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41. Seattle Times: Olympics: Sport By Sport , There are two types of olympic rowing events, sculling and sweep oar. , Thereare two main distinctions between rowing and paddling sports such as http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/sports/olympics/sydney_00/bysport/rowing/basics | |
42. Olympic Rowing Tickets - Olympic Rowing Olympic Rowing Schedule - Ticket Broker We are also happy to provide information about regular season schedules for allprofessional sports leagues. Click here to find olympic rowing tickets. http://www.coasttocoasttickets.com/olympics/rowing_tickets.shtml | |
43. International Institute For Sport And Olympic History IISOH, Library, Museum, olympic Games, History of Sport, Physical Education, Wrestling,Fencing, Gymnastics, sports Athletics, rowing, Dance, Recreation. http://www.harveyabramsbooks.com/501c3donaterowing.html | |
44. Olympics 2004 - Houses For Rent In Athens Games - GERAKAS 008 - 3 Bedroom Distance From Venues olympic Village 26km; Athens olympic sports Centre - 10km;Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre - 28km; Markopoulo olympic Centre http://olympics.greece.com/athens/houses/GERAKAS_008.html | |
45. Sports, Events, Olympics: Rowing sportsWater sportsrowing. A Fine Balance Site features segments fromfeature length documentary about the 2000 US men s olympic rowing team. http://www.combose.com/Sports/Events/Olympics/Rowing/ | |
46. EdGate Summer Games The USOC site is a onestop source for olympic rowing history, a out the internationalrowing scene on the International rowing Federation s (FISA More sports. http://www2.edgate.com/summergames/spotlight_sport/rowing.php | |
47. 2004 All Sports For Athens 2004 Olympic Games - Accommodation Apartments,Houses, 28 August) at the olympic Indoor Hall, within the Athens olympic sports Complex (OCO racingcompetition will be held at the Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing http://www.allrooms.org/olympics_sports.asp | |
48. Rowing Frequently Asked Questions members of the 1980 US olympic rowing Team Three Rivers rowing Assoc., Pittsburgh,PA (Boys and girls weekly sculling school) National Water sports Centre Holme http://riceinfo.rice.edu/~hofer/Rowingfaq.html | |
49. On Wisconsin Sports®: 1996 Summer Olympics Other olympic sports. Cycling SuperBike and track both fast; olympic Roundup Debutis a day at rowing Coxwain Farooq talks the talk; Soccer Hamm injured in US http://www.jsonline.com/sports/oly/olysport.html | |
50. USOC - Olympic Visitor Center The center has sport venues and support facilities for nine olympic sports archery,canoe/kayak, cycling, field hockey, rowing, soccer, softball, tennis, and http://www.usoc.org/about_us/visitor_ctr_ARCO.html | |
51. USBC | More Info | A Brief History Of Rowing rowing is one of the original olympic sports with the first modern olympicgames, held in Athens in 1896, due to be its debut. Unfortunately http://www.ussu.net/rowing/history.htm | |
52. FANOFUNNY - CartooNet Festival 2000 "Olympic Humour" : Sports rowing Sailing Shooting Soccer Swimming Synchro swimming Table tennis Taekwondo TennisVolleyball Volleyball Beach Water polo Weightlifting Wrestling Olympics, http://www.fanofunny.com/olympichumour/eng/sport-18.html | |
53. Australian Olympic Youth Festival 2002 of the Australian olympic Committee, the Australian Youth olympic Festival is fromAustralia, Oceania, East Asia and in some sports the world. About the rowing. http://www.rowingaustralia.com.au/OlyYthFest2002/ | |
54. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Olympic Notebook: Safety Worries Cause Rowing Champ To retired in 2002, then returned to rowing after becoming because the ruling Talibanbarred women from sports. and three Afghan men were given olympic wild cards http://www.sltrib.com/2004/May/05232004/sports/169033.asp | |
55. The Age The latest Australian olympic Committee s benchmark study projects three rowing medalsin Most sports would be happy to match the AOC projection; rowing http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/05/04/1083635130002.html?from=storyrhs |
56. Sports Tickets,concert Tickets,theater Tickets At Razorgator olympic Hall, $250, $225. rowing M W Heats, 8/15/2004 Sunday 830am,Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre, $195, $185. Sailing M http://www.razorgator.com/shop/list_event.asp?mode=pfriendly&categoryid=AT2004 |
57. Ancient Ruins Found At Olympic Rowing Site -DAWN - Sport; 20 July, 2001 discovered ancient ruins at the Skinias olympic water sports of location for the Gameswater sports complex there are specific results. The rowing and canoeing http://www.dawn.com/2001/07/20/spt10.htm | |
58. University Of Kansas Athletics Click Here! Page last modified 095848 Tuesday, August 26, 2003 Now 210103- Tuesday, May 18, 2004. olympic sports Feature - KU rowing. The 2001-02 Season. http://www.kuathletics.com/mensbasketball/past_seasons/02_03/crimsonblue/02_14_0 | |
59. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print by Craig Lambert Publisher Comments In this wise and thrilling book, Craig Lambertturns rowingpersonal discipline, modern olympic sport, grand collegiate http://www.powells.com/subsection/SportsandFitnessRowing.html | |
60. China Travel Net Helliniko olympic Complex (HELLINIKO) Athens olympic sports Complex (OAKA)/Maroussi.BEACH VOLLEYBALL (BV). Schinias olympic rowing and Canoeing Centre. http://www.chinatravel1.com/english/olympic/cgjjl.htm | |
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