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1. International Institute For Sport And Olympic History
Nonprofit educational corporation, 501c3, IISOH, Library, Museum, olympic Games, history of Sport, Physical Education, Wrestling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Sports Athletics, Dance, Recreation International Institute for Sport. and olympic history. The following subject areas are suggested areas of interest for olympics 1904) Rowing. rugby. Running. Sailing ( see Yachting
International Institute for Sport
and Olympic History
The following subject areas are suggested areas of interest for named endowments.
You can see the broad scope of the Institute's collecting goals from this list.
Additional subjects may be added at any time by the Board of Directors or suggested by Benefactors. Subjects in BOLD are on the program of the Modern Olympic Games and are the primary areas of interest in seeking endowments. Some subjects have links to a more detailed page on that subject to give you more information.
  • Adapted physical education
  • Air Sports
  • Alpine skiing (see skiing)
  • Ancient / Antiquities (Greece, Rome, etc)
  • Aquatics (see Water sports)
  • Archery
  • Architecture (sports stadiums and facilities)
  • Arts (see Sport in Art: coins, medals, posters)
  • Association football (see soccer)
  • Athletic injuries (see sports medicine)
  • Backgammon
  • Baseball
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Biathlon
  • Bibliography
  • Bicycling (see cycling
  • Billiards
  • Biomechanics
  • Blacks in Sport
  • Canoeing, Rowing, Yachting
  • Bobsleigh (see Winter Sports)
  • Bowling
  • Boxing
  • Business (see Sport and Business)
  • Canoeing
  • Cars and car racing (See Automobiles)
  • Cards
  • Checkers
  • Cheerleading
  • Chess
  • Children and Physical Education
  • Coaching (19th century)
  • College Athletics
  • Cricket
  • Croquet
  • Curling
  • Cycling
  • Dance
  • Diving (See
  • Dressage (See Equestrian Sports
  • Drugs and sport (See Sports medicine)
  • Equestrian Sports
  • Exercise
  • Facilities (see sports stadiums and facilities)
  • Falconry
  • Fencing
  • Field Hockey
  • Figure skating (see Skating)
  • Fitness (See Physical Fitness)
  • Football (American)
  • Football (British, see Soccer)

2. USA Rugby - History
AN AMERICAN TRADITION. On May 5, 1874, Harvard University hosted Montreals McGill University at Cambridge, Mass., in the first recorded rugby game on American soil. a sport in four olympic Games
On May 5, 1874, Harvard University hosted Montreal’s McGill University at Cambridge, Mass., in the first recorded rugby game on American soil. While there are no records of the match and no one remembers who won, the game sparked an interest on college campuses nationwide.
As American rugby’s popularity began to grow, rugby was soon included as a sport in four Olympic Games (1900, 1908, 1920, 1924), and the United States claimed victories in both the 1920 and 1924 Games.
Shortly after the 1924 Olympics, however, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) removed rugby as an Olympic sport. Without the Olympic incentive, the sport’s growth in America collapsed and the game remained dormant for the next half century.
However, the sport then enjoyed a renaissance, beginning in the 1960s and continuing through the 1970s. This created the need for a national governing body to represent the USA in the International rugby community. Four territorial organizations gathered in Chicago, Ill., in 1975 and formed the United States of America Rugby Football Union (now known as USA Rugby). Today, USA Rugby is made up of seven Territorial Unions (TUs) and 37 Local Area Unions (LAUs),and supports more than 50,000 members.
U.S. National Teams

3. International Institute For Sport And Olympic History
Nonprofit educational corporation, 501c3, IISOH, Library, Museum, olympic Games, history of Sport, Physical Education, Wrestling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Sports Athletics, Dance, Recreation. areas for baseball, football, soccer, rugby, cricket, tennis, basketball, lacrosse, field
International Institute for Sport
and Olympic History
Future spot for architect's drawing!
The search is on. We have begun looking for land in central Pennsylvania to build a campus for the Institute. Our plan is described in more detail below. Eventually we anticipate that this campus will be one of the largest sports facilities in Pennsylvania.
The IISOH effectively has two divisions the Library and the Museum. The Board of Directors are seeking benefactor(s) to endow each division with a $25 million donation. An endowment will also be sought for the theatre in the amount of $25 million. The benefactor(s) will then be offered the opportunity to name the Library, Museum or theatre, subject to the final approval of the Board of Directors.
Go to the ENDOWMENTS page.

