages, The European business Directory web site provides a wide http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/busresmain.asp?ResourceCategoryID=10 |
44. GlobalEDGE (TM) | International Business Resource Desk - Regional/Country Specif The site also has recent business and economic articles related to the country and the region. (Also available in Arabic and russian) Australia The Age http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/busresmain.asp?ResourceCategoryID=6 |
45. Russian Studies At The University Of Kentucky Method (3) ECO 391 Economics business statistics (3) ECO Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3) ECO An Economics elective (3 russian AND EASTERN STUDIES. http://www.uky.edu/AS/RAE/index2.php?page=russian_flie_major.cnt |
46. Russian Federation Business Survey russian Federation Economy and business businessrelevant information about the country Library of Monetary Fund (IMF) Country Report on economic Policy and http://www.oilsurvey.com/php/countries.php3?chosenCountry=165&chosenCategory=0 |
47. ICA are not planning to become a major russian bank all russians, we think that the economic situation in who would share the underlying principles of our business. http://www.mamok.mesi.ru/English/Russian economics.htm | |
48. Business And Economics Publishers : The AcqWeb Directory Publishers of Englishrussian encyclopedic dictionaries and of demographic and economic data; Ãditions Maxima Books about business, management, accounting, and http://acqweb.library.vanderbilt.edu/acqweb/pubr/bus.html | |
49. Baltic Russian Institute Baltic russian Institute Baltijas Krievu institûts. systems, modelling of economic processes, decision technology and PR, business communication, rhetoric http://www.aic.lv/HE_2002/HE_LV/Progr/PRIVATE/bri.htm | |
50. Russian Studies the University of Pittsburgh Sher s russian Index offers guide to news and business information. org resource page for Kazakhstan Kazakhstan economic Trends. http://libwww.essex.ac.uk/Subject_Resources/russ.html | |
51. Energy Industry & Utilities Industry Market Research, Business Trends, Statistic protection from abrupt changes in business regulations and tax investing the huge sums that russian fields need the billions of dollars of economic activity to http://www.plunkettresearch.com/energy/energy_overview.htm | |
52. Columbus World Travel Guide - Europe - Russian Federation - Business Profile the paucity of small and mediumsized businesses this is The economy underwent significant contraction after 1990 russian economic statistics are notoriously http://www.travel-guide.com/data/rus/rus490.asp | |
53. University Of Limerick Department Politics And Public Central European business Daily News from the Czech Republic Communist Europe part of the economic and Social Radio Liberty WWW site; REESweb russian and East http://www.politics.ul.ie/db/resources/alt_page.php?item=162 |
54. Course Description Of The Graduate School Of Economics russian Economy, not offered in this academic year, , -. Seminar in business History, not offered in this academic year, -, -. economic History. http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/gairyaku-e.html | |
55. Russia Home Page, Business And Links In Russia, Business Directory Supreme Court of russian Federation. business Assistance Centre » Sverdlovsk Region. Ministry of Foreign economic Relations » Republic of Mordovia. http://www.businesspatrol.com/businesspatrol_links.php3?topic=Russia |
56. NABE Links To International Economic Data Polyconomics Links to international business and news sites. centre of quantitative international economic analysis. russian Energy Development - The site is http://www.nabe.com/publib/links/intllinks.htm | |
57. Economics Science, in the Faculty of economics and business, University of Trends and Perspectives Publishes articles on russian contemporary economic issues http://www.unesco.org/shs/shsdc/journals/economics.html | |
59. Russian Business Server companies, financial reporting for 19992000 and the first half-year 2001, financial and economic parameters of business Handbook russian Exporters http://www.russianbusinesssite.com/sector_information/index.asp | |
60. Regional Links business Associations in Kazakhstan (In English with links of Commerce and Industry (In English and russian); economic and Financial Indicators from the National http://www.wisc.edu/creeca/links/kazakstan.html | |
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