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21. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS COMMUNICATION - L REF HF1002.H36 1993. EnglishJapanese business Dictionary. russian russian-English/English-russian Dictionary of Free Market Era economics. http://www.fiu.edu/~morriss/Guides/buscoml.htm | |
22. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS COMMUNICATION - C russianEnglish/English-russian Dictionary of Free Market Era economics. REF HB61.P68 1993. Return to business economics Communication Index. http://www.fiu.edu/~morriss/Guides/buscomc.htm | |
23. EurasiaNet Business And Economics - Russian-Iranian Overtures Highlight US Anxie to sell Iran a russianbuilt nuclear reactor that has nettled US-russian relations. For more information, see the EurasiaNet business and economics archive http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/business/articles/eav041102.shtml | |
24. EurasiaNet Business & Economics - Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh Parliaments Ratify business economics. russian, UKRAINIAN, KAZAKH PARLIAMENTS RATIFY TREATY ON SINGLE ECONOMIC SPACE Askold Krushelnycky 4/24/04 A EurasiaNet Partner Post from http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/business/articles/pp042404.shtml | |
25. ACI Minsk. Belarus, Business And Economics region business Portal, Pros Pros business Catalogue contains Free Economic Zone GomelRaton, Pros Very useful Model kits of soviet (russian) armor vehicles http://aci.byelarus.com/InfoGuides/busecon.htm |
26. Business And Economics Americanrussian Center trains entrepreneurs, business managers and promotes the transition of the russian Far East to democracy and a free market economy. ; http://www.civilsoc.org/busecon.htm | |
27. Business-to-business Directory RusMarket Detailed search, Help, Feedback, russian version. Energy, minerals and raw materials (83); Entertainment, recreation (2); Finances, business and economics (27); http://www.rusmarket.com/ | |
28. Business & Economics - (Databases, Reference Works, & Indexes) fulltext articles of russian/CIS newspapers text coverage of general news, business, legal, governmental of Economic Research working papers in economics. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/databases/subject_category_1.html | |
29. Central And East European Legal, Political, Business And Economics WWW Resources From publicationsetc. russian business Trade Connections monthly journal; russian Economy Resource Center (Seattle, USA); Siberia http://www.totalconsult.ro/addresses.htm | |
30. Official Portal Of The City Governement: Business And Economics were interrupted by the allrussian financial and with September 1999, though, the economy of St. showed positive tendencies the business activity growth in http://eng.gov.spb.ru/economics | |
31. International Jobs Eastern Europe, Belarus, Romania, Russia International Studies Center instruction in economics, business, and the American-russian business Council - American-russian business Council - promotes http://www.escapeartist.com/jobs12/easteu.htm | |
32. Russian Online Periodicals Catalog - Russian Business News (Individual). Economi a huge selection of newspaper, books, standard, standards, gost, microforms from russia, cis, nis russian business News (Individual). economics, SanktPeterburg http://www.eastview.com/xq/ASP/sku=P46007/Russian/Business/News/(Individual)/San | |
33. Russian Online Periodicals Catalog - Russian Business News (Corporate). Economic a huge selection of newspaper, books, standard, standards, gost, microforms from russia, cis, nis russian business News (Corporate). economics, SanktPeterburg http://www.eastview.com/xq/ASP/sku=P46009/Russian/Business/News/(Corporate)/Sank | |
34. ENGLISH PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS B13. business Plan. Mgr Adam Polko Mgr Tomasz Zieliñski. 15. 2. B18. Entrepreneurship in New Economy. Prof. dr hab. M. Bratnicki Prof. Italian. 60. 4. russian. 60. 4. http://www.ae.katowice.pl/english_version/international_relations/english_progra | |
35. Russian American Chamber Of Commerce a better understanding of the russian business environment for the American and Western business community. developments in politics, economics, social trends http://www.russianamericanchamber.org/research.htm | |
36. WebEc - Business Economics Reports from the russian Federation) provides Fortune; Nashville business Journal Online. Gazeta a Brazilian newspaper covers economics, business, political and http://netec.mcc.ac.uk/WebEc/webecm.html | |
37. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Business & Economics Business & Economics-Int found 713 results for business economics business economics The Other Path The Economic Answer to Terrorism The Piratization of Russia russian Reform Goes http://www.epinions.com/Books-Business_and_Economics-subcategory-Business_and_Ec | |
38. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Business & Economics Economic Conditions Book the New Generation Russia s Fate Through russian Eyes Voices Populism, and the End of Economic Democracy Frank Prices Compare Succeed in business Vietnam The http://www.epinions.com/Books-Business_and_Economics-subcategory-Economic_Condit | |
39. The College Of Business And Economics Moscow, Russia CSUH was the first US business school to with the Academy of the National Economy (ANE) in Moscow under the Government of the russian Federation http://telcot.csuhayward.edu/china/sbe.htm | |
40. Transformations In Business & Economics - Archive russian business Culture and the New Corporate Governance Code, 84. Transformation of Small Open Economies in the Globalising Learning Economy The Danish Case, http://www.transformations.khf.vu.lt/arch.php?a=02v1n1 |
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