Our plans are to construct facilities on a campus approximately 300 acres in size. This will allow us have room for expansion in the decades to come as we increase the endowment and add sports facilities to the educational program. Sports fields are desirable in order to teach through participation and play. If we have a baseball field we can teach the history of baseball by playing a game using 1860 rules for 3 innings, then playing by modern rules for 3 innings. In the basement of the Museum we could have a bowling alley from the 1800's where the pins have to be set by hand, and right next to it have a modern bowling alley that is fully automated. Our visitors can go bowling either way. Consider the possibilities for each and every sport this means a lot of space is needed.

4. Journal Of Olympic History Magazine Index
Journal of olympic history (formerly Citius, Altius, Fortius) Index 19921999 .org/SportsLibrary/JOH/JOHv5n1/JOHv5n1g. pdf. rugby Football at the olympic Games, Ian Buchanan 12 - 14
AAF Home All AAF Journals Search Page Journal of Olympic History (formerly Citius, Altius, Fortius) Index 1992-1999 Volume 1 No 1 Table of Contents, 2 Honorary President's Message: Praise to The Olympic Athletes,Erich Kamper, 3 President's Inaugural Message,Ian Buchanan, 4 Message from the Secretary-General,Bill Mallon, 5 - 6 Baseball in the Olympics, Pete Cava, 7 - 15 A Look at Olympic Costs, C. Frank Zarnowski,16 - 32 Olympic Ice Hockey - Goal Scoring Records, 33 Work in Progress, 34 Book Reviews, 35 ISOH Members Biographies, 35

5. History Of Rugby In The Olympics
The history of rugby in the olympic Games. 1920 US olympic Team (BACK, LR)Wallace, Patrick, O’Neil, Fish, J Muldoon, Fitzpatrick, Slater, Righter.
The History of Rugby in the
Olympic Games 1920 US Olympic Team:
(BACK, L-R) Wallace, Patrick, O’Neil, Fish, J Muldoon, Fitzpatrick, Slater, Righter.
(MIDDLE): Meehan, Hazeltine, Maloney (trainer), Tilden (c), Carroll (pl/coach), W Muldoon, von Schmidt, Scholz.
(FRONT): Wrenn, Doe, Hunter, Davis, Winston. Missing: Templeton, Kirksey.

By Richard Coppo
The US rugby community moves into 2004 in eager anticipation of spring competitions at the local and territorial union levels. It will culminate in a festival of national championship runs for both men and women, for high school, college and club teams and from the Super League to Division III. We do so having just emerged from the thrilling quadrennial spectacle of the Rugby World Cup in Sydney. The RWC, which is the third largest athletic competition in the world after the Olympic Games and the Soccer World Cup, was won by England, the first time ever by a northern hemisphere team. And in the wake of that historic rugby first, US sports enthusiasts will be witness this year to the XVIII Summer Olympic Games in Athens. What more timely and appropriate moment for an entertaining visit to the past for a brief review of rugby and the Olympic Games?

6. 1976 Montreal Canada Olympics History
The history of the olympics Before the olympic Games, New Zealand s rugby team touredSouth Africa (still mired in apartheid) and played against them.
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The History of the Olympics:
1976 - Montreal, Canada The 1976 Olympic Games were marred by boycotts and drug allegations. Before the Olympic Games, New Zealand's rugby team toured South Africa (still mired in apartheid ) and played against them. Because of this, much of the rest of Africa threatened the IOC to ban New Zealand from the Olympic Games or they would boycott the Games. Since the IOC had no control over the playing of rugby, the IOC tried to persuade the Africans not to use the Olympics as retaliation. In the end, 26 African countries boycotted the Games. Also, Taiwan was excluded from the Games when Canada would not recognize them as the Republic of China. The drug allegations were rampant at these Olympics. Though most of the allegations were not proven, many athletes, especially the East German women swimmers, were accused of using anabolic steroids. When Shirley Babashoff (United States) accused her rivals of using anabolic steroids because of their big muscles and deep voices, an official from the East German team responded: "They came to swim, not to sing."

