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1. International Institute For Sport And Olympic History Nonprofit educational corporation, 501c3, IISOH, Library, Museum, olympic Games, history of Sport, Physical Education, Wrestling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Sports Athletics, Dance, Recreation International Institute for Sport. and olympic history. The following subject areas are suggested areas of interest for olympics 1904) Rowing. rugby. Running. Sailing ( see Yachting http://www.harveyabramsbooks.com/501c3subjects.html | |
2. USA Rugby - History AN AMERICAN TRADITION. On May 5, 1874, Harvard University hosted Montreals McGill University at Cambridge, Mass., in the first recorded rugby game on American soil. a sport in four olympic Games http://www.usarugby.org/about/history.html | |
3. International Institute For Sport And Olympic History Nonprofit educational corporation, 501c3, IISOH, Library, Museum, olympic Games, history of Sport, Physical Education, Wrestling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Sports Athletics, Dance, Recreation. areas for baseball, football, soccer, rugby, cricket, tennis, basketball, lacrosse, field http://www.harveyabramsbooks.com/501c3buildingplans.html | |
4. Journal Of Olympic History Magazine Index Journal of olympic history (formerly Citius, Altius, Fortius) Index 19921999 .org/SportsLibrary/JOH/JOHv5n1/JOHv5n1g. pdf. rugby Football at the olympic Games, Ian Buchanan 12 - 14 http://www.aafla.org/index/JOHIndex.html |
5. History Of Rugby In The Olympics The history of rugby in the olympic Games. 1920 US olympic Team (BACK, LR)Wallace, Patrick, OÂNeil, Fish, J Muldoon, Fitzpatrick, Slater, Righter. http://rugbymag.com/archive/2004/march/history.htm | |
6. 1976 Montreal Canada Olympics History The history of the olympics Before the olympic Games, New Zealand s rugby team touredSouth Africa (still mired in apartheid) and played against them. http://history1900s.about.com/library/weekly/aa081000v.htm | |
7. HickokSports.com - History - Olympic Medalists In Rugby history. rugby has been an olympic sport four times. In 1900 and 1924,roundrobin tournaments decided the standings. Single-elimination http://www.hickoksports.com/history/olrugby.shtml | |
9. Journal Of Olympic History (formerly Citius, Altius, Fortius) Voulume rugby FOOTBALLAT THE olympic GAMEsBY IAN BUCHANANIn view of Baron de Coubertins love of the game it comes. as no surprise that rugby football made an appearance. on the olympic program as early as 1900. untilPage 12 Journal of olympic Historyshortly before the olympic Games http://www.aafla.org/SportsLibrary/JOH/JOHv5n1/JOHv5n1h.pdf |
10. CANOE 2002 Games - Skating Scandal Overshadows History-making Olympic Week olympic history. Mark Jackson, a shorttrack speedskater from New Zealand, said athletes are used to being overshadowed by the sport of the day. In his country, it's rugby http://www.canoe.com/2002GamesNews0202/17_scandal-ap.html | |
11. ISOH - International Society Of Olympic Historians Research Interests Early olympic history history of olympic Commercialism - history of olympic Ceremonies Research Interests rugby in the olympic Games, Athletics in the http://www.olykamp.org/isoh/membership-alpha.html | |
12. Seattle Quake Rugby Football Club :|: History it in a defining moment in sports history is now As American rugbyÂs popularitybegan to grow, rugby was soon included as a sport in four olympic Games (1900 http://www.quakerugby.org/history.shtml | |
13. DJournalist- Trinidad And Tobago-Olympic History 1 with a pullout of mostly African countries due to the presence of New Zealand, whose rugby team had toured South Africa T T's 50 years of olympic history IV http://djournalist.tripod.com/olympichistory.htm | |
14. Rugby Relics - The WORLD'S Leading Supplier Of Rugby Memorabilia Fergusson, Beckham, Souvenir, history, Relics, rugby 1 memorabilia, atheltics memorabilia,olympic memorabilia, tennis football programs, rugby program, rugby http://www.rugbyrelics.com/ | |
15. Olympic Games - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1976 olympics because New Zealand s rugby team had www.olympic.org/ Official Siteof the olympic Movement. page Discuss this page Page history What links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympics | |
16. Rugby Union - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia history. rugby originated in England and is played throughout the UnitedKingdom and Ireland. rugby Union at the olympic Games. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugby_union | |
17. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - SPORTS Tug of war, rugby, polo, lacrosse, and golf were once on the olympic programme. atthese sports and discover others that have become a part of olympic history. http://www.olympic.org/uk/sports/index_uk.asp | |
18. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - SPORTS Golf also has a long history, as it origins can be made entreaties to be returnedto the olympic programme rugby rugby football is one of the earliest forms of http://www.olympic.org/uk/sports/past/index_uk.asp | |
19. Canada At The Olympics Shooting, Standing Volleyball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Wheelchair Basketball,Wheelchair rugby. She is the only person in olympic history to be awarded http://www.members.shaw.ca/kcic1/olympics.html | |
20. Pacific Coast Rugby Football Union yet most spectacular eras in the history of Pacific players in California, however,to let rugby get away forwarded soon after to the US olympic Committee for http://www.pacificcoastrugby.com/template.php?sid=10 |
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