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Running Olympic History: more detail | ||||||||
81. Olympic Harriers running, jogging and social walking club in Wellington. http://run.wellington.net.nz/ | |
82. :: Kathy Watt Cycling Presents....:: olympic gold medallist Kathy Watt and her coach, design programs for individuals, groups and companies to improve their cycling performance or skills, including running, swimming, weight training, health and fitness. http://www.kathywatt.com |
83. Athletics  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic History, Atl of all track and field events in history is, arguably By 1896 England had more runningtracks than the rest is arguably the most popular of olympic sports, has http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/athletics/athleticsancient.html | |
84. Olympic Lanes Junior Bowling League Score and average updates, Coach's profile, Bowlers' profiles for a Junior's league running at olympic Lanes Bowling Center in Menands, New York. http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/ChrisChenes/Jrbowlingleague.html | |
85. Running Strong For American Indian Youth - Billy Mills Profile of the organization's national spokesperson, olympic gold medalist and Oglala Sioux Billy Mills. http://www.indianyouth.org/billy.html | |
86. History Of Our Olympic Games history of Our olympic Games. Welcome to our web site! Have you watched the olympics on TV or better yet been there to experience it live? Did you ever wondered why the olympics started? I did! http://kushkm.tripod.com/History-of-the-Olympics | |
87. Newport Harriers Athletic Club - Home Page For Track And Field, Road Running And Involved at all levels from 9 year olds running for fun to world class athletes competing for olympic and International honours. http://nhac.org.uk/ | |
88. Prologue than twentyfour laps around the olympic stadium, a were no strangers to long-distancerunning, but to that would determine the course of history for centuries http://www.marathonguide.com/history/olympicmarathons/prologue.cfm | |
89. Greek Games - History For Kids! The events were the same kind as in the Olympics today running, jumping,throwing a javelin, and throwing a discus. Only men could compete. http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks/games/ | |
90. Greek Olympics Project - History For Kids! When did girls begin running in the Olympics? How did that happen? (Not untilthe second modern Olympics, and then only gradually and with difficulty. http://www.historyforkids.org/crafts/greeks/olympics.htm | |
91. Colleen De Reuck Career Highlights 2004 USA 8 km XC champion; 200203 USA running Circuit Champion onDecember 11, 2000, just after finishing 31st at the 2000 olympic Games in http://www.usatf.org/athletes/bios/DeReuck_Colleen.asp | |
92. The Road To Athens - Men's Marathon Trials - Feat:The U.S. Olympic Marathon Tria The history of the US olympic Marathon Trials closely parallels the history of marathonrunning in the US The Trials have always been the race that every elite http://www.runnersworld.com/events/roadtoathens/mtrials/040205feat_history.html | |
93. CNNSI.com - Olympic Sports - U.S. Women's Olympic Track And Field Team, I-Z - Th Event 1,500 meters olympic history Competing in her fourth olympics after runningin the 96 Atlanta, 92 Barcelona and 88 Seoul Games. Accomplishments http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/news/2000/usteam_trackandfield_women_i-z/ | |
94. Finnish Olympic Committee - Finnish Olympic History MILESTONES IN FINNISH olympic history. 1972 Finnish longdistance runningmakes its glorious comeback at the olympic Games in Munich. http://www.noc.fi/english/olympic_history/finnish_olympic_history/?NDD=1 |
95. MSNBC - Running On Dope running On Dope. used forbidden substances, a widening scandal threatens the US Olympictrack team. BALCO may be the biggest sports drug scandal in US history. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5039655/ | |
96. Educate The Children / History / Unit 14 / Factfile 8 Path Home / Teacher Zone / Classroom / history / Unit 14 The flame of the OlympicGames comes from a javelin, discus, long jump, running, running in armour http://www.educate.org.uk/teacher_zone/classroom/history/unit14_fact8.htm | |
97. Education World® : Lesson Planning Center : Lesson Plans : Winter Olympic Histo They use books and/or SportsLine.com s Winter olympic history Web page to helpthem complete the Winter olympic Games history work sheet. Assessment. http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/02/lp250-01.shtml | |
98. CBS.SportsLine.com - Olympics History history Select Nation. Men s running Game Target, Yuwei Li, CHN 587, Helmut 1972Summer Olympics (XX). http://cbs.sportsline.com/olympics/summer/nations/history/COL | |
99. A Brief History Of Sneakers Before the late 1970s, running shoes were not hightech items During those years,not many international competitions were held, and the modern Olympics did not http://www.drpribut.com/sports/sneaker_odyssey.html | |
100. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2004 | Olympics 2012 | Rivals For 2012: Havana olympics in 2012. HAVANA. Population 2,150,000. olympic history Neverstaged. Other bids 2008. Rundown on the rivals. Havana s olympic http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics_2004/olympics_2012/3092873.stm | |
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