7. - History - Olympic Medalists In Rugby
history. rugby has been an olympic sport four times. In 1900 and 1924,roundrobin tournaments decided the standings. Single-elimination
Sports History
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Olympic Medalists in Rugby
Rugby has been an Olympic sport four times. In 1900 and 1924, round-robin tournaments decided the standings. Single-elimination tournaments were used in 1908 and 1920. The final shown for those years is the score of the gold medal game. Top of page
Year Gold Final Silver Bronze France Not played Australia Great Britain Only two teams competed Not played United States France Only two teams competed United States France Romania Top of page
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8. - History - Alphabetical Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y. history. Biography. Rose Bowl; RossTrophy (NHL); Rounders; Rowing Medalists; rugby olympic Medalists; rugby World Cup.
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9. Journal Of Olympic History (formerly Citius, Altius, Fortius) Voulume
rugby FOOTBALLAT THE olympic GAMEsBY IAN BUCHANANIn view of Baron de Coubertins love of the game it comes. as no surprise that rugby football made an appearance. on the olympic program as early as 1900. untilPage 12 Journal of olympic Historyshortly before the olympic Games

10. CANOE 2002 Games - Skating Scandal Overshadows History-making Olympic Week
olympic history. Mark Jackson, a shorttrack speedskater from New Zealand, said athletes are used to being overshadowed by the sport of the day. In his country, it's rugby
Inside CANOE.CA SLAM! Sports Jam! Showbiz CANOE Travel CNEWS CANOE Money C-Health LIFEWISE AUTONET Newsstand WHAM! gaming AllPop Search Find Old Friends Free E-Mail CareerConnection Classified Extra Obituaries Today Restaurants Hotels Weather Horoscopes Lotteries Crossword Scoreboard News Ticker Sports Ticker TV Listings Movie Listings CLIVE Concerts Mutual Funds Stocks Feedback Index
June 11, 2004
Pick a sport Alpine Skiing Biathlon Bobsleigh Curling Figure Skating Freestyle Skiing Hockey-Men Hockey-Women Ski Jumping Luge Nordic Combined Skeleton Long Track Short Track Snowboarding X-Country
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Sunday, February 17, 2002
Skating scandal overshadows history-making Olympic week
2002 Games News Coverage

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How did the Canadian Olympic team do at Salt Lake? Exceeded expectations Some disappointments Exactly what I expected Too much controversy Needs to improve medal haul Results CANOE home feedback. Netgraphe Inc

11. ISOH - International Society Of Olympic Historians
Research Interests Early olympic history history of olympic Commercialism - history of olympic Ceremonies Research Interests rugby in the olympic Games, Athletics in the

Roster, Alphabetical

Roster, by Nation

ISOH Membership Roster - Current Status as of 1 January 2000.
Research Interests: Everything concerning Olympism. Honorary Member of ISOH.
Dr. Karel Wendl. CZECH REPUBLIC.
Research Interests: Everything concerning Olympism. Honorary Member of ISOH. Recipient of the Olympic Order.
Wolf S. Lyberg. SWEDEN.
Research Interests: The Sessions of the IOC, and the meetings of the IOC-Executive Board. Recipient of the Olympic Order.
MEMBERS: Dr. Vladimir Agueevets. RUSSIA. Research Interests: History of the Olympic Movement and harmonious development of personality. Malcolm Andrews. AUSTRALIA. Research Interests: Australian Medallists. Dr. Donald William James (Don) Anthony. TURKEY/GREAT BRITAIN. Research Interests: British Olympic heritage, Olympic education, Olympism in developing countries. Cem Atabeyoglu. TURKEY. James Bancroft. ENGLAND. Philip David Barker. ENGLAND. Research Interests: Early Olympiads, Olympic Football History, Commonwealth Games History, Universiade History, Olympic Music and Ceremonies. Robert K. Barney. CANADA.

12. Seattle Quake Rugby Football Club :|: History
it in a defining moment in sports history is now As American rugby’s popularitybegan to grow, rugby was soon included as a sport in four olympic Games (1900
News from the Quake Quake History Why I Play Quake Leadership ... Merchandise
Played with a ball like a cross between an American Football and a soccer ball, there is no sport like it for fitness and other health benefits. You jog, sprint, catch, pass and kick the ball, tackle, wrestle, jump and occasionally have pause for breath. You develop strength in your arms and legs, limberness, stamina and endurance, dexterity in handling the ball and flexibility in the way you run - dodging and weaving and side-stepping like never before.
Rugby Past
The History of Rugby begins in the early 1800's when formalities were introduced to soccer rules in the seven major public schools of England. Six of the seven schools were largely playing the same game - while the seventh, Rugby School (founded in 1567) in Warwickshire, was playing a markedly different version of soccer. This was to become known as rugby.
The other schools moved ahead refining their rules and eventually their game became known as "association football" - soccer. How the Rugby School's game developed differently is lost in the history of rugby and the true story is unlikely to ever be known.

