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21. Overview Page dreamers. Top. olympic Club rugby history Founded in 1860, The olympicClub is the oldest athletic club in the United States. Teams http://www.ocrugby.com/main_overview.htm | |
22. Southern California Rugby Football Union the last year that rugby was an olympic sport), the UCLA dominated the rugby scenewith the best players who As history will tell, this is as close as the http://www.scrfu.org/history.htm | |
23. Telstra Stadium - History which made it the largest olympic stadium in history and at that to set World Recordattendances for an olympic Games and sports such as rugby League and http://www.telstrastadium.com.au/index.aspx?link_id=1.109 |
24. Football  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic History, Atla it and many a match at the olympic Games, though or carrying the ball, a mix betweenfootball and rugby. A book on the history of England written in 1174 makes http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/football/footballancient.html | |
25. Rugby Chronology acceptable points of all the various methods of play under the one heading of ÂfootballÂÂ(The history of the rugby is played at olympic Games for the http://www.rfu.com/microsites/museum/chrono.cfm | |
26. History history Of rugby As Union. USARFU is currently petitioning the USOC forsanctioning of American rugby in future olympic games. It http://www.highschoolrugby.com/2001season/quickguide.htm | |
28. BSSH Directory Of Sports Museums of William Webb Ellis it s originator, provides an insight into the origins ofthe rugby football. International Institute for Sport and olympic history (IISOH http://www2.umist.ac.uk/sport/mus.html | |
29. WashingtonPost.com: The History Water Polo The history Water Polo. The game featured the old rugby style of play which resembledAmerican it became the first team sport added to the olympic program. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/longterm/waterlo/history.ht | |
30. Olympic Sports History - Water Polo olympic Sports history. Among them were water football (or soccer), water rugby, waterhandball, and water polo, in which players rode on floating barrels http://www.athenshousing.com/olympicshistory/OlympicSports/water_polo.html | |
31. Olympic Sports History - Handball olympic Sports history. is woven into Irish myth and legend, as well as Irish history. inseveral English public schools, notably Eton, rugby, and Winchester. http://www.athenshousing.com/olympicshistory/OlympicSports/handball.html | |
32. MSN Encarta - Olympic Games (modern) the results have never been considered part of official olympic history. African countrieswith the argument that rugby was not an olympic sport, athletes http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562380/Olympic_Games_(modern).html | |
33. Coubertin S Life The IOC had no control over the sport of rugby and although efforts Soviet Union sinvasion of Afghanistan, the largest boycott in olympic history took place. http://www.learntoquestion.com/seevak/groups/2002/sites/decoubertin/moderngames. | |
34. Soccer history of Soccer. the Cambridge rules led to soccer and the rugby/Eaton rules torugby, however the left is part of the issue for the 1976 XXI olympic Games in http://www.footystamps.com/orig_soccer.htm | |
35. RL1908 - Rugby League Football History RLFC, discusses Paddy McCue s career in the wider context of Bluebag history. Hudsonand Whiticker also mentioned Paddy s olympic medal in rugby union. http://rl1908.com/rugby-league/Paddy-McCue.htm | |
36. RL1908 - Rugby League Football History sporting team to play at olympic Stadium in until public support for internationalrugby league returns to Australian Test Match history Statistics © Sean http://rl1908.com/Tests/grounds.htm | |
37. Water Polo Guide - History Index The history of Mens Water Polo The game featured the old rugby style of play whichresembled American became the first team sport added to the olympic program. http://www.h2opolo.com/pologuide/history(m).html | |
38. History includes a potted history of women in the olympic Games, notably site includes informationon the landscape, climate, history, tradition, folklore Planet rugby. http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/3cd15f8f2940aff879df34df4e5c2cd1.page6.html | |
39. Idaho State University Rugby - History rugby was an olympic Games sport back in the early and this pride has been the foundationof ISU rugby. playoffs for the first time in our history this spring. http://www.isu.edu/departments/isurugby/history.htm | |
40. Sport Links, City Of Tea Tree Gully Library features information on the squad, the history of the and contains links and informationabout rugby union both olympic Fact Sheets This site is provided and http://www.ttglibrary.sa.gov.au/links/sport.htm | |
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