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61. Castle Hill Archaeological Project, Bibliography Recreation, Anchorage. 1983 The Historical archaeology of russian America A Suggested Research Goal and Strategy. In Forgotten http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/oha/castle/biblio.htm | |
62. Chp 2: Russian Academy Of Sciences - Far Eastern Branch International Ocean Development Studies; the Institute of History, archaeology, and Ethnography regard from foreign entities and from some russian industries. http://www.wtec.org/loyola/subseafe/c2_rasfe.htm | |
63. Ãîòîà ðõèâ ÃÃñòèòóòà Ãñòîðèè Ãà òåðèà ëüÃîé à The main subjects of images from the Photo Archive russian and foreign archaeology (sites from the Palaeolithic age to the 1819-th centuries), the http://www.archeo.soc.ru/english/ | |
64. KUNSTKAMERA and archaeology Studies of the Department of European Studies and Common Problems of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkammer) of the russian Academy of http://www.kunstkamera.ru/english/science/euroethn/vikings.htm | |
65. Selected Internet Resources L. Language Resources French German HindiUrdu Latin russian Spanish Swahili Latin Language UseNet Newsgroups BBSes Devoted to archaeology Anthropology. http://www.smsu.edu/contrib/library/resource/analytic.html | |
66. Russian Archaeological Digs Work on russian Archaeological Digs. Arrangements made for placement on teams uncovering Russia s ancient history. russian Archaeological Digs. http://www.firebirdtravel.com/archaeology.htm | |
67. Oxbow Books/David Brown Book Company Sunday 16 May 2004. Novgorod archaeology of a russian Medieval City and its Hinterland. edited by Mark Brisbane and David Gaimster. http://www.oxbowbooks.com/bookinfo.cfm?ID=32664 |
68. Oxbow Books/David Brown Book Company Monday 24 May 2004. Novgorod archaeology of a russian Medieval City and its Hinterland. edited by Mark Brisbane and David Gaimster. http://www.oxbowbooks.com/bookinfo.cfm?&ID=32664&affiliate=CBA |
69. CURRICULUM VITAE Transition in the. russian Far East. Annual Proceedings of the Society for California archaeology, Vol. 13202210. 1999 Subsistence http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~jdc2/CV.HTM | |
70. Joint Mongolian-Russian-American Archaeological Expedition (JMRAAE) Contact Addr Anatoly P. Derevianko, Director Institute of archaeology and Ethnography russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch Prospekt Lavrentieva 17 Novosibirsk http://explorers.org/expeditions/archivefiles/Gobi 98/contacts.htm | |
71. Open Russia Foundation That year, he assembled a team of russian archaeologists and specialists from the Institute of archaeology at the State University of Rostovon-Don and the http://www.openrussiafoundation.com/Thor_Heyerdahl_RC.asp | |
72. Archaeological Finds Pertaining To The Amazons myth. But the recent excavations conducted by russian and American archaeologists have shed new light on this amazing legend. Kazakh http://www.amazonation.com/Archaeology.html | |
73. Discovering Eurasian Opportunities rex scriptum (royal decree) ordering meticulous recording of circumstances of archaeological finds, russian, and consequently Soviet, archaeology has grown http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/ioa/backdirt/fall02/eurasian.html | |
74. Satellite Archaeology Bibliography Highresolution satellite imagery in archaeological application a russian satellite photograph of the Stonehenge region. Antiquity 269, 667-671. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mjff/bibliogr.htm | |
75. ANISTORITON Journal Of History, Archaeology, ArtHistory: Internet Messages Rus being of scandinavian (Viking) descent a fact bourne out by the archaeology of recent years but convenently overlooked by both russian and Ukranian http://www.anistor.co.hol.gr/english/enback/m032.htm | |
76. SLAVONIC ANTIQUITY By Sergei V. Rjabchikov - English interpretatsii skifskikh i sarmatskikh arkheologicheskikh pamyatnikov On the Interpretation of Scythian and Sarmatian Monuments of archaeology; in russian. http://public.kubsu.ru/~usr02898/slavonic.htm | |
77. Fulbright Exchange Program In The Russian Federation The Fulbright Program and russianAmerican Cooperation in archaeology Results and Perspectives As one of the few russian archaeologists who participated in http://www.fulbright.ru/english/newsletter/newslet_2/index.shtml?10_newsletter |
78. Archaeology Dept The origin of Early States in the ObUgrian society, before the russian Colonization of Western Siberia, is investigated by doctor of archaeology Sergey F. http://www.hum.uran.ru/iha/earch.htm |
79. European Archaeology - Academic Info Related Websites. Institute for the History of Material Culture (archaeology) of russian Academy of Sciences (IIMK RAS). The Megalithic http://www.academicinfo.net/archyeurope.html | |
80. Agriculture - Anthropology / Archaeology (Science And Technology) WebShed.Com Ce Institute of archaeology and Ethnography Tour a virtual archaeology museum created by the Siberian Branch of the russian Academy of Science. http://www.centerofweb.com/scitech/anthropology.htm | |
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