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21. Nationalism, Politics And The Practice Of Archaeology Shnirelman 8. Postscript russian archaeology after the collapse of the USSR infrastructural crisis and the resurgence of old and new nationalism EN Chernykh 9 http://books.cambridge.org/0521558395.htm | |
22. The State Hermitage Museum: Virtual Tour A major achievement of russian archaeology is the monumental Antiquities of Cimmerian Bosporus (St Petersburg, 1854) that records the celebrated finds made on http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/05/hm88_5_0_19.html | |
23. Bibliography Of Khazar Studies - Section 3: Archaeology In russian Afanas yev, Gennadii Evgenevich. Moscow Nauka, 1983. Focuses on the archaeology of the North Caucasus, especially Christian sites. http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-biblio/sec3.html | |
24. Saint George Russian-American Archaeological Program St. George russianAmerican Archaeological Program. Palaeolithic archaeology of Weasel Cave The St. George russian-American Archaeological Program (SGRAAP) is a collaborative http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/anthro/russia.html | |
25. Institute Of Archaeology And Ethnography The Institute of archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Division of the russian Academy of Sciences http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/siberia/indexold.html | |
26. Russia Resources World archaeology BUYER'S GUIDE. archaeology Atlas. Ancient Civ. Archaeologists. Artifacts. Book Reviews A joint Dutchrussian project investigating the historic archaeology of this polar ice http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/blrussia.htm?iam=dpile_1&terms=ar |
27. Institute Of Archaeology And Ethnography The range of studies of the Institute is very wide from the time of man's origin until the early stage of development of Siberia by russian Settlers. http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/siberia/indexold.html | |
28. ÃÃÃÃ_ÃÃ_ÃÃÃ The summary for this russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.archaeology.nsc.ru/ | |
29. Friends Of Phanagoria A collaborative classical archaeology project between the Institute of archaeology of the russian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Holloway Hellenic Institute, in Phanagoria, Greece. http://www.sun.rhbnc.ac.uk/Classics/projects/phanagoria/index.html |
30. The Dolmen Path - Megaliths Of Russia russian dolmens and other megaliths including maps, photo gallery and legends. Articles covering history, archaeology and mystic theories. http://megalith.ru/ | |
31. THE PALEOLITHIC ARCHAEOLOGY OF WEASEL CAVE Crimea and Caucasia) Moscow Nauka. Pp 3748. Click here to visit the St. George russian-American Archaeological Program home page. http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/anthro/new_orleans.html | |
32. The "Princess" Of Ipatovo russian tomb may clarify ScythianSarmatian transition. Article from archaeology. http://www.he.net/~archaeol/9903/newsbriefs/ipatovo.html | |
33. áÃÃÃ
ÃÃÃÃÃÃ. çÃÃÃÃÃà Ãà The summary for this russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.archaeology.ru/ | |
34. Archaeology, Ethnology And Anthropology Of Eurasia: Subscriptions An international peer review journal from the Institute of archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch, russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk. (English and russian) http://www.ancienteastasia.org/news/extras/aeae.htm | |
35. Castle Hill Archaeological Project, Index Online report from the Alaska Office of History and archaeology on the discovery of remains of four 19th century russianAmerican Company buildings and a huge number of artifacts. http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/oha/castle/castle.htm | |
36. THE JOINT MONGOLIAN-RUSSIAN-AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPEDITIONS Institute of archaeology Ethnography, russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk http//www.archaeology.nsc.ru/index.htm. http://www.ic.arizona.edu/~mongolia/ | |
37. Viking Ship In Russian Waters From archaeology, wreck of a 910th century Viking ship belonging to the Viking tribe, Varenghi, found near Vyborg, Russia. http://www.he.net/~archaeol/online/news/viking.html | |
38. ÃÃÃÃ_ÃÃ_ÃÃÃ Siberian Branch of russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk. Studies in ethnology, computer methodology, museum, Paleolithic to Iron Age, and publications. (English and russian) http://www.archaeology.nsc.ru/index.e.htm | |
39. The Gallery Of Archaeological Collections mobile exhibition of the Institute of archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Division of the russian Academy of Sciences archaeology and Ethnography of http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/siberia/arch.html | |
40. Viking Ship In Russian Waters The discovery was made by Baltika 96, a joint expedition of the Center for russian Underwater archaeology and and Archeoclub d Italia, the Italian national http://www.archaeology.org/online/news/viking.html | |
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