13. DJournalist- Trinidad And Tobago-Olympic History 1
with a pullout of mostly African countries due to the presence of New Zealand, whose rugby team had toured South Africa T T's 50 years of olympic history IV
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Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee By TERENCE HILTON-CLARKE
Part 1
Monday , June 22, 1998
FIFTY YEARS HAVE PASSED since Trinidad and Tobago began its Olympic journey. A half century since a team of three athletes travelled to the 1948 games in London with the aim of attaining glory for a small British colony. With the exception of 1960, the last five decades have seen this nation represented in 12 Olympiads with a total of 90 athletes in eight different disciplines: badminton, boxing, cycling, shooting, swimming, track and field, weightlifting and yachting. It wasn't until the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo that Trinidad and Tobago returned to the fold as an independent nation with a team of ten competitors. It was on the athletic track that the greatest prosperity was attained. Edwin Roberts, an outstanding collegian with the University of North Carolina, made it to the final of the 200m where he earned a bronze medal. The 1972 Olympic Games in Munich saw two important records being established. Trinidad and Tobago fielded its largest ever contingent of 20 athletes, among whom a female sprinter, Laura Pierre was included for the first time. Once again, the top performances came on the athletic track.

14. Rugby Relics - The WORLD'S Leading Supplier Of Rugby Memorabilia
Fergusson, Beckham, Souvenir, history, Relics, rugby 1 memorabilia, atheltics memorabilia,olympic memorabilia, tennis football programs, rugby program, rugby
RUGBY RELICS The Leading Supplier of Rugby Memorabilia Worldwide established 1991 Australia WHAT'S NEW at RUGBY RELICS - CLICK HERE - updated 10/6/04 The A to Z of RUGBY RELICS WEB PAGES - CLICK HERE We now accept online payments with Paypal - Click here for more info Rugby Relics Ltd is the leading supplier of Rugby Union memorabilia worldwide. We sell (mail order only) all kinds of rugby collectables, dating from the game's origins at Rugby School to modern day memorabilia. We have something for everyone, whether it's that elusive piece of memorabilia or a gift for the "rugby nut" in your family. We also have a selection of other sporting memorabilia. Whatever your interests take a look through our pages. You'll be amazed at the great items on offer. Shortcuts to Rugby Relics pages - click on the links to the left or below.............. WORLD RUGBY MUSEUM - CLICK HERE SELL YOUR COLLECTION OR ITEM OF MEMORABILIA - CLICK HERE HOME A to Z of pages ... World Rugby Museum Rugby Relics Ltd,
61 Leonard Street

15. Olympic Games - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
1976 olympics because New Zealand s rugby team had Official Siteof the olympic Movement. page Discuss this page Page history What links
Olympic Games
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Olympics A runner carries the Olympic torch The Olympic Games are a multi-sport event taking place every fourth year . Originally held in ancient Greece , they were revived by French Baron Pierre de Coubertin in the late 19th century . The Games of the Olympiad, better known as the Summer Olympics , have been held every fourth year since , with the exception of the years during the World Wars . A special edition for winter sports, the Winter Olympic Games , started in ; since these are no longer held in the same year as the Games of the Olympiad. Table of contents 1 Ancient Olympics 2 Revival of the Olympic Games 3 Summer Olympics 4 Winter Olympics ... edit
Ancient Olympics
In detail: Ancient Olympic Games Ruins of the training grounds at Olympia The origin of the Ancient Olympic Games has been lost in time, although there are many legends surrounding its origins. The first recorded celebration of the Games in Olympia was in 776 BC , although this was certainly not the first time they were held. The Games were then mostly a local affair, and only one event was contested, the stadion race.

16. Rugby Union - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
history. rugby originated in England and is played throughout the UnitedKingdom and Ireland. rugby Union at the olympic Games.
Rugby Union
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Rugby union Server will be down for maintenance on 2004-06-11 from about 18:00 to 18:30 UTC. Supposedly invented during a football game by William Webb Ellis at Rugby School , the game of Rugby Union is a team sport contested with an ovoid ball by two teams of 15 players, the object being to outscore the opposing team. The ball is carried in the hand and may be passed backwards or laterally across the pitch or kicked in any direction. The opposing players attempt to halt the ball-carrier by tackling him or her with their arms and bodies. On being tackled, the ball carrier must release the ball, at which time a contest for possession of the ball commences (either a ruck or a maul). The sport is governed by the International Rugby Board , founded in , who also publish the game's laws Table of contents 1 History 1.1 Six Nations Rugby Tournament
1.2 Rugby Union at the Olympic Games

