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Rowing Recreational: more detail | |||||
81. Affordable Fast Recreational Rowing Catamarans With Sliding Riggers By Virus Affordable Fast recreational rowing Catamarans by Virus recreational ocean rowing shells for the individual. Easily transported http://www.virusuk.demon.co.uk/kataram/ | |
82. Rowing Shells US Distributor for Virus rowing shells. Made in France, Virus recreational and sport rowing boats are stable, durable, fast, and sleek in design. http://boats.designerz.com/boating-rowingshells.php | |
83. Rowing Shells Thumbshots, Alden rowing Shells Manufacturer of fiberglass recreational rowing and openwater shells. Sponsor of Alden Ocean Shell Organization. http://boats.designerz.com/boating-rowingshells.php?cat=903591&q=&stf=0&lim=10 |
84. Rowing Equipment, Apparel And Accessories. ADVERTISERS. Alden recreational Oar rowing Shell. Red Carpet Shopping Alden recreational Oar rowing Shell (Paddles Oars) Heavy http://www.sportbee.com/rowing.html | |
85. Milwaukee Rowing Club The fundamental principle of the Club is to provide to the community, at minimum cost, the broadest possible access to rowing as a recreational and competitive http://www.milwaukeerowingclub.org/ | |
86. Sculling Skiff, A Recreational Rowing Shell For Stitch And Glue Plywood Construc 353, Sculling Skiff. a 17 recreational rowing shell, Build in STITCH and GLUE PLYWOOD. CHARACTERISTICS. Length overall, 17 2 . Beam, 27 1/2 . Depth amidship, 10 . http://www.glen-l.com/designs/canu-row/scullingskiff.html | |
87. Watercraft: Boats: Rowing Shells Manufacturer and retailer of competitive, as well as, recreational rowing craft. Virus. Manufacturer of recreational rowing boats and ocean rowing shells. http://www.puredirectory.com/Shopping/Vehicles/Watercraft/Boats/Rowing-Shells/ | |
88. Simple Sports Rowing Boat : SEAGULL Simple recreational rowing. Seagull - £47.50. LOA 4.640 m 15ft 3in BEAM 1.226 m 4ft 1 in WEIGHT 42 kg 93 Ib approx. Simple recreational rowing. http://www.fyneboatkits.com/trolleyed/60/61/68/ | |
89. LSU Recreational Sports Center: ROWING There is a place for both begineers and experienced rowers. There are two divisions of the rowing club recreational and competitive. http://appl003.lsu.edu/slas/lsurecsports.nsf/$TextOnly/ROWING?OpenDocument |
90. Albany Rowing Center Adult recreational rowing Program. http://www.albanyrowingcenter.org/programs/adultrecs.htm | |
91. Singapore Amateur Rowing Association recreational rowing Members may take part in recreational rowing that can be either carried out at Kallang River or Pandan Reservoir. http://www.sara.org.sg/activ02.html | |
92. Rec Squad If you then decide you would like to do recreational rowing, then the Rec Squad is just to place to start; having fun and getting fit in the process! http://www.maidenheadrc.org.uk/recsquad.php | |
93. Top 100 Rowing Sites List 45, 76. 5, ECHO rowing Shell recreational rowing shell with the unique ECHO folding rigger system making rowing simple, convenient and magic. 43, 53. http://top100.8oar.com/top100/rankem.html | |
94. Texas Rowing Center We offer up to five coaching sessions per week, and two crews to choose from (recreational and competitive). No prior rowing experience is necessary because http://www.txrowing.com/juniors.html | |
95. Recreational Rowing Shells These are recreational row boats. Sometimes they are called rowing shells or sculls. Designed for a more varied type of water conditions http://www.1stdirectproducts.com/rerosh.html | |
96. Row Boats, Sculling Boats, Sail Boats, Small Fishing Boats, Lifeboats, Rowboat, There is nothing better than messing about in a fine rowboat and we build the best sculling boats available for recreational rowing. http://www.whitehallrow.com/ | |
97. Watercraft/Boats/Rowing Shells http//www.aylings.co.uk/. BBG Bootsbau Berlin GmbH Manufacturer and retailer of competitive, as well as, recreational rowing craft. In German and English. http://www.webjunkyards.com/websites/Watercraft/Boats/Rowing_Shells/ | |
98. Recreational Program competition. recreational rowing is primarily sweep rowing (each rower has only one oar and the boats have either 4 or 8 rowers). http://www.hanlanboatclub.ca/Recreational.htm | |
99. A Family Club Offering Skiff Racing, Recreational Rowing And Punting CLICK HERE FOR FREE DOMAINS. http://www.theskiffclub.co.uk/ | |
100. Kansas City Rowing Club - Homepage Mission. To teach, practice and promote recreational and competitive rowing in the Kansas City Metropolitan area. The scope of membership http://www.kcrowing.com/ | |
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