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Rural Life Agric: more detail |
81. Faculty Of Agriculture, University Of Benin 4. DEPARTMENT OF agric ECONOMICS AND EXTENTION SERVICES. the stage of our nationallife, some endemic alleviation, economic empowerment of rural dwellers, heavy http://www.uniben.edu/academics/faculty/agriculture/dean/agric_departments.htm | |
82. Welcome To The Bio/Ag Home Page S129 Q7, Quarterly Coll agric life Sci Res Div. S15 C48, Rep CIAT. S15 R4, Rev AgronNoroeste Argent. S16 S8 R4, Rev Suisse agric. S195 I513, Rev Ica. S3 A75, RuralRes. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/bioag/periodicals/QRabbrev1.html | |
83. Insects - Diseases- Pests - Weeds Publications 2001. html, pdf. FS62223, Cabbage Maggot. html, pdf. FS622-24, Grasshoppers LifeCycle, Damage and Management Strategy. html, pdf. FS622-25, Bertha Armyworm. html,pdf. http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex3919?opendocument |
84. Country Web Newsletter of relevant information and support for women dealing with the many aspects of rurallife. 02 6391 3620, Fax 02 6391 3650 or email allison.priest@agric.nsw.gov http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/rwn/cweb/countrywebindex.htm | |
85. Bioconversion Of Organic Residues For Rural Communities http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/80434e/80434E0e.htm | |
86. Eur. J. Agric. Educ. Ext (1994), 1, 2, Pp 1-14 http://library.wur.nl/ejae/v1n2-1.html | |
87. Mbox-4: Accessing Sustainable Agriculture Archives At SunSITE.unc.edu communities alternative healthcare sustainable agriculture gardeningfarming-rurallife permaculture beekeeping lists - wetnet soils-l agmodels-l agric-l envst http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/4-html/0068.html | |
88. Mbox-4: Re: Information For Small-scale Farming cohousing alternative healthcare sustainable agriculture gardeningfarming-rurallife permaculture integrated wetnet soils-l agmodels-l agric-l envst-l grasses http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/4-html/0428.html | |
89. For Rec.gardeners Newsgroups Rec.gardens Subject How To Get healthcare health and safety faqs sustainable agriculture gardeningfarming-rurallife gardening faqs of these lists wetnet soils-l agmodels-l agric-l envst-l http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/environment/pesticide-education/general/GU | |
90. Thesis Support http://iddtest2of8.pcarrd.dost.gov.ph/newbobeck/Application_form.asp |
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