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Rowing Recreational: more detail | |||||
22. Weybridge Rowing Club Supporting juniors, women, men, veterans and recreational rowers. They offer safe reach ARA qualified coaches, good equipment and licensed bar. http://www.weybridge.rowing.org.uk/ |
23. RowersWorld.com Moved RowersWorld.com, a premier source of rowing News, rowing Photos, rowing Diaries Columns, as well as general information on the sport of rowing. Harbor of Hong Kong and everywhere in between, recreational rowing is open to rowers of all age groups promote the sport of rowing. Though some recreational rowers choose to row http://www.rowingresults.com/Content/About/2000_7_10g.php | |
24. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Shells Recreational Rowing At Epinions.com Epinions has the best comparison shopping information on Shells recreational rowing. We found 12 results for Shells recreational rowing. Search Results, http://www.epinions.com/sprt-All-Rowing-Shells-Recreational | |
25. Detailed Record Stroke a guide to recreational rowing  By Bruce C Brown  Publisher Camden, Me. International Marine Pub. Co., ©1986. http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/afa6241bfe69055ba19afeb4da09e526.html | |
26. Dallas Rowing Club Club offering recreational rowing, classes, and boat storage at Bachman Lake. Includes membership information, photos, classifieds, links, and contact. http://www.dallasrowingclub.org/ |
27. Open Water Recreational Rowing Shells By Wayland Marine recreational, openwater rowing shells - Sea Ranger - Breeze - Merry Wherry kits made by Wayland Marine, Alden rowing shells dealer The Sportrecreational rowing, whether it be called sculling, sliding-seat rowing or open-water rowing offers 1989 to manufacture rowing shell kits. recreational rowing is our only http://www.rowmaster.com/ | |
28. Recreational - Argonaut Rowing Club recreational Program. Coordinator David Cole. recreational@argonautrowingclub.com. The ARC recreational rowing Program is the largest program within the club. http://www.argonautrowingclub.com/recreational | |
29. San Diego Rowing Club Club based on Mission Bay. Master's juniors, and recreational programs; photos and boathouse information. http://www.sdrc-row.org/ | |
30. RECREATIONAL CRAFT DIRECTIVE AND COMMENTS TO THE DIRECTIVE COMBINED recreational CRAFT DIRECTIVEANDCOMMENTS TO THE DIRECTIVECOMBINED21/10/98SECOND EDITIONA G U I solely for racing, including rowing racing boats andtraining rowing boats labelled http://www.walaw.com/reccraft.pdf |
31. Summer Rowing Coordinator - Argonaut Rowing Club rowing Coordinator Position. Argonaut rowing Club. 2004 Summer recreational rowing Coordinator. The Argonaut rowing Club Summer rowing http://www.argonautrowingclub.com/summerrowingcoordinator |
32. Hanlan Boat Club rowing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Masters, Competitive, and recreational rowing. Learn to row. http://www.hanlanboatclub.ca | |
33. Green River Marine - Affordable Sports & Recreational Rowing Boats By VIRUS Of B Affordable Sports recreational rowing Boats by VIRUS of Brittany. Virus rowing boats are the most lightweight yet extremely safe craft are the future of recreational rowing. http://www.greenrivermarine.com/ |
34. Lincoln Park Boat Club (LPBC) Lincoln Park Boat Club is home to competitive and recreational canoeing, kayaking and rowing in Chicagoland. http://www.lpbc.net | |
35. Recreational Rowing Program recreational rowing Program. Purpose To provide basis. Most sessions are coached. To all rowers interested in recreational rowing program We http://www.wrra.cc/rec/ | |
36. San Francisco Bay Blades rowing club, including competitive and recreational sweep rowing and sculling in the SF Bay Area, calendar of events, practice schedule and photo gallery. http://www.sfbayblades.org/ |
37. Annapolis Rowing Club A recreational and competitive rowing club. Includes information on membership, regattas, programs and links. http://www.annapolisrowingclub.com | |
38. YWCA Rowing Centre Cost $125 including GST (payable at first class). Please note that a Waitlist operates so request a booking/enrolment form. recreational rowing. http://www.ozonline.com.au/ywca-rowing/act_intensive.html | |
39. Fort Worth Rowing Club Competitive and recreational activities. Includes information on membership, activities, and goals as well as contact details and location map. http://www.fortworthrowing.com/ | |
40. Learn To Row, Recreational, Competitive Rowing Programs, Lake Union Crew, Seattl Lake Union Crew is a rowing club and fully staffed rowing training center for competitive masters, junior, recreational, and beginner rowers, located on Lake http://www.lakeunioncrew.com/programs.htm | |
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