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Rowing Recreational: more detail | |||||
61. Wanted Recreational Rowing Shell Wanted recreational rowing shell. Wanted recreational rowing shell in Western Canada for under $1000.00 any condition. John Smith http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=00BRUg |
62. Chesapeake Rowing From Tom McGlinn Greetings from your factoryauthorized Alden, Maas and Hudson dealer. Chesapeake rowing specializes in recreational and FITNESS rowing. http://www.scanit.com/row/ | |
63. RCRC Home Based in the Port of Sacramento. Offers a wide variety of options for rowers, from highly competitive Masters to recreational rowers, and junior, novice and learnto-row programs. http://www.rivercityrowing.org/ | |
64. The Sprint Recreational Rowing Shell From Little River Marine shell ? Little River Marine has responded to your quest, and added the SPRINT to our complete line of recreational rowing craft. http://www.littlerivermarine.com/boats-Sprint.php |
65. The Pro Am 25 & Pro Am Elite Rowing Shells From Little River Marine around approach to rowing. The Pro Am series fills this niche and is now the hottest ticket in recreational rowing. Click to enlarge. http://www.littlerivermarine.com/boats-Pro_Am.php | |
66. Austin Rowing Club A nonprofit membership organization offering recreational and competitive rowing on Town Lake in Austin, Texas. The club offers Learn to Row classes for sculling and sweep rowing and hosts two regattas each year. http://www.austinrowing.org | |
67. Oarsport - Alden Rowing Shells Introduction Alden Receational. Alden are hailed as the inventor of recreational rowing in the United States. Over 25,000 Alden shells have been http://www.oarsport.co.uk/alden_recreational.php | |
68. Www.boatclub.org - Minnesota Boat Club Located in St. Paul, Minnesota, the club offers competitive and recreational rowing. http://www.boatclub.org | |
69. Neighborhood Link - Customize your neighborhood s web address. Wyandotte Clubs Organizations. Wyandotte Boat Club Adult recreational rowing Why let kids have all the fun? http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/org/clubextra.html?nclubid=674989835&nid=2922399 |
70. The Occoquan Boat Club, Est. 1979 OBC is a community rowing club located on the Occoquan Reservoir at Sandy Run, committed to promoting recreational and competitive rowing in the Northern Virginia region. http://www.rowobc.org/ | |
71. Recreational Rowing: Crewing And Sculling Are Making A Splash March 26, 1998 recreational rowing Crewing and sculling are making a splash. By GREG JOHNSTON Mail Author Bio SEATTLE POSTINTELLIGENCER REPORTER. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/getaways/032698/row26.html | |
72. Page Not Found Show or explain the proper use of anchors for rowboats. Describe the following Types of craft used in commercial, competitive, and recreational rowing. http://www.meritbadge.com/bsa/mb/098.htm | |
73. Kataram Innovative For Recreational Rowing In All Water Conditions Kataram Innovative for recreational rowing in all water conditions. Innovative for recreational rowing in all water conditions. Ultimately http://www.navstore.com/virus_kataram.asp | |
74. Custom Carbon UK - Recreational Boats recreational rowing Videos. Taken to the water in the form of recreational rowing, it is a totally healthy and positive experience. http://www.customcarbon.co.nz/boats.htm | |
75. ROWING Show or explain the proper use of anchors for rowboats. Describe the following Types of crafts used in commercial, competitive, and recreational rowing. http://www.usscouts.org/mb/mb098.html | |
76. VRC Rowing: Membership & Programs: Learn To Row And Corporate Programs: Recreati recreational rowing is generally not coached, though private lessons are available from any of our coaches. Starting in May, we http://www.vancouverrowingclub.ca/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article& |
77. Open Water Rowing Center Philosophy They were known as recreational shells , and the sport, recreational rowing , since it was assumed - most were used by peoplejust out for the exercise and http://www.owrc.com/philos.htm | |
78. Recreational 700 pm Any person interested in trying out rowing may row on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the scheduled recreational rowing time with coaching. http://www.duluthrowing.com/recreational.htm | |
79. Rec Rowing recreational rowing is for anyone who has taken a recent learn to row, has done corporate challenge, or has rowed within the past three months. http://www.vcrc.bc.ca/rec_rowing.htm | |
80. Affordable Recreational Rowing Boats By Virus Affordable recreational rowing Boats by Virus recreational ocean rowing shells. Easily transported, ideal for daily exercise or family fun. Double/single. http://www.virusuk.demon.co.uk/rowing-boats.html | |
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