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81. Australian Institute Of Sport - Rowing The Australian Institute of Sport rowing program was established in Canberra in 1985. rowingAustralia and its aim is to develop rowers to olympic and world http://www.ausport.gov.au/ais/Rowing/ | |
82. Rowing rowing at the Australian Institute of Sport. rowing Australia. olympic results forAustralian rowing 1996 or 2000 and the Australian olympic honour http://www.ausport.gov.au/info/rowing.htm | |
83. Athens Rentals Summer 2004: Location Map Olympic Venues Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre, Sport, Venue. Canoe / Kayak(Flatwater), Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre. rowing, http://mykonos-accommodation.com/athens-home-rentals-location.htm | |
84. Sports Athens olympic 2004. They will compete in Taekwondo, shooting, swimming, women srowing and trackand-field events, according to the Vietnam sports Committee. http://www.vov.org.vn/2004_04_29/english/thethao.htm | |
85. Sports rowing athletes qualified for Athens Olympics. sports weekly review. Vietnamesefencers attend Athens Olympics qualifying round. http://www.vov.org.vn/2004_04_26/english/thethao.htm | |
86. Seattle Times: Olympics: Sport By Sport with McCagg pacing her on an adjacent rowing machine had rowed in the 1992 and 1996Olympic eights with Juanita and Kenmore and played three sports at Lakeside http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/sports/olympics/sydney_00/bysport/rowing/ | |
87. Filoxenia '04 Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre. Sport, Venue. Canoe /Kayak Flatwater, Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre. rowing, http://www.filoxenia2004.com/choice_location.asp | |
88. Telegraph | Sport | British Rowers Well Placed To Match Olympic Expectations The olympic rowing programme in Athens runs from Saturday, Aug 14 to http://sport.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/sport/2004 |
89. ESPN.com - OLY - Olympics News Wire will be able to join the US rowing team in with the Palestinian team at the Olympicswould be a swimmer and a boxer, Palestinian deputy sports minister Jamal http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=oly&id=1804018 |
90. ESPN.com - OLY - Jaanson Surprise Winner At Rowing World Cup POZNAN, Poland Estonia s Jueri Jaanson surprised twotime world champion MarcelHacker of Germany to win the men s single scull at the rowing World Cup on http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/news/story?id=1798223 |
91. Rowing  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic History, Atlant The crew came here after being trounced by three of their olympic rivalin Lucerne, and rowing is a sport that tends to run to form. http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/rowing/rowingreport19.html | |
92. Bayer Sport, RTHC, Rowing To make the olympic squad they will have to qualify both at national and internationally.In 2003 the DRV (German rowing Association) failed to qualify for the http://www.sport.bayer.com/index.cfm?PAGE_ID=3006 |
93. Irish Amateur Rowing Union - Home Page In that same year, Irish crews competed in the olympic Regatta at Henley. Rowinghas been an olympic sport since the beginning of the modern olympics in 1896. http://www.iaru.ie/main.php?page_type=about_rowing |
94. Steven And Ann Redgrave She has headed the sports medicine team for rowing at the last twoOlympic Games. Sir Steven Redgrave is truly a unique Olympian. http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/publicity/degree_days/degree_2001/redgraves.html | |
95. Australian Institute Of Sport - Rowing head coach of every Australian olympic rowing team since FIVE AIS ROWERS WIN MEDALSAT WORLD CUP th 2003) Australian Institute of Sport rowers have finalised http://www.ais.org.au/rowing/news.htm | |
96. Sport Canada - Canadian Olympic And Paralympic Results - 2000 Sydney Summer Olym 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics Top 8 Performances by Canadian Athletes. Athlete Name,Sport, Event, Place. Alexander Buffy, rowing, Women s Eights With Coxswain (8+),3. http://www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/progs/sc/result/2000-sydney_e.cfm | |
97. Spotlight Sport - Rowing Visit CBS Sportline s Olympics 2000 for rowing news. Or read about howrowing developed from a mode of transportation into speedy sport. http://www.wyoming.edgate.org/summergames/inactive/spotlight_sport/rowing.html |
98. Stamps Topicals Sport Stamps Olympic (s) Games : Mint , Used Rowing , Athletic Stamps Topicals Thematics. Olympics / Sport Stamps. Part 1 A L. 1270/5,OL54, $ 3.50, $ 1.40. continue with Olympics / Sport Stamps part 2 M -Y. http://www.namibstamps.com.na/olympics.htm | |
99. SLAM! Sports - Other Sports: Olympics 2004 Canada, sports news, scores, stats, features and more in Canada and abroad from SLAM! sports http://www.canoe.ca/SlamAmateurSports/olympics2004.html | |
100. SUPPLEMENT NO. 14 grant program or some other type of incentive for sponsoring endangered Olympicsports. met with representatives from track and field, rowing, gymnastics and http://www1.ncaa.org/membership/governance/division_I/champ_cabinet/2003/Septemb | |
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