1.3 The schism
... edit
Rugby originated in England and is played throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland . As a result of the British Empire , it has also become popular in many former colonies such as Australia South Africa and New Zealand , where it helped to build a sense of community amongst colonial men. It is also popular in southern

Tug of war, rugby, polo, lacrosse, and golf were once on the olympic programme. atthese sports and discover others that have become a part of olympic history.
The current Olympic Games programme includes 35 sports and nearly 400 events.
There are also past Olympic sports and sports recognised by the Olympic Movement.
Click below to discover the sports and disciplines on the programme of the next Olympic Games.
UseFlash = 0;
Summer sports:
Winter sports:

Archery Athletics Badminton ... Skiing RECOGNISED SPORTS Climbing, bridge, golf, roller skating and surfing are sports that are recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The International Sports Federations (IFs) that administer these sports must ensure that their statutes, practice and activities conform with the Olympic Charter. Learn more OLYMPIC SPORTS OF THE PAST Tug of war, rugby, polo, lacrosse, and golf were once on the Olympic programme. Have a closer look at these sports and discover others that have become a part of Olympic history. Learn more TORCH RELAY For the first time, on the occasion of the 2004 Games in Athens, the Relay is taking the Olympic message to all five continents.

Golf also has a long history, as it origins can be made entreaties to be returnedto the olympic programme rugby rugby football is one of the earliest forms of


Sports no longer practised at the Olympic Games

Tug-of-war was on the Olympic programme in 1900, 1904, 1906 (Intercalated Games), 1908, 1912 and 1920. Tug-of-war was always contested as a part of the track and field athletics programme, although it is now considered a separate sport. The Olympic champions were as follows: 1900: a combined Swedish/Danish team; 1904: an American club team representing the Milwaukee Athletic Club; 1906: Germany/Switzerland; 1908: a British team from the City of London Police Club; 1912: Sweden; and 1920: Great Britain.
Golf has been on the Olympic programme twice, in 1900 and 1904. There were two golf events in 1900 - one for gentlemen and one for ladies. Golf is one of the world's most popular sports, being played in well over 100 nations world-wide. Golf also has a long history, as it origins can be traced back several centuries, and it has had organised international competitions since the mid-19th century. In the last decade golf has made entreaties to be returned to the Olympic programme.
Rugby Rugby football is one of the earliest forms of football in which the ball is carried rather than kicked. It developed in Great Britain in the mid-19th century. Originally, rugby league was considered the professional sport and rugby union the amateur one, but in 1995 the International Rugby Board made rugby union an open sport, allowing professional competition. Rugby union football was held at the Olympics in 1900, 1908, 1920 and 1924.

19. Canada At The Olympics
Shooting, Standing Volleyball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Wheelchair Basketball,Wheelchair rugby. She is the only person in olympic history to be awarded
Olympic Information about Canada
Canada has a proud record of participation in the Olympic Games. This page will provide some of the details. THE OLYMPIC GAMES Canada was awarded the 1976 Summer Games in Montreal, QC and the 1988 Winter Games in Calgary, AB . Canada will host the 2010 Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver/Whistler, BC. We will also participate in the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece, the 2006 Winter Games in Turin, Italy, and the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, China. The Summer and Winter Olympic games were held during the same year up to and including 1992, after which time the same-year format was changed. The next Winter Olympics was held two years later in 1994. The Summer and Winter Olympic games are now held in alternating two year cycles. The Games were not held during the 2 World Wars. Since the start of the "Modern" Summer Games (1896) in Athens Greece, Canada has participated in every Olympics except two. Canada did not attend the the first Games in 1896 and, they joined the USA, Japan, China and West Germany in the boycott of the 1980 Moscow Summer Games. Canada's Summer Olympic Games History
Year Host City Gold Silver Bronze Total Sydney Atlanta Barcelona Seoul Los Angeles Moscow No Canadian participation Montreal Munich Mexico City Tokyo Rome Melbourne Helsinki London London Cancelled due to World War II Tokyo/Helsinki Cancelled due to World War II Berlin Los Angeles Amsterdam Paris Antwerp Berlin Cancelled due to World War I Stockholm

20. Pacific Coast Rugby Football Union
yet most spectacular eras in the history of Pacific players in California, however,to let rugby get away forwarded soon after to the US olympic Committee for

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